
Wednesday 31 May 2017

Toot the Tug

Hi Bloggers.

Here's today's card -

I started by misting a piece of Coconut White Card with Phill Martin's CS Vintage Blue Ink Spray Mist. I then popped some of the ink into a Water Brush and used it to create a wash. Once dry, I ran it through the Platinum Machine with the Creative Expressions Ocean Waves PinPoint Embossing Folder. I trimmed it down using scissors following the lines in the design (you can get 2 pieces for 2 cards!). I added this to my misted background then matted onto Black Card and Coconut White Card.

I stamped the boat and seagull from the Woodware Toot the Tug Stamp Set and the clouds from the Woodware Charlie Tango Stamp Set onto Watercolour Card using Onyx Black Versafine Ink. I coloured them in using CS Essentials Watercolour Paint Set and a Water Brush, except for the water line below the boat which I coloured using my Vintage Blue Ink in my Water Brush. I cut them out using scissors, leaving a thin white border (except along the water line below the boat which I cut close). I added them to my card using CE Mounting Cushion as shown.

I stamped the sentiment from the Toot the Tug Stamp Set using Versafine Ink and cut it out using Sue Wilson's Double Pierced Circles.

Unfortunately, our trip to the vets was not good. Poor Charlie had a tumour on his intestine. He had suddenly lost alot of weight and I had thought that it was his kidneys as I've had cats suffer from that before. Charlie was only 6, very unlucky to have this so young. MK Vets were brilliant at explaining options to us and the possible outcomes, none good, unfortunately so we made the difficult decision to put him to sleep. This is the worst thing about being a pet owner and it never gets any easier. Nathan came with me to say goodbye to Charlie. He's very upset, Charlie was his fave cat of ours ever. RIP Charlie Cat.

Thanks for stopping by.

Free card with all website orders over £10 (ask for one in the comments box at checkout).
Deal of the Day today (31st May) -
Creative Expressions Stamps to Die For - Tuileries Frame only £4.00!


  1. Hello Julia, so sorry to hear about Charlie, he was a gorgeous cat. RIP Charlie. Sending you and Nathan big hugs. The card today is really great Julia, love the sentiment stamp. Take care. Bx

  2. Morning julia, lovely card today.

    Sorry to hear about Charlie cat, xx

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxxx

  3. Hi Julia
    Sorry to hear about Charlie both you and Nathan will have lots of happy memories of him to treasure I'm sure.
    Lovely card great sentiment.
    Jan x

  4. Such sad news about Charlie and sending love to you and Nathan.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to post a lovely card on your blog when you had such a busy and sad day. It is much appreciated.

  5. Sorry to hear about Charlie, sending love to you and Nathan. Our animals are part of the family and it is always difficult when the time comes to say goodbye.

    Todays card is really cute.

    Marion S x

  6. Fabulous card Julia x xhazel

  7. I am so sorry for your loss Julia. Charlie is now free from pain and in the care of Our Lord. God bless you Charlie, run free little one.
    Annette x

  8. Lovely card, so cute.

    Sorry to hear the sad news about Charlie cat.


  9. Hi Julia
    A lovely card.
    So sorry to hear about Charlie, he was a beautiful cat. Sometimes the most loving thing we can do is say goodbye, and cherish our memories.
    B xx

  10. Dear Julia,
    Lovely card.
    So sorry to hear about Charlie, my thoughts are with you.
    Thanks for sharing,

  11. Lovely card Julia. So sorry to hear about Charlie. Only animal lovers will understand. Thinking of you x

  12. Hi Julia. So sorry to hear about Charlie, but I'm sure you will have made the right decision. SueL x

  13. What a fun card, Julia.
    So sorry to hear about Charlie.

    Anne (Northampton)

  14. Thinking of you and Nathan today, Julia. Hugs, Diane (Cards2Di4) xx

  15. Good Morning Julia, amazing card this morning. So Sorry to read your news about charlie. I know it was hard but our fur balls are our babies . I am sending you lots of hugs and thinking of you. Wendy xxx

  16. Hi Julia, pretty card , everyone need a tug. I think you need a big Hug. Sorry to hear you've lost Charlie, it's never easy. take care .

