
Saturday 15 February 2014

Best Wishes

Hi Bloggers.

I have shows today on Create & Craft at 10am with Leonie and 4pm with Martyn. Hope you can join me.

There are some new frame stamps on the shows today. I'm not sure what they're called but they are lovely.

For the background, I stamped the Henna Floral Border both sides of a piece of Coconut White Card using Seedless Preserves Distress Ink. I made sure the ink was dry and then ran it through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Joe's Garden Embossing Folder. I ran it through a second time to extend the design and inked around the edges with Seedless Preserves. I added some 3mm White Pearls to the border design.

I stamped the sentiment from the Creative Expressions Celebration Stamp Set using Perfect Medium and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Silver Shine Detail Powder. I stamped the frame around it. I cut it out using Spellbinders Majestic Labels 25 and inked through the die with Seedless Preserves. I cut another couple of Majestic Labels 25 dies out of Rich Plum Card to form a mat.

I cut some of the smallest dies from the Spellbinders Aster Flower Topper Die Set, inking through the die with Seedless Preserves.

I assembled the card as shown adding some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Vintage Plum around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia.
    I shall be watching today the card is lovely so pretty. Take extra care on roads Kitty

  2. Hi Julia, gorgeous card!! I have decided to have a totally crafty weekend with the weather being so foul so I'll be watching both your shows today Glad you have Leonie at 10. Travel safely today Hugs Annie

  3. Morning Julia, a gorgeous card and just my colours and the layout is
    perfect and i'm still loving the Aster flowers use them a lot. Have set to record
    your shows as we are always out at weekend but Ill get peace to watch them
    looking forward to them.
    Nancyd xx

  4. Lovely card Julia and sumptuous colours. Will have to record the shows but that'll be a treat for later on!
    Marion B

  5. Hi Julia, what a Beautiful Card you have today for us, I so love these Henna Stamps, and those Flowers they look just so pretty, I will be watching you on Create and Craft, I Love your Demo's tips and techniques thank you.
    Hugs from Sam x

  6. Enjoy the shows Julia, looking forward to them.
    The card is lovely.

  7. What a lovely card, Julia. Looking forward to watching the shows.

  8. Morning Julia, wow, beautiful card, love the stamps and great colours! Will be watching your shows today! Love Jean xxx

  9. Good morning Julia today's card is gorgeous. I hope the shows go well and that you stay safe travelling around today. Love Jackie

  10. Great card, the colours are lovely. Looking forward to catching at least one of the shows today x

  11. Hi Julia great card again,, looking forward to seeing you on today's shows. X

  12. Hi Julia
    Great card will watch you today thank Tracy w x

  13. Morning Julia - this card really is lovely and I have already been looking at the items in your shows can't wait but please take care on your journey to C&C. Helen xx

  14. Hi Julia,
    A lovely card beautiful colour choice and a different size, makes a change to see this size card. Love it. Hope the shows go well.

  15. Morning Julia
    Stunning card again Julia, looking forward to seeing your shows today, and thank you for the prompt delivery of my dies. I have been lucky to have been chosen by Sue for a Die, different to what I have ordered which is great. I am a lucky girl. Travel safely today dear as the wind is still bad
    Carol x

  16. Hi Julia, a really gorgeous card, stunning layout and colours. Will be recording the shows. Travel safely. Bx

  17. Hi Julia. Great card. Love the Majestic labels 25. Hope you have a safe journey. Looking forward to the shows. Take care.

  18. Beautiful card Julia, love the way you've added the pearls to the borders and the colour is fab. Looking forward to watching your shows today, have a safe journey. Pat x

  19. Morning Julia
    A very opulent card today I love the colour combo and those aster flowers are divine.
    good luck with shows.
    Amanda x

  20. Morning Julia a beautiful card this morning I love the flowers looking forward to the shows today please be careful on the roads have brill shows. Love June xxx

  21. Morning Julia, a very pretty card today. Good luck with todays shows. I am sure they will be a great success. Kind regards Joanne K x

  22. Hi Julia, love the card will be watching and recording love Jean Z xx

  23. Morning Julia, I'm sat here waiting to watch you on tv !! Really looking forward to it.
    This card is stunning, the aster flowers are beautiful with the inking through the die, they remind me of 'eyes', loving the border stamping and the die-cuts you have used are absolutely fabulous. A stunning card !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  24. Lovely card & I hadn't realised how many colours there are in the pva range! Got the biggest pile of ironing to do so the tele is on & I'll be watching as I iron away!

  25. Hi Julia, this is such a lovely card. Love the aster flowers, the stamps and the die.

  26. Lovely card, I've got you on the TV as I'm writing this - have a good day!

  27. Stunning card! Your show this morning was fabulous! xx

  28. Hi Julia
    Just watched the programme! Where does the time go! Loved the card you demoed! It was gorgeous - but I love blue. I ordered some card as I go through loads of the basic colours now. Also the little sparkle pots! Now that was your fault - you made me want those with your lovely demonstration! I've got to blame someone!
    Safe travel home, Julia, in this shocking weather.
    Love Myra

  29. Me again! Ps! Love the card on today's post too - flowers are lovely!

  30. Hello Julia, Gorgeous card, love the colours and the aster flowers are sooo pretty. The border stamping is beautiful and great choice of dies. Travel safely.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  31. hi Julia
    Love today's card, especially the colour and the flowers. The border stamp is gorgeous as well.

  32. Beautiful card today Julia. The border stamping is lovely and the flowers ever so pretty.
    Love Val x

  33. Hello Julia, just caught the last five minutes of this afternoons show, however I have both taped so will watch them properly later.This sample is really lovely thank you.
    X Ros

  34. Hi Julia, Lovely card, watched and taped both shows. Hope you have a safe journey home. By the way is anyone having trouble with Blogspot ? Its taken 5 goes to get in this pm.!!! Its happening on Sue's blog as well.

  35. Beautiful card love the border stamp and the colour used. Taped your shows today hope to watch them this evening. Helen VofG

  36. Haven't had chance to watch the show- will catch up on Monday when get home- but I love the frame you've used and the way you've added the pearls. the colour is beautiful too. A lovely card. jan xx


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