
Wednesday 16 September 2015

No time to Blog so a Giveaway instead!

Hi Bloggers.

I'm knee deep in prep for my Hochanda shows next week. I haven't had time to make a card for today so I thought you might like a Giveaway instead.

So, I have the Spellbinders Shining Star Die D-Lite to giveway to 2 lucky winners!

These dies are not in their original packaging but will come on a piece of Magnetic Sheet.

Here's a simple card I made with this die -

You can read how this card was made in this post.

Leave a comment below to go into the draw and I will draw 2 winners when I get back from Ally Pally on Sunday evening.

By the way - Freebie Friday Card from last week has not yet been claimed.

All for now.



  1. Hello Julia

    I so love this die it is gorgeous and how kind of you to offer it. I don't think people would mind if you missed a day don't be too hard on yourself I am sure it is hard to fit everything in when you do so much.

    Looking forward tot he shows on Hochanda we are doing well with our favourite crafters.

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  2. Morning Julia.
    Wow how very generous, Julia don't over do it. Thank you so much and the card you have shown is lovely. Take care Kitty.

  3. Morning Julia, a fab card and very kind of you to give away a die but not nesesary you could just give a card already shown we would be just as pleased.
    Nancyd xx

  4. What a great gesture Julia, to give away a die. you must be worn out with all your prepping for Ally Pally, Hochanda, your work shops and demo days, not including the running of your web site and online store and of course your lovely daily blog, take care and try to give yourself a little me time, legs up and a nice cup of tea, lol. Linda.

  5. Lovely giveaway Julia....can't wait for your shows on Hochanda's been to long we've missed you on our screens...!
    Luv Rach :)

  6. That is so generous. Glad to hear you will be on Hochanda.

  7. Morning Julia, so looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda, been watching Phill yesterday and will see some of today's, I am really enjoying these programmes very informative and great tips. I, like everyone else, would love to win one of these dies, I don't have this one in my collection, (don't tell anyone but I have over 1500 dies and counting).

    Enjoy Wednesday, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  8. Hi Julia
    How generous of you to offer this die. It is beautiful and so is your card.
    Good luck with all your shows and hope they all go well.
    L Rosie xxx

  9. Hello Julia, what a lovely card made with a beautiful die, it is perfect for Christmas cards. Hope your prep is going well, looking forward to seeing you on tv again. Have a great day. Bx

  10. Stunning cards as always. Good luck for the shows x

  11. Hi Julia
    So glad you will be back on TV we have missed you. You are very kind to give these two dies away and the card is so pretty.
    Love Jan x x

  12. Hi Julia. Very generous of you doing another giveaway. I agree this die does make a lovely quick card. I'm afraid I can't make Ally Pally this time, gutted. I'm sure it's hard work for you, but I bet you have some fun too. SueL x

  13. Good morning Julia today's card is gorgeous and the dies are fantastic. Good luck with the prep for next week I know your shows will be fab. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

  14. Beaut beautiful card Julia and a very useful little die methinks!
    So glad you are going to be back on the tv, have missed your shows,

  15. Lovely card & a very useful die. Very kind of you to offer us the chance to win it.


  16. Hi Julia
    thrilled you will be back on TV soon amd huge thanks for the chance to win this die . x

  17. Morning Julia ,you say this card is simple but it looks beautiful. See you on Saturday. Gloria(Sidcup) xx

  18. Beautiful card and die set Julia. xx hazel young

  19. Very versatile die, which I would love to win. Have fun at Ally Pally x

  20. Looking forward to see you back on TV and of course at ally pally at the weekend.
    A lovely card and die and very generous of you to do a giveaway xxx

  21. Morning Julia, You are such a 'busy bee', I honestly don't know how you get the time to do everything you do !!! A lovely die for a giveaway, and a beautiful card made with it. Thank you for the chance to win one of these.
    I hope you have a good weekend at Ally Pall, and I can hardly wait to see you back on tv and watch your brilliant demo's and all the tips and techniques you share with us.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  22. I like todays card and would love to be in with a chance to win the die.
    Good luck with Ally Pally at the weekend I'm sure it will be busy, alas I can't get there. Will be watching you on Hochanda next week,

