
Tuesday 1 April 2014

So Grateful for You

Hi Bloggers.

Here's today's card -

I started by mixing some Apple Red and Egyptian Blue Sparkle Texture Paste together on my Craft Sheet. I then spread it through the Swoosh Mask onto Black Card and put aside to dry. Once dry, I cut a circle out from it using the largest die in Sue's Decorative Frames Die Set from the Italian Collection. I cut the largest die from the Umbria Die Set out of Black Card.

I stamped the sentiment from the Creative Expressions Gratitudes Stamp Set using Jet Black Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I cut it out using the smallest die in the Umbria Die Set and inked through the die with Chipped Sapphire Distress Ink.

For the background, I ran a piece of Coconut White Card through the Grand Calibur with Sue's Illusion Embossing Folder. I inked around the edges with Chipped Sapphire.

I tied a bow using 2 lengths of Black Silky Crush Ribbon and added a Fancy Pearl Embellishment.

I assembled the card as shown adding some Black Pearls to the corners and I pierced around the edges.

I'll be back tomorrow with a sneak peek from Thursday's shows.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia.
    Thank you the card is beautiful. Take care Kitty

  2. Morning Julia
    WOW This card is stunning - rather a different style for you. But the two texture pastes look fab together!!
    Take care out there very foggy in Kent.
    Sheila x

  3. Hi Julia
    Stunning card love the new sue Wilson dies thank you Tracy w x

  4. Morning Julia. a fabulous card a great way to use the texture paste
    never thought of mixing them must give it a go. Looking forward to
    to sneaky peek tomorrow.
    Nancyd xx

  5. Good morning Julia this card is gorgeous not your usual style but fabulous. What a treat more shows from you. Have a great day. Love Jackie

  6. Hi Julia, this is stunning, so love the background, the colours go together so well and it looks very elegant. Not your usual card but a change is as good as a rest so they say. It is brilliant though. Love it.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Morning Julia, A lovely card, gorgeous colours, fabulous textures and a beautiful die-cut and embossing folder. A very 'lush' card.
    Looking forward to the sneak peek, you are a tease, but we 'like it' haha.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Hi Julia great card and the mix of pastes blend together so well. Look forward to sneeky peek tomorrow. x

  9. Hi Julia. Great card, very striking, I love it : ) Looking forward to the sneak peek. Take care.

  10. Morning Julia, very striking card, love it! Love Jean xxx

  11. Love it all! Those textured pastes are something I'll be looking out for if I get to Ally Pally And as stupid as it sounds I tend to leave Anything I've made with Ali's masks as square Of course I can turn them onto another shap! Duh!

  12. Love the card Julia it's great thank you for sharing love June xxxx

  13. Hello Julia, gorgeous card, love the colours of paste you have used, waiting for my masks to be delivered, hope they arrive while I have time off this week, so that I can have a play. Bx

  14. Lovely Julia. I love the new glitter pastes.
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  15. Hi Julia, love the card. I have ordered the swoosh mask, paint and texture paint.

  16. Lovely card, Julia, I have the Italian collection. It was a difficult choice but I could only afford one! Love the pastes.

  17. Morning Julia,
    Love your card, very elegant. Also loved yesterday's did not mange to get to leave a comment .

  18. Hi Julia,

    Love this card. So pretty. X

  19. Morning Julia
    This card is stunning love the centre feature just great

  20. Love the Swoosh mask and what you've done with it Julia, hope your'e feeling better xx

  21. Amazing card today,love what you have done with the pastes and mask.

  22. Hi Julia, love the mask and pastes you have done a good job with them, love the card too . love Jean Z xxx

  23. Lovely card Julia, loved the swoosh mask when I saw it on TV - another one to add to my wish list!!!

  24. Hi Julia,
    Love today's card! I liked the swoosh mask as soon as I saw it! The texture pastes are beautiful and as you showed very versatile! The close up really shows the lovely colour mix. Thanks once again for all the care you take in explaining and showing the detail.
    Have a good day, it's vaguely sunny here!
    Love Myra

  25. Hello Julia, A dramatic card today, love everything about it. The glitter pastes are beautiful and the close ups show the vibrant colour mix. Looking forward to the sneak peek tomorrow. Hope you are feeling better.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  26. Hi Julia
    A lovely striking card today. Love the pastes, the mask and of course Sue's embossing folder and dies. look forward to seeing the sneak peek tomorrow.

  27. Love the swoosh mask, it's gorgeous. Beautiful card Julia, wonderful colour as always. Pat x

  28. Hi Julia
    Hope you are feeling better.
    I love the colours of these texture pastes together,it is a stunning card, it looks great with the new embossing folder. I must get some and have a play. Thanks for the inspiration Julia.
    Love Eileen L.

  29. Hey Julia - a postscript to my early morning blog message... Hooray my masks and texture pastes arrived (delivered to work.. so Mr. doesn't know I've given in and bought more stash)!!!! So now going to play (no I mean - create!!) Several cards to make for April and May. LOL
    See you tomorrow.
    Sheila x

  30. Evening Julia
    Stunning card, love the colours ofvthevtexture paste - and your own unique colour.
    Thinking I need this mask in my stash.
    Amanda x


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