
Wednesday 31 December 2014

2014 Review

Hi Bloggers.

As we say goodbye to 2014, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite cards from this year.

From January -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From February -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From March -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From April -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From May -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From June -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From July -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From August -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From September -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From October -

You can read how I made the above card here.

From November -

You can read how I made the above card here.

And finally from December -

You can read how I made the above card here.

I hope you've enjoyed my favourites.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia.
    Thank you so much. I wish you a very happy 2015. Take care Kitty

  2. Morning Julia, We feel very privileged to see all your favourites
    together thank you.
    Happy Hogmanay to one and all and all the best in 2015'.
    Nancyd xx

  3. Morning Julia, We are very privileged to see all your favourites
    together and they are gorgeous.
    Happy Hogmanay to one and all and all the best in 2015'.
    Nancyd xx

  4. Some . Lovely cards in the collection Julia thank you for all your inspiration this year. Happy New Year to everyone xxx

  5. Lots of lovely cards but my favourites are the first & third ones.

    All the best to you & your family in 2015.


  6. Hi Julia. Thanks for reminding me of your first card, I do like all the cards,but this one is extra special. May I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year SueL x

  7. Morning Julia
    Thank you for sharing your favourites - they are gorgeous.
    I'm happy to say that I am privileged to own some of your beautiful work - it's lovely to see them up close!!!
    Looking forward to your first show on C&C on12th January - before I go off on my holiday - can't wait for both!!!
    Happy 2015!
    Sheila x

  8. Love the March card, it's so elegant. The typewriter image on the August card is also one of my favourites. All the cards are stunning. Thank you for all the inspiration and demos in 2014, looking forward to more in 2015 xx

  9. Beautiful Julia!!
    January and August are my favourites!
    XxxxHave a good New Year

  10. Thank you Julia for a brilliant year in your crafting world and they're lovely reminders I'm looking forward to 2015 (makes a change for me) So Happy New Year everyone

  11. A great selection of favourites. Happy New Year Julia, and I am already getting excited about my day out to Kettering for your workshops, I have only heard good things about them.

  12. Morning Julia
    All the cards are favourites, especially the first one as I won this one in cream and it sits in front of me in my craft room. Many thanks for sharing all your cards with us. Looking forward to more of your tuition in 2015. Happy New Year to you and your family
    Carol x

  13. Hi Julia
    Thanks for sharing your favourites with us. Wishing you and your family a HAPPY NEW YEAR. I look forward to seeing what creations you are making for 2015.

  14. Love them all Julia - not quite so keen on orange (May) but then we cant all like the same thing.
    Thanks for all your inspiration and I wish you a happy, healthy 2015

    1. May's card has several techniques with the Shimmer Paint so that's why it's in this post.

      Please don't view a card by the colours used - look at it for ideas and techniques. You can use whatever colour rocks your boat!


  15. Good morning Julia today's cards are all gorgeous. Thank you for all the inspiration through the year. I hope 2015 is kind to you. Hugs Jackie

  16. lovely collection Julia happy new year xx hazel

  17. They all rock my boat julia all stunning in their own right thank you for everything happy new year may all your dreams come true xxxx

  18. Hello Julia and all

    i always said I was not going to start with dies and embossing folders but I gave in a couple of months ago. So when I look at what you have done and used I see something else I want to buy. As you can imagine when I see a collection like todays it costs me a fortune, lol. I think there is something lovely about everyone of them, lots of great ideas to copy. Thank you for sharing all your ideas.

    I wish you all a very Happy 2015.
    Best wishes

  19. Thankyou Julia for sharing your cards with us during the year. Difficult to choose just one as special as they are all gorgeous. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2015. Looking forward to seeing you on C&C on the 12th January. Helen

  20. Hello Julia, thank you for sharing these beautiful works of art with us. I hope you have a wonderful 2015, filled with plenty of opportunities, health and happiness. Take care Bx

  21. Afternoon Julia and Happy New Year to you and your family!
    Lovely cards,my favs is may,june and sept. Looking forward to the
    ones coming in 2015
    Take care Maria x

  22. What a beautiful array of cards! You are so talented! Have a fab New Years Eve xxx

  23. Beautiful cards Julia. Hope you have a happy new year and thank you for all your inspiration. xx

  24. Beautiful Julia, I wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  25. Hello,Julia, Thank you for sharing this 2014 selection, they are all fabulous and I love them all equally. I am privileged to own some Julia originals and they are breathtaking and a constant source of joy.mThank you for your inspiration and hard work, looking forward to 2015 on inkyfinger zone.
    Julia wishing you and your family A Happy Healthy New Year and to all on the blog.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  26. Hi Julia
    Wow, what a stunning collection for us today.
    They're all beautiful & I love them all & wouldn't be able to choose just one or two it's all or nothing in my reckoning...

    Thank you very much for all your hard work & amazing inspiration throughout 2014 & looking forward to much more in 2015.

    Wishing you a very Happy & Crafty New Year..

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze xx

  27. Hi Julia, A fabulous 'card-fest' today, your favourites are stunning !!
    I would love to wish you and all A Very Happy New Year.
    Lots oflove from Patricia xx

  28. Hi Julia

    Thank you for sharing some lovely cards and showing us so many techniques.

    Best wishes for 2015

    T x

  29. Lovely selection Julia although goodness knows how you manage to pick favourites from the fabulous cards you make. Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2015 is happy and healthy for us all. Pat x

  30. Sorry to be a dat late, but had to say these cards are fabulous. Lilian


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