
Thursday 12 June 2014

Let's get together

Hi Bloggers.

Thanks for all the emails and comments here on the blog - much appreciated as always. Also thanks for all the orders at my Amazon Store.

I'm sorry, I have not had chance to post some new Blog Candy yet. I will try and do that later today.

The Creative Expressions Blog Hop starts at 10am today on the Creative Expressions Blog with the first stop here so please be sure to join in. I have prizes to give away so don't miss out.

Here's today's card -

For the background, I started by inking through a section of the Ornate Frame Mask in each corner of a piece of Coconut White Card using Pool Adirondack Dye Ink. I then ran it through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Grand Jo Jo Embossing Folder. I ran it through a second time to extend the design and inked around the edges with Pool Ink.

I cut a Spellbinders Ornate Squares out of Aqua Card. I stamped the Wirework Frame using Perfect Medium and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Silver Shine Detail Embossing Powder. I cut it out using scissors, cutting the nobbly bits off the outside of the frame to make cutting easier. I stamped the sentiment from the All Occasions Sentiments Stamp Set, using Perfect Medium and added Silver Detail Powder - I did not heat set at this point. I then stamped the inner frame area of the Wirework Frame around the sentiment, again using Perfect Medium, added Silver Powder and heat set the lot. I cut it out using scissors and popped it on top of the larger frame using 3d Foam.

I cut some leaves out of Aqua Card using Sue's Faux Quilled Leaves Die Set. I made a couple of leaves using White Crochet Ribbon.

I assembled the card as shown adding some White Pearls and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Cosmic Pearl around the edges.

Don't forget to stop by again later for the Blog Hop.

All for now.



  1. Hello Julia, shows were super, and as always your demos were fantastic. Love the stamps, great result with the amount that sold out. This card is really lovely Looking forward to the blog hop, will only be the 2nd one I have taken part in. Bx

  2. Hi Julia, this is so beautiful! I managed to watch your shows last night, well done on all the sell outs! Hug Carole Z X

  3. I loved this card when I saw you demo it yesterday. The colours are amazing. Thanks for all the fantastic cards you did yesterday. Love Nicola xx

  4. Morning Julia.
    Thank you the shows were brilliant yesterday. The cards are lovely too. I think my computor is on the blink, it is very old my sons old one. When it goes it will not be replaced. I don't understand blog hops anyway. Take care and have fun Kitty.

  5. Hi Julia. Love this card, three of the stamps accidently fell into my Amazon basket and before I knew it I'd clicked through to purchase!!! Your demos were fabulous yesterday. Never done a blog hop but there's a first time for everything.

  6. Morning Julia, a fantastic card as was your shows yesterday you always seem to
    Have a great time. Never tried a blog hop before but will give it a try.
    Nancy's xx

  7. Good morning Julia today's card is gorgeous. Yesterday's shows were brilliant I loved your demos. I will be back for the blog hop they are such fun and you get to see some fantastic projects. Have a great day. Love Jackie

  8. What an absolutely beautiful card and how well the flowers and leaves blend with the stamps. Stunning. No idea hat a blog hop is but I'll give it a whirl later and see what happens! Lol xx
    Marion B

  9. Great shows yesterday. I love everything about this card-the stamped frames, the background & especially the faux quilled leaves.


  10. Hi Julia enjoyed the shows and demo,s yesterday, the stamps are really lovely. Well done Mrs B on winning a card . Looking forward to blog hop x

  11. Morning Julia, your shows, demos and cards were fantastic. Great new stamps and this card is gorgeous.
    Hugs Annie

  12. Haven't caught up yet. Love this aqua colour

  13. Hi Julia,
    Still have to catch up on your shows , sure they were great.
    Love this card!

  14. Morning Julia, lovely card, love the flowers. I am afraid I missed your shows yesterday but hope to catch up today. Love Jean xxxx

  15. Hi Julia. Love this card, the pool and aqua colours are so pretty. I really enjoyed the shows, you looked likeyou did too Julia, it is so good to hear all of the laughter : ) Still can't believe how lucky I have been, firstly winning your blog candy and now I have a beautiful Julie Watts original!
    I am looking forward to the blog hop. For the ladies that haven't seen a blog hop before, it is just like looking at Julias blog then looking at Sue's blog. So today you will go to the Creative Expressions page then you click on the top name, which is Julias this time, enjoy the cards etc. leave a comment and then go on to the next name on the list. This name will be made clear somewhere on the previous blog. Blog hops simply let you visit blogs that you haven't seen before, and get to see so many great cards etc. I hope that all makes sense and that you have a go,they are great fun, and you may even win some goodies too. Have a good day. Take care.

  16. Hi Julia. Love the card. Loved yesterdays shows.
    Will be back this afternoon for the blog hop.
    Love Val in Spain x

  17. A beautiful card. Looking forward to the blog hop.

  18. Hello Julia, I love the new stamps you demo'd yesterday, they look lovely layered together , I will be purchasing them in the near future ( when my cofferes are replenished) Thank you
    X Ros

  19. Love the shows Julia the demos were beautiful as usual not heard of the blog hop I will try lateri know you mentioned it on the show thank you love June xxxx

  20. Lovely card! Was out all day yesterday so still have the shows to watch, sounds great, going by all the wonderful comments!
    Well done Mrs B!
    Looking forward to the Blog Hop!

  21. Hi Julia
    Love this card and the colours you have used. Saw a bit of your first show yesterday as my recorder had a funny turn when the power went off. I was ironing at the time so I'm not to sure if it was the iron or the plug socket it went in to. Anyhow the hard drive would not record at all after that. It did record your 1.00 show though. Will look at the blog hop later. Thanks for the chance to win something.

  22. Morning Julia,
    I was out yesterday so will catch up with the shows today, sounds like you had a great day. Love the card today so beautiful, such pretty colours.

  23. Congrats Mrs B and thank you for explaining what a blog hop is so as I'm off sick today Will give it a go later Another shade of blue/green so it will always be a favourite in my book I live that embossing folder I can see Christmas (obviously I think the name is a bit of a giveaway) but it looks terrific on this card

  24. Good morning Julia. Another gorgeous card!! The colour combination is beautiful, and the crochet ribbon flowers and quilled leaves finish this card off to perfection. Have a lovely day. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

  25. A beautiful card using some beautiful colours.

  26. Morning Julia
    Lovely, cards, lovely show and you a lovely lady, the card today is beautiful
    carol x

  27. Hi Julia, this card is so pretty, enjoyed your shows yesterday love Jean Z xx

  28. Well done Julia on a successful show yesterday, I only saw parts of it but all went well and the presenters were a good choice. Love this background on today's card as well as the other components that make it "A yes from me!!" lol Mabex

  29. Loved the shows yesterday Julia - great fun and fab samples. Love today's colours and design, and those fabulous crochet flowers making an appearance again - they really finish the cards off beautifully xx

  30. Morning Julia,

    Lovely card.

    Enjoyed your shows. Great products. X

  31. Morning Julia,Sweet little card and beautiful colours.
    I was not able to see your show but will catch-up,promieeese!

    Have a nice day in the sunshine :)
    Maria x

  32. Hi Julia

    Really enjoyed catching up on the shows last night and a really pretty card today.

    Crafty hugs,

    T x

  33. Hi Julia,
    Love this card and love the colours. Have had a go on the blog hop! All new to me but lovely to see different ideas! Good fun!
    Just about to watch your show with Leonie .
    Love Myra


Only positive comments please!