
Thursday 26 December 2013

Thinking of You

Hi Bloggers.

Here's today's card -

For the background, I applied some drops of Cranberry, Ginger and Sunset Orange Alcohol Ink to an Alcohol Ink Applicator Tool and inked all over a piece of Heat Emboss Acetate. Once dry, I dusted both sides with my Anti Static Bag (dusting both sides means that any stray embossing powder does not stick to the acetate). I stamped the Justrite Sweet Lace Background onto the side that hadn't been inked using Perfect Medium and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Gold Detail Embossing Powder. I stamped and embossed again to extend the design then mounted the piece onto a piece of Coconut White Card.

I stamped the sentiment from the Justrite Large Elegant Sentiments Clear Stamp Set using Perfect Medium and embossed with Gold Detail Powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders Decorative Labels 28 and inked through the die with Antique Linen Distress Ink. I inked up another piece of acetate with the Alcohol Inks and die cut another Decorative Labels 28 and then cut another out of Soft Gold Card.

I tied a bow using 2 lengths of Champagne Silky Crush Ribbon and added a Vintage Metal Button.

I assembled the card as shown adding an 8mm Cream Pearl to each corner.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia.
    Thank you another all occasion lovely and bright take care Kitty

  2. Morning Julia, Kitty, and all Wattsonettes. Hope you all had a lovely day yesterday, and maybe another today but more restfull ?
    A smashing bright cheereful card Julia. Ive got the acitate and 2 new recent additions to my stash - alcohol inks in blue, so will play with these very soon : )
    Julia, when you find time could you give me some other ideas how to use and make the most of my inks please ? At present I have only embossing powders and no mica powders (but hope to remedie this soon : )

    Sending every Dear Wattsonette a lovely day and a peaceful one - if possible. Relax.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  3. Lovely Julia, Quite a Moroccan look. Happy Boxing day
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  4. Happy Boxing Day Julia. Love the background treatment, I really will have to get some of those inks! I'm off to look at your sale goodies now. Hope you have a great day.

  5. Beautiful card,love the colours and love the background.

  6. Hi Julia. Always love your backgrounds but this is really special.
    Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas day.
    Love Val x

  7. Morning Julia, Have a lovely Boxing Day to you and your Family.
    I love, love, love, this technique with the alcohol inks, so vibrant and so effective. I have just checked to see if you have any on Amazon, I only have a couple of colours, none of what you have used here, I adore the colours you have used. But while I was there I checked out the red dazzlers, I used 3 the other day and now I can't find the rest I had, my craft room is like a 'tip' after all the Christmas cards, so I ordered some more.
    Thank you for getting my Couture Creations embossing folders to me, I got them before Christmas, great service, Thank You.
    Enjoy your day today.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Hi Julia, I love the richness of this card and the colours are so warm, perfect for really special cards.
    Hope you had an enjoyable day yesterday and rested.
    Enjoy Boxing Day
    X Ros

  9. Hi Julia
    Just love this technique. Saw you demo this on tv. Hope you have a lovely boxing day.

  10. Hi Julia, love the look of this this technique..have yet to try it. Hope everyone is safe from the flooding. Happy Boxing Day.

  11. Morning Julia,
    A very rich card today love it. Hope you have a relaxing day.

  12. A gorgeous card Julia, the red and gold look stunning

    Xx Sandra

  13. Good morning Julia, I love the colours in this card, it looks so opulent! x

  14. Morning Julia, a lovely bold card today, hope you had a great Christmas, and got all you wished for from Santa!!! xx

  15. Hi Julia, Merry Christmas, Hope you had a great day, beautiful card, love the colours. Bx

  16. Happy Boxing, Day Julia and everyone, I love this card, the background is so rich and warm and love the gold embossing. I echo Patricia's comment re the embossing folders, ordered mine Sunday evening and they arrived Tuesday, thank you for excellent service.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  17. Rich looking background Julia and a beautiful card. I hope everyone is enjoying their Boxing Day whatever they are doing. Pat x

  18. Hi Julia, Happy Boxing Day, todays card is stunning also liked
    yesterdays too just checked it. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas
    and are having a restfull day today.
    nancyd xx

  19. Hi Julia,

    Oh wow. Such a rich looking card - love it.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  20. What a fabulous background to this card suitable for a number of occasions. Helen VofG

  21. I just love your backgrounds and the card is lovely and stunning love Jean Z xxx

  22. Hi Julia. Love the card today. The sweet lace background stamp is beautiful too. Hope you are getting to relax. I am very late commenting as today was more hectic for us than yesterday as the grandaughters were here for the day, they are 2 and 4 so still very excited as we had kept their presents for them to open today from our side of the family! It waslike having Christmas Day all over again. I am shattered and my athritis is now playing up rather badly so I have got into bed to try and get some rest. It is worth every minute though and I wouldn't have changed it for the world : ) Take care.

  23. Rich and opulent card Julia really lovely, hope you and everyone enjoyed the day

  24. Morning Julia
    Stunning background very far East in feel.
    Amanda x


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