
Thursday 17 September 2015

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas

Hi Bloggers.

Here's today's card -

For the background, I ran a piece of Coconut White Card through the Grand Calibur with the Creative Expressions Contemporary Poinsettia Embossing Folder. I made a frame using Spellbinders 6 x 6 Matting Basics A and B Die Sets. Leaving the dies in place, I inked through them with Fired Brick Distress Ink using a Smoothie.

I then used a couple of the Poinsettia Stamps from John Lockwood's Poinsettia Elements Clear Stamp Set  and randomly stamped them around the frame using Vermillion Archival.

I stamped the sentiment from the same stamp set, again using Vermillion Archival. I cut it out using another Matting Basics Die and inked through the die with Fired Brick. I cut one of Sue Wilson's Union Square Die Set.

I tied a bow using a piece of Red Solid Two Tone Ribbon. I stamped another poinsettia from John's set, cut it out using scissors and added it to my bow.

I assembled the card as shown adding some White Pearls and piercing around the edges using my Tim Holtz Ruler, Precision Probe and Piercing Mat.

Phill Martin has more shows on Hochanda today - I think they're at 9am, 12noon, 4pm and 7pm but do check the schedule.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Lovely card Julia
    Luv Rach :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Morning Julia, a gorgeous card love this embossing folder.
    Nancyd xx

  4. Hi Julia
    Stunning christmas card love the colours thank you tracyw

  5. Good Morning Julia

    Another warm Christmassy card love the border you have created with the stamp.

    I hope you are finding a few seconds breathing space before the weekend!

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  6. Great Christmas card, love the embossed background.


  7. Morning Julia.
    A beautiful card Thank you. Julia thank you for my order what a speedy service when you are so busy. thank you take care Kitty.

  8. Hi Julia. Love the embossing folder you have used on this lovely card. SueL x

  9. Morning Julia, a lovely rich coloured card today, love the stamps you have used.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  10. Good morning Julia today's Christmas card is gorgeous I love the rich colour you have used against the white it is very eye-catching. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

  11. Morning Julia .Lovely card I too like the rich colours you have used.See you on Saturday at Ally Pally. Gloria(Sidcup) xx

  12. Morning Julia, A pretty card, I'm loving the red and white theme, always a winner.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  13. It's absolutely beautiful Julia x

  14. Love the way you have created the frame, Julia.

    Anne (Northampton)

  15. I have one of the matting basics sets and forget to make frames! Another post-it note to go on the wall of my craft room! Lovely card and looks great in rich red

  16. Hello Julia, todays card is brilliant, love the stamped frame around the sentiment, and as always a classy colour combo of red and white. Have a great day. Bx

  17. Morning Julia,
    A super card, love red and white for Christmas so festive.

  18. Gorgeous frame. Poinsettias are so beautiful on a card.

  19. Hi Julia,
    Beautiful card, I love the poinsettia stamps they look lovely.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Heather Treble

  20. Hi julia love the red the card is lovely thank you xxxxxx
    June horrocks xxxx

  21. Hello Julia.

    Great Card, I really like your frame and such a beautiful bow. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  22. Hi Julia, gorgeous, vibrant card and love the deep red. Stunning bow! I can imagine the poinsettia in silver or gold, or even white on white with added bling! Still leaving the red and white centre piece..... mmmmm? xx "Thank you Julia" xx Love Karen xx

  23. Hello Julia,
    Another lovely Christmas card. Lovely details on the stamps too.
    Have a lovely time at Ally Pally.
    Love Myra xxx

  24. Hi Julia
    I just love this Christmas card. Love the detail on the poinsettia.

  25. Beautiful card Julia, love the colour and the poinsettias stamps are fab.

    Linda xx

  26. Beautiful card, thank you for sharing with us...luv Ursula xx

  27. hi Julia,
    Very rich looking Christmas card, loving the stamps.
    love Janet x
    from Wakefield

  28. Hi Julia, really lovely card the colours are great an that ribbon is beautiful Take Care Melody xXx


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