
Wednesday 19 February 2014

Best Wishes

Hi Bloggers.

Back from the Trade Show - I'm just a tad tired today! Before I share today's card, I just wanted to let you know that I have had to remove the ability for you to leave annonymous comments. I have been bombarded with spam comments and although Blogger catches most of them before they publish my email inbox has received them all and as I can't tell if they're a valid comment or spam, I have to open them all. As long as you become a follower of my blog you'll be able to leave a comment. Hope you understand why I've made the change.

Also, if any of you have purchased from my Amazon Shop, would you be kind enough to leave me some feedback please? There's a lady who has recently purchased one of Sue's Bow Die Sets from me and she has left me neutral feedback because she doesn't know how to use it. My performance has dropped to 98% from 100% as a result. If you have any problems with your orders, I would really appreciate an email first so I can try an fix the problem before feedback is left.

Here's today's card -

For the background, I first randomly inked through the Funky Mask with Dusty Concord Distress Ink. I then did the same with the Delicate Mask and Seedless Preserves. With the stamp in my hand, I randomly stamped the Vintage Tapestry A6 stamp with Dusty Concord and then the Perfume Background with Seedless Preserves. I made sure the ink was dry and then ran it through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Super Plush Embossing Folder. I ran it through a second time to extend the design and then inked around the edges with Dusty Concord. I ran some Icicle Stickles around the edges and put aside to dry.

I stamped the Crystal Cut perfume bottle using Dusty Concord and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Cear Embossing Powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders Opulent Ovals and inked through the die with Dusty Concord.

I stamped the sentiment that comes in the set, again using Dusty Concord and embossed with Clear Powder. I cut it out using Justrite Vintage Labels 4 and inked through the die with Dusty Concord.

I tied a bow using Purple/Ivory Striped Grosgrain. I pressed a Dazzler Setting into Perfect Medium, added Cosmic Shimmer Silver Detail Embossing Powder and heat set. I added a Frosted Violet Dazzler.

I assembled the card as shown adding some Cream Pearls to the corners and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pastel Lilac PVA around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Good morning Julia today's card is gorgeous. I'm sorry about the trouble you have had with your blog I fully understand why you have made the change. I hope the trade show was good for you and that you get a chance to rest today. Love Jackie

  2. Morning Julia,

    Well that challenged the brain trying to remember pass word.
    Worth it though.

    Very pretty card. This one of my favourite scent bottles, and with my all time favourite colour. Gorgeous. X

  3. Morning Julia,
    So annoying for you Julia, it's the same with spam emails, they drive me mad. A very vibrant card today, sorry but the bows not for me, otherwise it's beautiful.
    Enjoy a rest today.

  4. Hi, Julia,
    Ever since I won a stamp by commenting on one of Sue's master pieces, I have practiced and practiced your very clever bespoke background pieces, but I have to admit that nobody does it like you! Lovely card today - and every day! Thank you!
    As far as your Amazon business is concerned, you can rest assured that every order from you has arrived in tip-top condition and correct, moreover by return of post with a personal hand-written 'Thank You'. You are a Top Supplier! Those are the touches that count in my books. Well done, Julia!
    I am glad that your NEC trade show went well. You must be absolutely frazzled from the attention given to Creative Expressions. I am pleased that the attention of the new dies will be directed towards the 'small' traders, as long as they execute our orders as efficiently as you.
    Have a nice little rest.
    Kind Regards, Lis x

  5. Morning Julia, So glad you enjoyed the Stitches trade shows, I'll bet you are worn out now, here's hoping you are getting some R&R.
    Another stunner of a card today, I'm adoring the background, especially the perfume background stamp, and the gorgeous perfume bottle focal image really does look like cut crystal.
    Have a lovely day.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  6. Morning Julia, lovely card. Love Jean x