  23. Such a generous giveaway Julia. It's a lovely die and a pretty card. Hope to see you at Ally Pally at the weekend :)
    Helen x

  24. Such a generous giveaway Julia. It's a lovely die and a pretty card. Hope to see you at Ally Pally at the weekend :)
    Helen x

  25. Beautiful card and die Julia. A lovely giveaway.

  26. Wow julia that's so kind of you love the card thank you love June horrocks xxxxxx

  27. Please don't worry about not posting a card I recently started my own blog and I'm finding it hard to post three times a week! Very generous of you to offer a giveaway Glad to hear you'll be on Hochanda I'll be at AP on Sunday so hopefully I'll get the chance to say Hello

  28. Such a gorgeous giveaway Julia, xxxx

  29. Just love this die and the cards you create using it. Have fun at Ally Pally, wish I could be there.

  30. Morning Julia,
    A very generous givaway, thanks for the chance to win.

  31. I'm sure we'll all let you off posting a card, Julia! Looking forward to see your Hochanda shows.

    Anne (Northampton)

  32. Wonderful card Julia! Thanks for the chance to win the die, it's so lovely of you. Debra x

  33. Wonderful card and so generous of you to offer

  34. Morning Julia
    You work too hard dear - this card is another stunner - love it.
    Thank you for the chance to win this die - it is beautiful
    Carol x

  35. What a beautiful card Julia

  36. Hi Julia, another stunning card .Jane B.

  37. Hi Julie
    A beautiful card and looking forward to the shows next week.
    Have a good few days ally pally see you soon x
    Jeanie e

  38. Hi Julia,
    no worries posting a card every day, you are always so busy.
    Nice of you to offer this lovely die to one of us, fingers crossed :-)
    Take care, hugs Maria x

  39. Hi Julia,
    How lovely of you to do this giveaway and it's such a cute die. I love the card you made using it. Hope all the prep goes well as well as Ally Pally and hochanda. I hope to get to the next one. Thanks for all that you do and share with us and I'm looking forward to seeing you on hochanda.
    Heather Treble

  40. Hello Julia

    This die is lovely and you are being very generous, thanks. I can imagine it is a bit manic for you at the moment, lots of things happening at the same time. I'm looking forward to your Hochanda shows, I'm sure you have some great things planned. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  41. Great card Julia.
    Hope Ally Pally goes well - still trying to get there - one day !!!

  42. Loving the card, so simple yet effective and that lovely die just finishes it off, would certainly make use of the die if I win it. Good luck to all that enter...xx

  43. I don't know how you do it Julia. A beautiful card for us everyday(not a quick one either).Your prep work,Website/Blog.Shows,Workshops,Shop.Do you ever sleep lol?
    Thankyou for working so hard for us.Been watching Phil this morning and looking forward to watching yours. Will you be doing any workshops/demo's in the Spalding/Peterboro area so i can come and watch ?

  44. Hi Julia
    Such a lovely die - ideal for quickie cards.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win. Look forward to seeing you on tv soon.
    Hope that Hochanda do a 'catch up' version soon.
    Take care.

  45. Awww you are working so hard Julia, thanks so much for taking the time to stop and post another beautiful card...and for this wee giveaway!! Good Luck everyone!! :)
    Hugs Donna xx

  46. Hi Julia, what a lovely gesture giving away a die instead of a card. Such a pretty die too, as shown by the card. Wish I could see you in Ally Pally, would be much better than recovering from surgery! At least I'll be able to watch you on Hochanda. Try to take a break occasionally so you don't burn out; it sounds like you need to, lol. Love and hugs,
    Alison D x

  47. I love your blog and cards, Julia! And I can't even imagine how very busy you must be doing all the things you do!!!! You can only do what you have time for, and all the other things will get done later!!! The die is beautiful - thanks for a chance to win!

