
Tuesday 5 May 2015

How to use Sue Wilson's Classic Foldover Flower Die Set

Hi Bloggers.

I've been asked quite a few times how to make the foldover flowers using Sue's Die Set. Sue will have a video with a card showing how to do this shortly but in the meantime I've put together a quick, less professional video showing how easy it really is to make the flowers. I've also added the video to the videos section of this blog and to the product on my website here.

Easy Peasy!

All for now.



  1. So much easier than having to cut by hand, a real time saver. Thank you for showing Julia. Take care melody xx

  2. Thank you for showing us Julia. I've got my dies arriving tomorrow, so guess what I'll be making all day??!! x

  3. Brilliant Julia thank you xx June Smith xxx

  4. Thanks so much Julia, it's really kind of you to do this.

  5. thanks Julia....I feel much better now I will give it a go...x

  6. I love your demo's, you make it look so easy(even though I know its not). Is there a chance you could show myself and lots of others how to use Coutoure Creations Spring Orchard Flip Flop die? We have all tried everywhere to get help with it.Thanks.Sue Balawajder

    1. Are you sure it's Couture Creations and not Couture from Create & Craft? - I haven't heard of that die. If it is Create & Craft then you need to ask Dawn Wheeler or Jak Heath.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Me again,so sorry,looked again at the package it is Couture by Create &Craft,thanks for your reply.

    4. Me again,so sorry,looked again at the package it is Couture by Create &Craft,thanks for your reply.

  7. Hi Julia. Thank you very much for your informative video. I have been wondering how these dies work and the effect is stunning. x

  8. What a smashing little tutorial, thank you so much Julia.

  9. Hi Julia, thank you so much for posting this demo video. I always learn better when I can see how something has been done.
    Blessings - Deb C xx

  10. Thank you so much for that video Julia - waiting for my dies to arrive so I will e practising! Hope it looks as good in card as it does in felt! You're a star!
    Maggie B xx

  11. Thanks Julia for the video tut. I had seen the flowers on Sues and yours cards but didn't know what die was being used or if it was just handmade?
    New crafters, what we like? :) Just ordered the die now. so this will be a great addition to my flower collections.

  12. Hi Julia
    Thanks for the tutorial I love this flower
    Love Marion x


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