
Thursday 12 November 2015

Live For Today

Hi Bloggers.

Well, my day yesterday went completely pear shaped! Seemed to spend the whole day sorting stuff out to make things work! My broadband seems to be playing up even though I've got BT Infinity 2, can't watch Hochanda on my iphone now, had to buy a new laptop over the weekend and I'm trying to get to grips with finding all the software I need and repeatingly having to disconnect and re-connect my wifi to get anything done on the web! Not a happy bunny!

All this is hindering my prep for my shows on Hochanda next week. I now have a One Day Special on Hochanda starting 8pm next Tuesday evening and continuing during the day on Wednesday.

Here's today's card -

Might add another Black Mat to this now I see the photo! Like I said - having one of those weeks! Actually, looking at that sentiment - I think that's quite appropriate! lol!

Anyway, I stamped the Creative Expressions Stamps to Die For - Regal Blossom Inner Frame and Regal Blossom Outer Frame separately onto Coconut White Card using Jet Black Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I also stamped the sentiment from John Lockwood's Fern Frames Elements Stamp Set.

I coloured in using Sakura Stardust Pens - hadn't realised until I saw Sarah Hurley colouring on Hochanda that you can blend these pens! Fabulous! We'll be doing this on a different card at my workshop on Saturday and all attendees will be given a couple of Stardust Pens to take home free of charge! (just a couple of spaces left - book here) I've used Purple Star, Rose Star, Green Star, Lime Star and Silver Star. It's hard to photograph the sparkle - those who are coming on Saturday will see it in the flesh.

I cut the Outer Frame out using Sue's Double Pierced Squares and the plain die from Sue's Heraldic Square - to see through to the inner frame. I used 3D Foam Tape to pop the Outer Frame on top of the Inner Frame.

I cut a larger Double Pierced Square out of Coconut White Card and at the emboss stage added the Kaleidoscope Mask.

Another couple of mats of Black and Coconut White Card, some 5mm White Pearls and some White Pearl Corners and job done!

John Lockwood is continuing with his One Day Special on Hochanda today with some more dies from the current release of Sue's dies. Shows are at 9am, 12noon, 4pm and 7pm. Just a reminder that I have set up a section with the stock I have from the shows. There's 10% discount on show items from Phill's One Day Special this week and John's today - find them here. Discount is applied at checkout.

Planning to get my head down with prep today!

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia, I sympathise with you, laptops and broadband etc etc are fabulous but when they go wrong or don't work, they are an absolute pain.
    A beautiful card, lovely colours, and good luck with your prep when everything else is going on too.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  2. Hi Julia. Technology is wonderful when it works awful when it doesn't!!! A fabulous card. Love it x

  3. Gorgeous card, really lovely. Good luck with technology!!!


  4. Hope day is more successful. This is a pretty card with a useful sentiment.

  5. Good morning Julia today's card is gorgeous I love the flowers they are beautiful. I hope you get your tech problems sorted it is great when it works and so frustrating when it doesn't. I hope you have a better day today. Hugs Jackie

  6. Morning Julia.
    Thank you a lovely card.
    Sorry to hear of your IT problems, I hope you get sorted . Take care kitty.

  7. Morning Julia, beautiful card hope you get your technology working again I'm not great got Windows 8 laptop about a year ago and still trying to get to grips with it scanned something in the other day and still can't find it.
    Nancyd xx

  8. Lovely colours on today's beautiful card Julia x

  9. Hi Julia
    Fabulous card. I was inspired by yesterday's card to try heat embossing a debossed frame - very pleased with my first attempt and made a card using it.
    Fantastic news that you will be on Hochanda next week.
    B xx

  10. This looks beautiful Julia. xxxx

  11. Hi Julia,
    Absolutely beautiful card, love the colours. Hope that you have a better day today.
    Thanks for all the great inspiration,

  12. This is a lovely card, Julia. I do hope you have a better day today!

    Anne (Northampton)

  13. What a frustrating day you had I bet you felt like throwing the whole lot away We have (even at our age) got used to everything being on line etc There has been many a day when I say "bring back pen and paper!" especially when I'm at work!
    Good luck with your prep and today's card is lovely

  14. Poor Julia. Sorry to hear you are having a testing time at the moment. Isn't it funny how now and again you get a run of things going pearshaped? Fab card even so and knowing you, you will soon catch up. Faster Julia, faster. SueL x

  15. Morning Julia,
    Oh dear sound like you had a horrid day,
    Your card is very pretty. Good luck with the prepping.

