
Thursday 16 January 2014

Hugs and Kisses

Hi Bloggers.

I have shows today on Create & Craft at 9am with Dave and Leonie at 4pm. At the time that this post goes live I'll be well on my way to the studios having been up at stupid o'clock again! I don't really mind the early start but it does leave you feeling a bit kinda jetlagged by the end of the day. Goodness knows whether Leonie & I will be making any sense in the 4pm show as I'm sure she'll be suffering a bit from her trip to CHA.

This is a really easy card - with the dies really doing all the work. It features the 'yummy' (as Sue described them) Heartfelt Creations Raindrops on Roses Dies. By the way, you can still watch Sue's show online via the Create & Craft website - just look at the TV schedule, go back to Sunday 12th, scroll down to 9pm and click on the play button.

The background is a piece of Coconut White card run through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Joe's Garden Embossing Folder. I ran it through a second time to extend the design.

I cut 2 of the kinda frame dies and 1 of the focal die from the Raindrops on Roses Die Set, inking through the die with Faded Jeans.

I stamped the sentiment from the Creative Expressions Natures Sentiments Stamp Set using Perfect Medium and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Silver Shine Detail Embossing Powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders Pearl Effects and inked through the die with Faded Jeans.

I cut some flowers out using the Heartfelt Creations Majestic Blooms Die (just using Coconut White Card, no stamping). I inked them with Faded Jeans, shaped them and made 3 flowers, 2 layers to each one and added an 8mm White Pearl. The leaves are from the Heartfelt Creations Sweet Juliet Die Set which I'm happy to report will be on my January 26th shows.

I assembled the card as shown adding some more White Pearls to the corners and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in White around the edges.

On your marks, get set...... the stamps that flew out last week are now back in stock! You can see the backgrounds within this section here and the dresses and handbags within the singles section here. Also back in stock again is the Blossom Felt Pack.

I was asked to stock the Plain Pins that Sue uses to make her own Stick Pins so you will find them here (sorry no pic of them at the moment). The pins are quite thick so it's a bit hit and miss as to which beads will fit. Dries Clear will secure your beads but I'm told that Glossy Accents seems to work best.

I was asked if I would stock some brads. I have asked if we can stock them at Creative Expressions and hopefully that will come soon. In the meantime, I have ordered some in from Woodware which are perfect to use with the Sweet Juliet Die. You can find them here. I've also ordered in a good stock of 3d Foam Tape and Large Foam Pads.

All for now.

See you later!

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia.
    Thank you it is such a pretty card so fresh. Thank you for such a newsy blog, good luck for 4o'clock I shall be watching. take care Kitty.

  2. Hi julia sorry i mean 4 o'clock, no excuse but it is early Kitty

  3. Hi Julia. Beautiful card, I love the Raindrops on Roses dies and the faded jeans that you have used. Enjoy the shows, I will be watching. Drive carefully. Take care.

  4. Hi Julia
    Great card love the dies I will try to catch your shows ion my dinner break today as aim at work thank you Tracy w x

  5. Love this card Julia it looks fanstastic i am recording your shows today xx

  6. Hello Julia, a really beautiful card, love the bits of blue, and the dies are lovely. Have a good day with the shows, will try watch while working. Bx

  7. I really like thiis, especially as you have chosen a DL card which is my favourite format at the moment. I also love the faded denim and white combo, makes it look so fresh too and the roses are so pretty, thanks for sharing and good luck with your shows x

  8. Good morning Julia today's card is gorgeous. Oh there are so many beautiful things I want to buy. Thank you for the update on your store. I hope the shows go well. Enjoy today. Love Jackie

  9. Morning Julia,

    This gorgeous love the style and colour. Good luck with the shows.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  10. Hi Julia,

    Really lovely card. Love the colour and dies.
    Looking forward to your shows. X

  11. Stunning Julia, I'm so looking forward to the shows hugs from Sam x

  12. Hi Julia, a very pretty card. Looking forward to your shows. Lol lynne m x x x

  13. Hi Julia a beautiful card , love the raindrops and roses set and I think this may well be this months crafty budget spend. This card is so pretty. Looking forward to shows x