  7. Hi Julia, I'm pleased you have gotten your blog sorted to take our comments as we love your Cards, and this mornings Card is no exception, it's Truly Beautiful I really Love how you achieve your backgrounds and those Perfume Bottle Stamps are a delight, and The Outstanding Bow with The Awesome Dazzler Setting and Dazzler, just Stunning. I'm sure your really tired after a really successful NEC Show I'm thrilled it went so well, and I couldn't be more thrilled that the Independent Retailers are getting first choice, we need to support small companies and Business's more have a good rest, I wish at some stage you did workshops near where I lived.
    Hugs from Sam x

  8. Morning Julia I'm sure you must be tired after a busy weekend glad all went well .i haven't got any dies yet I'm saving but I will be sure to leave feedback when I order from you .aboute the card it is beautiful one of my favourite designs try to have a rest charge your batteries love June xxxx

  9. Morning Julia, a gorgeous card just my colours and I love the background
    the perfume bottle stamps look fantastic. sorry to hear someone was stupid
    enough to leave a negative comment if she watched C&C she would know how to
    use them.
    Nancyd xx

  10. Lovely card -sorry about your hassles -fully understand .
    Have a rest now !

  11. Morning Julia,
    I'm sure you are tired after that hectic time at the show. Sorry to hear you are bombarded with silly people - tell them to get a life.
    Stunning card, I do like these perfume bottles they are lovely.
    Carol x

  12. Hi Julia. Love the background. Backgrounds are definitely your forte. I´ve never seen you do just an average one yet. I love all of them.
    Sorry about the hassle you have had with your blog some people have really sad lives.
    Have a good rest today.
    Love Val x

  13. Hi Julia. Love todays card and the Icicle Stickles really add that finishing touch. Totally understand about the spam problems. Sorry to hear about the Amazon issue. Not knowing how to use something ((it's not rocket science to find out how by looking online is it!) is NOT a reason to leave neutral feedback,and the silly lady should have contacted you first to see if you could help! (I don't think it should be allowed to be a reason by Amazon ) You shouldn't be allowed to leave neutral or negative feedback until you have contacted the seller and given them a fair chance to help you. You must be really annoyed about her : ( Hope you get to have a rest today. Take care.

  14. Hope you recover from all your efforts at the show Julia. Pretty card today, those bottles are lovely designs. Re Amazon, I bought a stamp from you recently, I was a little disappointed about the size of it (a rose border stamp) but it was as much my fault as yours, I didn't ask about the size before I bought it. I wrote to you to suggest that you think about including sizes in your posting, but I didn't leave any nasty feedback.

  15. Hi Julia, love the card and colours, It's so bad of people to leave negative feedback for their incompetence it's easy to find out and as you say ask you first, love Jean Z xx

  16. Love the colours and background on this one Julia. I too bought the dies, but it isn't showing up in my orders list, so am not able to leave feed back at the minute, will keep checking though xx

  17. Lovely Julia, love the colours.
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  18. Morning Julia this is a beautiful card. I am off now to leave a comment as I cannot see why anyone would leave a negative comment. Thanks for all your hard work. Helen xx

  19. Good morning Julia, I hope you get some well deserved rest today after such a hectic schedule. Another interesting background on a delightful card, best wishes Jackie D

  20. Hi Julia
    So sorry to hear you have had problems with Amazon. Why on earth didn't this person contact you direct. I know that when I wasn't to sure about a technique, I emailed to ask you to explain in a bit more detail. You obliged with no problem at all. She obviously wasn't a regular, or else she would have known that even Sue would have given her some help. Anyway back to the card which is absolutely fabulous. I do love the scent bottles. These are next on my list. I have started to do messy backgrounds as well to match my card toppers. Thanks for the inspiration.

  21. Hi Julia
    Meant to say glad that you had a great time at the NEC. Have some rest now before you start again.

  22. Hi Julia, love today's card. I've still got to try your background technique. Make sure you have some relaxing time.

  23. Morning Julia
    Stunning card today, I love the backgrounds that you make, each and every one is unique - love the whole composition of this card.
    Really pleased that the Trade show went well, you deserve a good rest - but I bet you are hard at it already. So glad the dies will not be on C&C small traders need to be encouraged, where would I be without YOU. So glad you managed to sort out the blog to rid it of spam I love visiting to see the days inspiration and as for that stupid women and her comment I am really surprised I have never met any one more helpful than you, she should have contacted you direct, but then with a little bit of effort and common sense I am sure that she would have been able to do it. Some people!!!!!
    Amanda x

  24. Hi Julia,

    A stunning card, love the design and colour. The background looks fabulous.

