
Sunday 25 October 2015

Framed Notes

Hi Bloggers.

Got back quite late last night from a busy demo day at Samuel Taylors. Today I need to re-group and get on with my prep for Wednesday's shows on Hochanda.

Here's today's card -

For the background within the frame, I cut the Couture Creations Island Flower Border out of a couple of papers from Phill Martin's Graceful Butterflies & Dragonflies 8 x 8 Paper Pad. I glued them to a piece of Coconut White Card and ran them through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Random Daisies Embossing Folder.

I made a frame out of Coconut White Card and the plain side of a paper from Phill's Paper Pad using Sue Wilson's Ormate Pierced Rectangles Die Set. I added this to my background using 3d Foam.

I cut the Couture Creations Musical Notes Die out of Coconut White Card and rubbed Phill's Cosmic Shimmer Decadent Denim Gilding Wax over the surface.

I cut the largest die in Sue's Ornate Pierced Rectangles Die Set out of Coconut Card. I embossed a piece of Coconut White Card using the Couture Creations Cotton Thread Quilt Embossing Folder. I added these 2 layers to the back of my framed piece.

I tied a bow using Blue Satin Edged Organza. I pressed a Metal Dazzler Setting into Clear Perfect Medium, added Cosmic Shimmer Blue Speckle Embossing Powder and heat set. I added a Blue Circle Dazzler.

I assembled the card as shown adding a couple of White 5mm Pearls to the corners and piercing around the edges using my Tim Holtz Ruler, Precision Probe and Piercing Mat.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia, a beautiful card and I love this blue. Make the best of the extra hour today and have a rest.
    Nancyd xx

  2. very beautiful card,love the colour

  3. Morning Julia.
    A lovely card thank you.
    Have good rest today , take care Kitty.

  4. Pretty card. Hope you get a bit of a break today.

  5. Good morning Julia this is a beautiful card. I too hope you get some time to relax today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  6. Beautiful card Julia love the colours x xhazel

  7. It's a beautiful card Julia, nice colours as well x

  8. Beautiful card, Julia, I love the colours.
    B xx

  9. So pretty Julia, just seen it on FB and had to pop over. xxx

  10. Lovely card-very pretty & great colours.


  11. Lovely card, Julia. I bet you and John were grateful for the extra hour this morning!

    Anne (Northampton)

  12. Morning Julia, beautiful card today, love the music score. A very happy picture of you and John on fb yesterday with your creations from ST at Leeds, very nice.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  13. Morning Julia,
    Love your card, I do like the music.

  14. Hi Julia
    Love today's card, especially the notes die. I'm glad you and John had a great day yesterday.

  15. Hi Julia,
    Gorgeous card, I love the colours. Great to see that the creative expressions team are on our screens so regularly.
    Thanks for sharing,

  16. Hi Julia, this card is lovely, great layout. Looking forward to more inspiration filled shows, hope all goes well with the prep. Bx

  17. Love everything about the card Julia thank you love June horrocks xxxx

  18. A lovely card Julia the colours are pretty. Enjoy today the sun is shining here xxx

  19. Lovely card today Julia. Colours are very pretty

  20. Hi Julia. Very pretty card. I may or may not be commenting this week as going away tomorrow on a crafting retreat and wifi not always good. Must remember to record your shows though on Wednesday. SueL x

  21. Morning from Sunny Devon
    Lovely cards

    Happy days Pen x

  22. Hi Julia, stunning card, love the shades of blue used for the Daisy border. It looks so pretty. I also love the fancy metal dazzler embellishment and along with the gorgeous Random Daises EF plus the organza bow.....AND Phill's gorgeous paper pad....what else can I say? Beautiful! x Hope you manage to get a bit of a rest before Wednesday x "Thank you Julia" xx Love Karen xx

  23. Your card brightens up a thoroughly dismal morning here up on the Lleyn Peniinsula where the rain is tipping it down as I type.


  24. Hi Julia, A beautiful card, I'm loving the musical notes dies.
    I don't know how you find the time to do 'all' you have to do, you are such a busy girlie.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  25. Hello Julia.

    I think this is a lovely Card, your background within the frame is so pretty. The Noble dies are always so effective and your bow and dazzler is so sweet. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  26. Hi Julia,
    Hope you have got your mojo back after your busy day yesterday.
    Love this card today, really pretty background and the musical notes just makes a nice focal point.
    Love Janet x
    from Wakefield

  27. Hi Julia,

    Another beautiful card for us today, thanks for sharing.

    Linda xx

  28. Loving this, it's so pretty!!
    Hugs Donna xx

  29. Fabulous card Julia, love the colour. Pat x

  30. Really lovely card, love the flower the dazzler is on! Linda.

  31. Absolutely gorgeous card, so pretty especially done in the blue.
    And I love the embossing and love the musical notes die which is now on my must have list.

  32. Hi Julia, gorgeous card love the colours an all the dies, looking forward to you shows on Wednesday. Take care Melody xXx

  33. Hi Julia sorry lat commenting Internet problems
    I love this card gorgeous colour & die's used & the composition is lovely
    Hug's Lynda Brock xx

  34. Hi Julia
    Beautiful card & love every design element of this one.
    colours are amazing & love the embellishments, stunning as always.

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze T xx


Only positive comments please!