
Thursday 15 August 2013

We've reached 1000 followers

Hi Bloggers.

Some of you may have noticed that we've just topped 1000 followers! Thank you all so much for your support for this blog.

So, it's time to draw a winner! The winner of the set of 3 Distress Stains is 

Please email me at with your address and I'll pop them in the post.

As this is such a milestone, I've decided to do an extra giveaway. So, leave a comment on this post and on Saturday I'll draw a winner. The prize is a set of Spellbinders Dies - Dear Old Dad

Good luck!

All for now.



  1. Hi Julia wow that's a wonderful achievement to have reached a thousand followers!! Well done you and carry on the great work. Love Lesley x

  2. well done Julia and I notice it has gone up further since you posted to 1001 :)
    Jane x

  3. Congratulations Julia,
    Well deserved and makes me very jealous as I only have 18 LOL!
    Well done.
    Ang x

  4. Hi Julia. Well Done it won't be long before the number doubles.
    I look forward to checking your Blog on a daily basis
    Sue XXX


  5. Hi Julia,

    Congratulations, 1000 followers, great .

    I follow your blog everyday. X

  6. Well done on passing 1000 followers, I am sure many more will join us. I love following your blog each day, you do a great job.
    Diane x

  7. Congratulations Julia on your 1000 your blog and also follow you on FB. I do try and catch you on C & C too.
    Keep up the good work
    Rosie xxx

  8. Congrats julia, love that moustache die x

  9. Felicitations Julia, loving your work.

  10. Congratulations on topping a thousand followers, as you showcase your talent on C and C I am confident it will continue to grow.
    X Ros

  11. Hi Julia Congrats on passing one thousand followers ,you deserve it,you put so much work into your cards,always giving so many hints and tips on your shows and blog,and the great different backgrounds,you create .
    Best Wishes again,

  12. Well done Julia 1000 followers thats some feat but you do deserve it the cards you demonstrate - make and put on your blog are all gorgeous wish I was that talanted at the moment I have "crafters block" but when I lok on your gallery it will inspire me once again - keep up the great work Gillian x

  13. Wow! 1000 followers is impressive, but then, so are you! So many beautiful cards and wonderful demonstrations keep on inspiring us. It's great to have you and Sue and Sam, all so different, yet all very talented. Well done and keep up the good work please. Maggie xx

  14. Well done Julia. You are one of the blogs I like to visit regularly, so many new ideas and detailed instructions. Love watching your demo's on Create and Craft, thanks for sharing your talent with us all.
    Janice W

  15. Well done Julia on reaching such a milestone

  16. Congratulations Julia, we all appreciate the work you put into your blog and your fantastic ideas.
    Well done Tracey, enjoy your prize xx

  17. Well done Julia & thanks for the chance to win some more goodies! Love your blog xx

  18. Congratulations Julia heres to the next thousand thank you
    for all the inspiration Kitty

  19. Well done on reaching 1000. I may not alway comment but read your blog avidly every day.
    Christine in Darcy.....xx

  20. Congratulations this is a milestone. Keep up the good work and we will keep following. Jackie

  21. A great achievement to reach 1000 followers, congratulations.

  22. Woohoo well done on 1000 followers. I watch your blog every day just don't always comment and I really should. Sorry for that. I promise too do better lol. Once again well done x

  23. Woohoo well done on 1000 followers. I watch your blog every day just don't always comment and I really should. Sorry for that. I promise too do better lol. Once again well done x

  24. Well done Julia on reaching 1000 followers. Great blog, fabulous cards and you have got me making my own backing papers. So much better than a shop bought one!!!!

  25. Fabulous, Julia, congrats on topping 1000! Lucky Tracey!

  26. Congrats to you Julia a wonderful achievement for a wonderful blog.
    Well done Tracy, you are very lucky!

  27. Congrats on your first 1,000 Julia and thank you for the chance to win the fab candy. Pat x

  28. Congratulations. Great achievement, but not really surprising as your cards and demonstrations are fab x

  29. what an achievement, well done :) xx

    Kirsty Pearly Pop Cards

  30. Great news on the 1000+ followers. A much deserved achievement. I always look forward to your shows, Julia. Here is to the next 1000.

    Rachel x

  31. Hi Julia. Congratulations! To get to 1000 is some achievment. Thank you for sharing on your blog everyday, and also on C & C etc. Take care.

  32. hi Julia
    Many congrats on the milestone - 1000 followers what an achievement.
    I look forward to reading your blog daily I love all the inspiration and your backgrounds are brill.
    Thanks for everything - here's to the next 1000
    Amanda x

  33. Congrats julia. Another 1000 before too long!

  34. Morning Julia, WOW !! Congratulations on the 1,000 followers, and also Congratulations to the very lucky Tracey, enjoy your goodies.
    Thank you, Julia, for the chance to win this very lovely set of Spellbinders dies, my fingers and toes are crossed !!!!!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  35. Well done-its only what you deserve. I look at your blog everyday & try to watch all your tv programmes-work often get in the way of those but thank goodness for the Sky box!


  36. Hello Julia, Congratulations on the 1,000 followers, an amazing achievement for an a m=amazing lady.
    Congratulations to Tracey, enjoy your goodies.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  37. Hi Julia, congratulations on the milestone, many people love the inspiration you give us. Congrats Tracey. Bx

  38. Hi Julia. Well done for reaching 1000 and well done Julie for winning a prize.
    I'd So love to win this set as it's high on my must have list which gets longer by the day.
    Here's to the next 1000.
    Love Val x

  39. Congratulations on reaching such a milestone and to the lucky winner
    Another great card today Julia as usual

    xx Sandra

  40. Well done Julia on your fantastic milestone on your blog. Its great to see that you are influencing others to craft and to expanding their knowledge of new things. Fantastic news, keep up with your own enjoyment so that we can have the priviledge of seeing your developing card skills.
    Love and crafty hugs

  41. Fantastic news on your blog followings and well done to tracey on being a winner. fingers crossed for the prize draw on Saturday very versatile die set from samples i have seen xx hazel

  42. Lovely card Julia,

    Was sure I had commented on this post but it does not show up, never mind, 1000 followers? BIG CONGRATULATIONS.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  43. Congratulations Julia, a huge milestone & well deserved.
    Here's to the next 1000!!
    Marg xx ;)

  44. Hi Julia, Congratulations and well deserved! I follow your blog daily for inspirations.

  45. Congratulations on reaching this milestone Julia, best wishes Jackie D

  46. Well done on the big "grand" - sorry couldn't resist!! I'm not at all surprised Julia. This blog is fantabulous x

  47. Congratulations! You well deserve all your followers as you give us so much of your time, love your cards and ideas and also all your demos.


Only positive comments please!