    Glad you a good time at the Trade Show.

    Fully understand your reason for removing the anonymous comments, who needs them anyway, I always feel if its a genuine comment then they would leave a name but that's me!!

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  25. What a lovely card Julia! But purple is my favourite colour anyway so bound to like it. Always had excellant service from your Amazon store, will try and leave a positive comment soon. Love Sarah

  26. Hello Julia, A delightful card, love the colour and design, I really need to get some Seedless Preserve. Cannot believe that someone left you negative feedback on Amazon, you are so helpful and customer orientated, hope she is feeling awful with herself. Glad you have sorted the spammers out, they are a pain.
    Glad that you had a good time at the trade show, try to have a well deserved rest today.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  27. Another lovely card So sad you've had problems with blog I just hope I'm doing it in the correct way Is it just me but wouldn't you know what/why you're ordering something...? I'm a little confused as to the neutral comment...

  28. Hi Julia,
    Was too late to comment yesterday! Had a mad sort of day! Both yesterday's and today's cards are lovely! The background is really lovely and well, I do love the bows and dazzlers!
    Trust this comes through as I was an anonymous one! Really want to keep making comments and receiving your blog! I too can only praise the efficiency and courtesy of your online store! Always a handwritten thank you!
    Love Myra

  29. I love the dusty concorde and seedless preserves together, what a gorgeous background. Beautiful card Julia with another lovely scent bottle. Can't quite understand a negative feedback when it's the buyer that has the problem. Why buy something if you don't know how to use it? Pat x

  30. Beautiful card today and it's in purple,just gorgeous.Your service on your online store is amazing.I too can't understand ow you can leave a bad comment when it is you the purchaser that has the problem-how can you not know how to use the dies anyway,it isn't rocket science!It is so unfair on you.

  31. Hello Julia, I am so sorry you are having trouble with spam emails, they can cause real damage to innocent people.
    Today's card is stunning, I love the background all the shades of purple and the stickles make your card "twinkle"
    X Ros

  32. Hello Julia
    Sorry you have had trouble with spam emails .
    I love your blog and only wish you good things.

  33. Hi Julia I am sat looking at your card from my email last week and it is stunning, I will treasure it, thank you. Today's card is so pretty, and the background , and colours are beautiful . Thank you again x

  34. Oh forgot to say you sent me the one with my favourite die Raindrops on Roses which I have managed to buy now. Next is on to Sue's beautiful dies. Thanks again appreciate it x

  35. Good morning Julia,
    I love the background on this card fab. Sue's bows are so easy... Hmmm, I will go and leave my feedback...cheers

  36. Hi Julia thanks for all your hard work and I hope you get some rest. Best wishes Liz Spooner.xx

  37. how anyone can blame their own inability to use a product on a retailer takes the biscuit! I have never done anon posts because it isn't right. Loved the card and all your instructions, don't always leave a message but I was upset, one of my favourite people on C&C and CE shouldn't have to have the unrest. Take care, x

  38. I love the background of this card - very pretty and lots of possibilities. Not fond of the ribbon bows -too heacy for such delicate cards but I do like the lace ones you use.
    I understand the frustration of the lady who couldn't use the bow dies. I am the same and blame die makers for not putting any helpful instructions with them - also the flowers. No need to give you bad feedback though -it isn't your fault!

  39. Shame about the trouble with your blog
    Hope you enjoyed the trade show
    Great card as always xxx

  40. Hi Julia. Beautifully made with love card today. Really like the colours. I think I need more practise with my distress inks it doesn't seem to look as nice as urs. Must be my technique lol ill need to watch u more carefully on your shows!
    Love Tracy from killie x


Only positive comments please!