
Tuesday 8 April 2014

Congratulations and a Giveaway

Hi Bloggers.

Today is the last day that you can order tickets for Ally Pally and get a £1 discount. Click on the link in the right hand sidebar to go to the place where you can order tickets. Not long now. I love Ally Pally - they're my favoutite 2 weekends of the year. It's the time when we can all get together for a good old catch up as we rarely see each other the rest of the time. I noticed on Facebook yesterday that Phill Martin was 'Planning for Ally Pally' Goodness me! What's he trying to do? Show me up? I think, actually, that I'm in for a weekend of non-stop giggling with him! Of course, I'll be working while I'm giggling! lol!

Anyway, enough of that and onto today's card which was my last demo in the shows last week and I didn't quite manage to stick it together. So, I've brought it home and it's now stuck together so I thought I'd offer it up as a giveaway. Just leave a comment below (only nice ones allowed!) and I'll draw a winner before I head off to Ally Pally on Friday.

For the background, I stamped the Vintage Wallpaper A6 Background a few times using Perfect Medium and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Gold Detail Embossing Powder. I edged it with Antique Linen using Cut n Dry Foam.

I stamped the Congratulations Stamp twice using Perfect Medium and embossed with Gold Detail Powder. I cut one out complete and then just cut the 2 panels out on the other one. I cut a Spellbinders Fleur de Lis Rectangle out of Soft Gold Card. I layered everything up using 3d Foam.

I tied a bow using Cream Crochet Ribbon. I added a little watered down Cosmic Shimmer Vanilla PVA to a Small Fancy Pearl Embellishment to tone it to the Milk Card and added it to a Metal Dazzler Setting.

I assembled the card as shown adding a Cream 8mm Pearl to each corner and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Vanilla PVA around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Hi Julia
    I love all the different techniques you use to make backgrounds, it's great to see as it shows you don't always need fancy papers to start with. Cream and gold is always classy, fantastic card. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Hi Julia, fabulous card, love the background, this would make a wonderful Golden Anniversary card. Thank you for the ideas and inspiration. Bx

  3. Good Morning Julia.
    First of all a real beauty of a card. Have lots of fun no one can show you up Both you and Sue are in a league of your own. I wish the show could come back to Kettering again. I had a little chat with you last time, and said hello to Sue on Saturday. I cannot make Ally Pally, or your workshop. due to commitments. Have lots of fun and take care Kitty

  4. Hi Julia
    Great card love the congratulations stamp thanks Tracy w x

  5. Another great card Julia
    I went to ally pally last year and saw you there. Cant make it in April but will try for the one later in the year.
    Have a great time.
    I Would love to win one Of your creations xxxx

  6. Morning Julia
    I was lucky enough to watch the shows last week so I saw you demo this and would love to win this smashing card.
    Nicola xx

  7. What a beautiful card. I won tickets to Ally Pally but my circumstances have changed and now I can't make it-ah well, one year I will get there!


  8. Beautiful, classy card Julia.
    You and Sue and Phil together. , what a blast!
    Would love to give this card a home!

  9. Morning Julia, Love it !! Love it !! Love it !! the background is stunning and what a beautiful compilation, I truly love it !!
    Phil could never 'show you up' Julia, always know that, I think it will be the other way around hahahaha, but have fun together.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  10. Another lovely card, Julia, very celebratory! Gorgeous golds. Still trying to organise a trip to Ally Pally, might make it this year, hope so Ibecause I've never been! Would love, love, love to win a card of yours!
    Happy day everyone!

  11. Hi Julia. Beautiful card, love the gold/cream. I wish I could get to Ally Pally this weekend but hopefully will get there one day. You will have a great time I'm sure, with Sue and Phil. Take care.