  48. Hi Julia,
    It so lovely of you to do a giveaway, we all understand how busy you must be. Good luck with the show and I look forward to your next post when you have the time.
    Linda xx

  49. Well, that has made me smile. I didn't know till I read your blogg that you would be on Hochanda next week. Great. Hope you survive Ally Pally, I shall miss going this year but hope to make it next year. Xx

  50. Good afternoon Julia,
    You say you didn't have time to post and yet you have done a beautiful card, contempery in design and colour but so soft and gentle in the soft aqua blue and white. Thank you for giving out inspiration on the die and for the giveaway. I hope that you and Sue have a great time at AP as i know that there are a few people coming to get excited once more at meeting our "Stars".
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  51. Hi Julia
    Lovely die for a giveaway. I am looking forward to Ally Pally see you there
    Lorraine x

  52. Stunning card and very generous of you! @sarah34090

  53. Hi Julia,
    Simple but stunning card made with this lovely die you are so generously giving away....thank you for the opportunity.
    Looking forward to yours shows next week, will be recording so I can save for future reference.
    Love Janet x
    from Wakefield

  54. Beautiful card Julia. as soon as I saw this die I really like it. Crafty Regards Julie kay

  55. Hi Julia, Lovely card as always, would love to win the die .Looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda, All the best. Regards Martha Ann Neilson

  56. Hi Julia

    Love the card. Really looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda. Please don't include me in the draw as I won a Gemini die from your blog in the summer so it gives other a chance. Have a great Ally Pally and try get a rest in somewhere after!


    T x

  57. Hi Julia
    Sounds as though your rushed off your feet & if I could, I'd come & give you a hand...
    Lovely die & so pretty & would love to be in the draw for it.

    Take time to breathe & have a nice cuppa in between all your prep work..

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze T xx

  58. Hi Julia, wonderful card and giving a die away is so generous of you. Keeping my fingers crossed. Looking forward to your shows on Hochanda.

  59. I don't think we would mind you not blogging sometimes, you are so busy! We just appreciate your fabulous posts when they are there! I don't manage to comment enough! You are so generous - thank you for the chance to win one of these stunning dies! xxx

  60. A beautiful card as usual Julia you are a busy lady so it is expected that you may not have time to post a card love this die would be over the moon to win one xxx

  61. hello Julia - great make and i adore that star - fabulous - thanks for the chance to win xx

  62. beautiful card and a great die set ,Laura O

  63. Hi Julia, oooo thanks ever so much for this chance to win this gorgeous die :) It's beautiful, as is the card that you have created with it xx "Thank you Julia" xx Love Karen xx

  64. Hi Julia, lovely card an a real pretty die, looking forward to your shows. Have fun at ally pally wish I could go. Take Care Melody xXx

  65. Lovely die - thanks for giving the chance to win. I think this could be used on a number of projects, not just Christmas. Pat x

  66. Very PRETTY card. The pearls just add the right touch. I would imagine the using silver or gold foil for the star would also be very stunning. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a good time at Ally Pally.

  67. Hi Julia lovely card made with a lovely die. Thanks for the chance of winning one of them. Look forward to seeing you on Hochanda.

  68. Have a fab time at Ally Pally. Then straight into Hochanda day - what a little whirlwind you are.

  69. Hi Julia - good to hear you are busy for Hochanda, looking forward to seeing your shows. This die is gorgeous and has made such a beautiful card.

    Take care
    Tracey, Hull xx

  70. very pretty card and I love the die, it's unusual and different.

  71. Lovely card and a very useful die.
    Rosemary xx

  72. Really enjoy your daily blog for inspiration. Would love to win this particular die as I have already thought how versatile it could be.

  73. Hi Julia - This looks a very versatile little die which could be used in all sorts of ways. Hope all goes well at Ally Pally, not able to go there these days.
    Luv Mo


Only positive comments please!