  17. Awww lovely happy card Julia xx

  18. A little creative work could change this from tug to hug which is what I think you need at the moment!


  19. Hi Julia such a cute card .

    Thinking of you lots of love and hugs xxxx

    love the photos just like my black cat cinders

  20. Hi Julia

    So sorry to read your news about Charlie, it's the hardest decision to make especially when they're still young. R.I.P. Charlie. You & your family will always have the happy memories of him that will help heal the sadness.

    I love your card today, reminds me of a kiddies TV programme that my brothers loved (don't remember what it was called, was 20 odd years ago!) so wonderful to think back to when they were so young.

    Will be thinking of you and your family, big hugs,

    T x

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hi Julia

    This card made me smile. It really is so cute and I love the sentiment

    I am so very sorry to hear about Charlie, it is always an exceptional and emotional time when you lose a much loved pet

    June x

  23. Hi Julia, To be honest I wish that I hadn't looked at your Blog today, I am so so sorry to read about Charlie, I am such a softie where animals are concerned and I get so upset. You will have to give Nathan lots of love and hugs, and you will have to say to yourself that at least Charlie isn't in any pain and he is now in 'Kitty Heaven'. Lots of love to you all !!
    On a happier note, I love your card, Julia, the embossing folder is ideal for any nautical themed card, and I 'adore' the sentiment and all the little characters.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  24. So sorry to hear that Charlie was so poorly, bless him. RIP Charlie. Many hugs to you and the family.
    Love the card and the EF. Take care Julia
    Maria x

  25. So sorry to hear about poor Charlie. Prayers for you as you mourn the loss of your beloved cat Charlie.

  26. Hi Julia, so sorry to hear your sad news about Charlie Cat. Love and hugs to both you and Nathan.
    By the way, love today's card.
    Alison D x

  27. So sorry to read your news about Charlie, he is across the rainbow bridge, free from pain. Its so hard to make that decision when the time comes, but it is the last kindness we can offer our beloved pets.

  28. Hello Julia.

    Such a lovely fun Card. I really like that embossing folder, I don't remember seeing it before. Thanks for sharing.

    I am so sorry about Charlie, I know it's never an easy decision to make.

    Best wishes

  29. So sorry to hear about you having to put your precious cat down. It is never easy to lose a much loved member of the family.

  30. Hi Julia,
    So sorry to hear about Charlie. Pets hold special places in our hearts. RIP Charlie Cat.

    So fun and cute card for today. Love the sentiment. Thank you for sharing.
    Carmen (Canada)

  31. So sorry to hear about Charlie
    I think today's card is very cute

  32. Hi Julia Todays card is so cute I love it
    So sorry to hear the sad news about Charlie it's heart rending to lose a pet sending you and your family caring hugs

  33. A super little fun card Julia....I am so sorry to hear about Charlie, but it is a difficult decision to make...I know I have been there, I still say to this day, it was one of the worst decisions I have ever had to strong, both you and Nathan...luv Ursula xx

  34. Julia i am so sorry for you and nathan having to say goodbye to charlie. It is one of the hardest decisions us pet owners have to make and never gets any easier.
    I am sending hugs to you all.

    Todays card is a lovely fun one and i love it.

  35. Julia I know as a fellow pet 'owner' how painful that decision is to make. Take comfort in the fact that it was the right decision and that Charlie had a love filled and very happy life with you and your family. Karen x

  36. Julia I know as a fellow pet 'owner' how painful that decision is to make. Take comfort in the fact that it was the right decision and that Charlie had a love filled and very happy life with you and your family. Karen x

  37. I am so sorry for your loss I have 4 cats myself so I know what it's like at least he is not in pain.
    The card card is great xx


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