  16. Beautiful card Julia, sorry to hear of your problems, technology can be a right pain

  17. Love this card, I can see I think where you would add another black layer, and I think you're right. i believe in the saying I've slept since then, let go of yesterday.
    Today is a beautiful day. X Ros

  18. Beautiful will look forward to seeing you next week. Wonderful week so far with all the demos.... I feel so lucky.

    Pen x

  19. Hello Julia.

    I really like these stamps and the colours you have used. I think the way you have raised the frame is great. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  20. My sympathies - but I too am having an equipment failure run - My telephone line has gone dead - engineers are trying to find the fault to fix - my hair straighteners are being very temperamental - my TV is taking ages to warm up and come on - my portable DVD player will only pay about 1 in 10 DVDs which is a pain. I have bought new straighteners and new DVD player, so that has taken out some of the hassle. Caught the repeat of a Justrite show this morning on Hochanda but could not buy anything - well that is sort of good/bad news - hochanda website not working or very busy so could not check out my basket.

  21. A stunning card Julia love it
    Hope you get sorted xxxxxxxxx

  22. Hi Julia

    Very pretty. The stamp looks great. Seems to be one of those you can colour with pretty much anything and with any level of shading and it'll still look good. So pleased you'll back on Hochanda next week. Now off to set the Sky+!

    Broadband is a funny beast. Don't have fibre, I'm on the old copper cables, I also don't know if you still use micro filters with Infinity 2, if you do, try a new one as it'll solve most broadband issues. I always keep a spare in the house so if it does go down I try that first before ringing my ISP as that's the first thing they ask, being female, the males on the help desk tend to speak to me like I'm an idiot so it's good fun to start talking back in technical terms, just to hear the reaction, tee hee!


    T x

  23. Beautiful card. I have stardust pens and don't know how to use them to their fullest so I am irritated with myself that I can't drive in the dark, else I would be at your workshop learning how to produce a lovely piece like this.

    Technology is wonderful when it works. When it doesn't frustration levels rise considerably as as I am sure they have done for you. Hope everything gets sorted soon!


  24. Hi Julia, oh I hope you do get all that stuff sorted out. How annoying! Love this beautiful card, the colours are so pretty. Take care. Bx

  25. Hi Julia
    I do hope you get everything sorted out. Sounds like you had a nightmare day. Hope today is better. Love today's card. I love how you've made the heraldic die into a frame and laid it on top of your stamped image. I also didn't know that you could blend the colours together with these pens.

  26. Hi Julia, bless you. Hope today was a better day with the technology and everything else. Gorgeous card and looking forward to get a chance to try these pens out on Saturday. Who else is coming ?
    Take care Maria x

  27. Oh Julia! It never rains but it pours as the saying goes. I d hope things get sorted for you very soon. Technology is great when it works but oh so frustrating when it doesn't. You still managed to make a lovely card even with all your problems. Pat x

  28. A brilliant card Julia I have just purchased these stamps but have not had a chance to play yet.
    It's a shame about your day I do feel for you I am rubbish at the techy stuff I get my daughter to help me lol xxxx

  29. Hi Julia
    I really feel for you, sometimes everything just seems to pile up in one big heap with one thing after another going wrong, but you have to just plod on don't you..
    Such a pretty card & loving that stamp which looks amazing with your beautiful colouring & makes the perfect focal point.
    Love all the elements of this gorgeous card & would be suitable for many occasions.

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze T xx

  30. Hi Julia, love this card I brought the die an stamp st you have used lol not been brave enough to use the stamps yet. I am sure your shows next week will be great. Take care Melody xXx

  31. Ooh Julia I really love this one , that stamp is so pretty.
    I just love the simplicity of this card and it is absolutely beautiful.
    I do hope you have a better day, and that sentiment is so right.

  32. What a gorgeous card Julia, the colours are beautiful. I love stamps and dies that coordinate, they make life so much easier.

  33. This is a lovely card Julia. The stamps are very pretty and it's very relaxing to colour them in. The pens sound interesting. X

  34. Hi Julia, beautiful card and love the colours that you have used on the flowers. Love the pop of black. I like the sound of these "sparkling pens"....mmmmm! As for technology, same here and the sentiment is perfect for days like those! "Thank you Julia" xx Love Karen xx


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