
Wednesday 25 December 2013

Sent with Cheer

Hi Bloggers.

Happy Christmas Everyone!

Here's today's card -

For the background, I used Sue's Shaving Foam Technique which you can see here. I used Chipped Sapphire and Victorian Velvet Re-inkers. I randomly stamped one of the baubles from the Justrite Vintage Christmas Ornaments Stamp Set using Cobalt Archival.

I stamped the sentiment and the frame from the Justrite Christmas Vintage Labels Four Stamp Set using Cobalt Archival. I cut it out using Justrite Vintage Labels Four Dies and inked through the die with Tumbled Glass Distress Ink.

I tied a bow using 2 lengths of Navy Silky Crush Ribbon. I cut a couple of snowflakes using Spellbinders Snowflake Pendant 2012, inked the edges with Tumbled Glass and added an 8mm White Pearl.

I assembled the card as shown adding some more White Pearls to the corners and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Cobalt around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia
    As usuall beautiful background HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO EVERY ONE take care all Julia have a rest Kitty

  2. Lovely card Julia, I have some shaving foam ready to do the background just need some ink.
    I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and hope you all have a great couple of days.
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  3. Happy Christmas Julia. Fabulous card today. I love the shaving foam background and the colours you have used. Thank you for all of your hard work Julia. I hope you have a great day with your family.

  4. Happy Christmas Julia,
    I love the Card, I always love your Backgrounds how you create them yourself , I'm looking forward to seeing you back on our screens very soon
    Love from Sam x

  5. Morning Julia, Happy Christmas to All.
    I love the shaving foam technique, it is so dramatic, and so, so effective, it is one of the first techniques I'm going to try after Christmas,
    Thank you for all the inspiration you give to us, you have helped me to improve my crafting immensely.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  6. Happy Christmas Julia. Have a wonderful day. Have a great day my dear new Wattsonette friends. One to try in the new year. In fact item 1 on the next shopping list - shaving foam and 2. Cheap A4 size plastic storage box !
    Thanks for bringing us together Julia, and looking forward to sharing 2014 with you all.
    Love to all today.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  7. Happy Christmas Julia and everyone have a lovely dat, will be trying the shaving foam technique but probably not today............. My peaceful five minutes will be over when the family roll up!

  8. Happy Christmas Julia and all fellow followers.
    Beautiful card with one my favourite techniques.
    Enjoy your day whatever you're doing.
    Love Val x

  9. Hi Julia

    Another stunning card today. Shaving foam is on my shopping list, that's when I do one. Hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family. Merry Christmas to all your followers. And we all say a heartfelt thanks for all your hard work over the year.

  10. Hi Julia, "Happy Christmas" and I hope you enjoy the day.
    I Love today's card, its sentiment is perfect, and the back ground stamping just finishes the card off perfectly.
    Looking forward to the coming year and all the teaching we learn from you.
    X Ros

  11. Morning Julia,
    Happy Christmas to you and your followers, I hope you all have a happy and peaceful day.
    Love your card, great background.

  12. Morning Julia
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Stunning card, love the shaving cream technique.
    Carol x

  13. Happy Christmas Julia and all your bloggers. Love the card (as usual), especially that shaving cream background. I hope you have a great day, I'm just waiting for my family to arrive.

  14. Good Morning Julia and a very Merry Christmas. I love this card, and it reminds me that there are a couple of things I really need...a load of sentiment stamps...and shaving foam lol. Could I ask a question about the foam background...does it have to be reinker used? I have some artist inks and acrylic paint and was wondering if wither of those could be used instead. xx

  15. Happy Christmas everyone. Thank you for another gorgeous card Julia. I love doing the shaving foam technique. Pat x

  16. Hello Julia, Merry Christmas to you and your followers. What a stunner today, the shaving foam technique is so dramatic, love the colours and bow..
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  17. Merry Christmas Julia
    Stunning card love the blue tones.
    Thanks for a wonderful yesr of crsft.
    Amanda x

  18. Merry Christmad Julis
    Stunning card love the blue tones.
    Thank uou fot
    r a wonderful year of craft.
    Amanda xxx

  19. Happy christmas Julia thank you for another lovely card and for all your postings in 2013. I look forward to 2014 with baited breath. Thank you again Helen xx

  20. Hi Julia,
    Stunning card. Hope you are having a great Christmas. X

  21. Hi Julia,

    Love the card. Not tried this technique yet but certainly will.

    Hope all went well for everyone.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  22. Happy Christmas Julia and everyone who visits the blog. The card is gorgeous. I hope you have a great day. Love Jackie

  23. Beautiful card Julia. Merry Christmas. xx

  24. Happy Christmas Julia. A great card using a fun technique. Enjoy the festivities! x


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