  12. Hi Julia beautiful elegant card with lots of lovely techniques. Afraid can't make Ally Pally just too far for me but it sounds as will be fun. You are a talented lady, no need to worry about not being .lol x

  13. Morning Julia, beautiful card, love the background. Love Jean xxx

  14. Gorgeous card Julia, I love the background. Ally Pally too far for me, I hope you have a great time and enjoy doing your demos. Pat x

  15. Good morning Julia, lovely background and the stamp will get plenty of use, enjoy the weekend, best wishes Jackie D

  16. Hi Julia
    Lovely background. I love all your demonstrations when I can get to see them.
    Don't think I'll be able to make Ally Pally saving up for NEC in November though.
    Thanks for the chance to win one of your cards.
    Hugs SueC x

  17. Morning Julia love it the card is so clever what you can come up with .i bet ally pally is great oh how I wish I lived nearer love June xxx

  18. Wonderful card Julia, adore the colour scheme so rich looking

  19. Hello Julia, Gorgeous card, so rich and opulent, perfect for a Golden Wedding Anniversary. I love your backgrounds, no need for expensive papers. Sadly won't able to make Ally Pally, maybe next year, you will have a great time with Sue and Phil.
    Thanks for a chance to win your beautiful card.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  20. Love the card I'm so so excited coz I'm coming to Ally Pally on Sunday I just hope you'll hav stock left And having persuaded a friend to buy a GC we'll have great fun choosing dies to add to our collections etc

  21. Hi Julia. Lovely elegant card. See you at Ally Pally Saturday. I haven't been for about 3 years but it is my favourite show too. Have a good time SueL x

  22. Hi Julia,

    Wow! This card is so beautifully opulent.

    Look forward to seeing you at AP. X

  23. Morning Julia,

    I watched you make this on your show its a gorgeous card, the embossed background really makes it stand out and being all Gold makes it look very rich and warm.

    Good Luck with Ally Pally.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  24. Hi Julia, Beautiful card and stamps love it Jean Z xx

  25. Morning Julia
    WOW a fantastic card today and a giveaway!! The Queen of Backgrounds v. Phill Martin - now that I would like to see, but unfortunately not going to get to Ally Pally just yet.
    Would love to give one of your cards pride of place in my new craft room - almost finished now!
    What does one have to do to be lucky enough to get a Giveaway? I've had an email read by Martin to you on C&C - so I'll keep my fingers crossed and look in again tomorrow. Usually my first stop in the morning... but the builders were early so I didn't log on earlier! Now back to work....
    BFN Sheila x

  26. Very glamorous card Julia, Would love to go to Ally Pally. Enjoy. xx Flora

  27. Love this card Julia - love the vintage look. Don't think I'm going to manage
    Ally Pally this time, sadly. Maybe September things will have calmed down a bit

  28. Hi Julia. The card has stuck together beautifully and I´ve just the place to put it in my craft room if I´m lucky enough to win it.
    Never been to Ally Pally - but one of these days.
    Love Val in Spain x

  29. What a fabulous card Julia, so classy. Who are you trying to kid that you will be working AND giggling! Can't make it this time, but am hoping against hope that I will make it in September. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway xx

  30. Stunning what more can I say. I have got a couple of these stamps and will be having a play later today.
    I would love to win this card. Good luck everyone.
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  31. Morning Julia, absolutely gorgeous card great for a golden wedding
    we just had ours the other week and I made my own card as none of
    my family or friends make cards so I asked my husband if he would like to
    commission me to do one for him so I could have a handmade one that is one
    of my favorites and he said alright.
    Nancy xx

  32. Hello Julia - I thought that it was a nice idea to give this card on your blog when you said it on the telly. This card has given me a few ideas for my parents' 55th Wedding Anniversay in June. I tried to order some of these stamps through your store, but they are so popular you hardly had any stock left - anyway will keep an eye on your store and blog for when you restock. Enjoy Ally Pally.

  33. Such a beautiful,elegant card,love those stamps.As people have said a great card for a golden wedding anniversary.My parent's hope to celebrate theirs in August-hope as my Dad has just had surgery for bowel cancer at 81(fingers crossed).

  34. Hi Julia, a beautiful card and the stamp is so versatile. Won't be going to Ally Pally as its too far.
    Hope your Dad recovers well from surgery Holly.