  14. Such a gorgeous card Julia, will look forward to todays shows. Thanks for letting us know about where to see Sues show as being on freeview didn't get the chance to see it

  15. Yummy is right Julia, they are lovely and the card is very pretty.

  16. Stunning card Julia lovely colours have a good day I will be watching love n hugs June xx

  17. Hi Julia, such a pretty card love the colours, will be watching love Jean Z xxx

  18. Hi Julia,

    Oh I love this card and I am waiting for this die set to arrive. They never arrive quick enough for me!!!

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  19. I certainly do like this card. Lovely!

  20. Gorgeous card love the colours xx hazel

  21. hi Julia

    Love love love this card. So simple but makes quite a statement. a question, how did you ink the background?. Did you just swipe an inkpad over it?. Will be recording your shows as usual.

  22. Just watched the show Julia congratulations a beautiful show the flowers are so pretty out of my reach I'm afraid I wish there was a stamp for just the flowersxxxx

  23. A stunning card. Love it all!

  24. I love this one and your show this morning was awesome! xx

  25. Morning Julia, another gorgeous card. Hope todays shows go well. Kind regards Joanne K x

  26. Hi Julia,
    Beautiful card and the demos where great this morning, just wish there was more time, a 2 hour show would be good. Love the new dies and stamps.

  27. Morning Julia was lovely watching u on the show this morning. Loved all the new stamps but that one with the click on it was my favourite. Stunning cards on the demos

    Love Tracy from killie

  28. Morning Julia
    Stunning card today, my list just gets ever longer. Love the raindrops die.
    Amanda x

  29. Yummy is quite right for those dies as well as this card. Enjoyed your show this morning. Will have to record 4pm show as I will be out at craft club. Helen VofG

  30. Hi Julia, Caught your show this morning, it was brilliant, thank you. I love today's card, it is so delicate. I am loving these stamps and dies. I love idea of being able to cut lots of flowers at the same time.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  31. Hello Julia, Brilliant show and gorgeous samples. This card is soooo delicate, the denim and white are so subtle. My die and stamps arrived yesterday will be having a plat after your 4pm show. Thanks for your store update, I'm off there now.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  32. Recorded your shows today Julia so haven't watched yet. Love this card, the stamps and dies are fab. Pat x

  33. Having a quick catch up before your 4pm show Julia and I just love this card, the blue looks so fresh against the white, best wishes Jackie D

  34. Hi Julia, A stunning card, have recorded your shows, and I'm so eager to watch you demo. My goodies came this morning, can't wait to play. I absolutely adore what you have done on your card, fabulous soft colours and gorgeous die-cuts and flowers.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  35. Hi Julia, love this card with the soft colours and delicate look, beautiful! x

  36. Hi Julia don't know if it was just me but waited for 4pm show having watched your great 1st show. Did you sell out and not get on or was it at a different time? If so maybe I can catch it on repeat. Beautiful cards,as usual, love all the items........if only I was rich.
    Lorraine - Scotland

  37. Hi Julia and Wattsonettes. Oh Lorraine I know just what you mean about having more money ! There are SO many beautiful stamps, dies, folders,inks, you name it, and Id just love it, I feel so left behind, as soon as Ive saved up for something, something new pops up (or bills) so I never get what Id like to, Im getting all excited to think Im actually buying some coconut and custard card tomorrow, let alone 80.00's worth of dies and stamps : )
    Anyway, I just LOVE this card Julia, perfect in every detail, pretty but understated, its soooo delicate, more like this please : ).really enjoyed your shows today with 2 smashing presenters, cant be bad : ) I didnt have to record cuz I didnt like who you were with this time, but I did record for when I eventually get the stamps and dies you used !
    Looking forward to your next shows.
    Take care. Rest well.
    Lancashire Steph xx.( heard your letter Tracey) was keeping my fingers X'd for you hon


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