
Friday 3 October 2014

Don't Walk Dance

Hi Bloggers.

Thanks very much for all your emails and comments on the shows yesterday. Glad you like the new stamps as much as I do. I've popped photos of all the samples on my facebook page here.

Here's today's card -

For the background, I started with the stamp in my hand, stamping Phill Martin's Vintage Sheet Music Background randomly using Peacock Feathers Distress Ink. I repeated the process with Phill Martin's Vintage Script Background using Iced Spruce Distress Ink. I then added the 'Let's Dance' from the Step by Step Sentiment Set using Peacock Feathers. I made sure the ink was dry and then ran it through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Feather Frenzy Embossing Folder. I ran it through a second time to extend the design and inked around the edges with Peacock Feathers. I rubbed Patina Gilding Wax all over the embossed surface. I left it to dry for a few minutes and then buffed it up using a dry wet wipe.

I stamped the Quick Step Stamp using Perfect Medium and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Lapis Black Aurora Embossing Powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders A2 Curved Matting Basics B and inked through the die with Peacock Feathers. I cut a Spellbinders Diamon Effects Die out of Teal Card.

I stamped the sentiment from the Step by Step Sentiment Stamp Set using Perfect Medium and embossed with Lapis Black Aurora. I cut it out using Spellbinders Classic Squares Small and inked through the die with Peacock Feathers. I cut a Spellbinders Square Swatches Die out of Teal Card.

 I made a flower out of White Crochet Ribbon and cut a couple of leaves out of Teal Card using Sue's Faux Quilled Leaves Die Set.

I assembled the card as shown adding a Small Circle Dazzler in each corner and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Cosmic Pearl around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia, beautiful card again today, I love these stamps and saw your shows yesterday, terrific, can't wait to play.

    Have a great Friday everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy hugs June Smith xxx

  2. Morning Julia.
    Thank you so much for the two brilliant shows yesterday, You and Dean are a class act just so funny. I love the way you take back control, of course the demo's are brilliant just like the cards. I have a new Grandson born two weeks early. so at the moment it is cuddles time. Take care, have a good weekend Kitty.

  3. Hello Julia, this card is really lovely, as were the show samples and the demos. What a laugh watching you and Dean, the "get it on" bit had me laughing out loud. You looked really lovely yesterday. Have a great Friday everyone. Bx

  4. Morning Julia
    Yes A Class Act - Julia and Dean - very entertaining. Loved the shows and must decide which dancers to get. I started an order and had to leave my basket!! The jewels, the Argentine Tango set - what a great idea to do. Love it all but must restrain myself! Gorgeous samples and brilliant demos.
    Sheila x

  5. Morning Julia, lovely card, great shows yesterday too. Love Jean xxx

  6. Just beautiful Julia and of course this colour is a favourite of mine so double wow for this one lol!

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Good morning Julia today's card is gorgeous. I enjoyed your shows yesterday. You and Dean are so funny together you really cheered up my afternoon. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

  8. Morning Julia,
    Great shows yesterday I love these fabulous stamps and such great prices also, I love the Colours you've chosen today and how you've also used Phill's background stamp. I'm so looking forward to meeting you on the 21st October at Kettering.
    Hugs from Sam x

  9. Morning Julia,
    Great shows yesterday love the banter with Dean. Great samples too. I love the new stamps and the cards you have made with them.

  10. Fabulous card, fabulous colours !
    Have a great weekend Julia,

  11. Morning Julia, a beautiful card and great colour. Still having problems with
    your blog tried this morning just after 6 o'clock after I commented on Sue's
    but the comment wouldn't go so here's hoping this one works.
    Nancyd xx

  12. Hi Julia. I tried to resist but ended up buying the stamps. I haven't watched any of Strictly yet but the Argentine Tango is my favourite dance. SueL x

  13. Morning Julia, I've just been watching Flavia and Vincent dancing the Argentine Tango on 'Lorraine', they were promoting their new show, I absolutely adore watching Strictly and the professionals are 'magnificent'. You have definitely got a winner with these 'dancer' stamps, another gorgeous card today.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  14. just love these stamps Julia and can think of lots of people I would use them for. The idea of a whole 'bundle' stamps, embossing powder, etc is a really good idea. Crafty Regards Julie Kay

  15. Lovely card Julia. The stamps look great, cant wait to see whether my recording worked ok, have been away for a few days so fingers crossed!

  16. Hi Julia, just stunning this card. I recorded your show yesterday and I am now going to watch it with my morning coffee Beryl xx

  17. Pretty colours and these "dance" stamps are so well drawn they are timeless

  18. Hi Julia,loved the show yesterday with Dean. this card is equally beautiful as the others,how can you choose which one to buy first of the wonderful stamps.......
    Hope your day been good,take care
    Maria x

  19. Hello Julia, Ooooh it is so good to be back, had internet trouble all week and I was out all day yesterday and missed the shows, will watch them later on C&C website.
    Today's card is stunning, love everything about it.
    Kitty congratulations on the arrival of your Grandson, enjoy the cuddles.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx


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