  35. Ooh, it really comes across as an effervescent card! Enjoy Ally Pally, I wish I could get there.

  36. Hi Julia,
    Lovely card, now you and Phil together that will be a laugh a minute.

  37. A gorgeous card Julia, and just right for a Golden Wedding. Enjoy Ally Pally. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

  38. Fabulous card. Your backgrounds are second to none. See you at Ally Pally, I will be the one with the husband in tow to carry my goodies. Love Helen.

  39. Hi Julia
    This is beautiful,i loved it when you demoed it. Sorry won't be at ally pally as health is on the blink at moment but will be there in spirit. Have a great time.
    Love Jan x x

  40. Afternoon Julia
    Stunning card today, I am sure that you are planning for Ally Pally to....
    I am still hoping that Mum is able to walk....
    Amanda x

  41. Hi Julia

    A bit later than usual today as I've had friends over to do some crafting. This was well worth waiting for. I saw you do this one on the tv and wondered what die was used to make the frame. I've got the fleur de leys square, but not the rectangle. this card is absolutely gorgeous, and thanks for the chance to win it.

  42. Hi Julia
    Computer been poorly sick , but back today, thank you for the lovely card, and all your cards are beautiful - just catching up
    Carol x

  43. Hi Julia I love this card I saw you demo this one and the stamp has won me over. I'm so excited because I will be at Ally Pally on Saturday I thought I wouldn't be able to be there this time. I'm looking forward to all the demos and the wonderful things to buy. Love Jackie

  44. Hi Julia,
    I thought this was a lovely card when I saw you demo it ( on record )! It looks lovely up close and personal! I hope you have a great time time at Ally Pally - I'd love to go but it's a long way away and my husband and Craft Fairs don't mix!
    Do you call this jaunt work, or fun or a combination of both?! I 'm sure you'll have a great time. I do hope so, as you work so hard.Phil is good, but heh - you two ladies are a hard act to follow or even keep up with!
    Would love to win your gorgeous card but will continue to enjoy your blog anyway!
    Love Myra

  45. This is such a lovely card. Wish I could get to Ally Pally-maybe next time. Have a good time catching up and giggling! Jan

  46. Hi Julia, this card is lovely, I got this set ,it will make a great ruby wedding card( red of course )for later in the year. Have fun at Ally Pally.

  47. Wow! A very ornate design, love the metal dazzler setting and pearl embellishment.x

  48. Hi Julia
    I always love a limited pallette of white and gold. Enjoy your weekend!

  49. What a beautiful card Julia, hope you have a geat time at Ally Pally. I was hoping to come but unfortunately will have to wait till September, never mind, all good things are worth waiting for. At least we have you and Sue to keep us happy!

  50. a gorgeous card Julia . Love the colours and would make superb Golden Wedding or wedding day. Have a good time at Ally Pally havinf a good laugh with Phill Martin.

  51. Good evening Julia, wow such an elegant card today. Love it. Kind regards Joanne K x

  52. A really lovely celebration card Julia, hope you enjoy Ally Pally and hurry back to C&C with more of your wonderful demo's xx

  53. Well Julia I got a double e-mail with your card today, lucky me, does that mean I have two chances to win the beautiful card (lol) xx

  54. Hi Julia,

    Elegant and pretty. Love it. Thank you.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  55. Hi, very elegant card, thought I had missed out on winning a card, did email in, so thanks for another chance, can't make ally pally, but have a great time, very pleased with my swoosh mask, just love it with paste. So many thanks, xx

  56. Hi Julia. I hope you are ok. Your blog is running late today -Wed-just wanted to check. Will look again later.Take care.

  57. Such a beautiful card. They always are. Such a talented person you are. Can't make Ally Pally as I'm a full time cater and it's to far for me to go.

  58. Hi Julia stunning card I hope you have a great time at Ally Pally unfortunately I can't make it ( can you hear me crying :0((( ) love Lynda Brock xx


Only positive comments please!