
Thursday 1 August 2013

There are Big Ships

Hi Bloggers.

Here's a card from yesterday's shows -

I love the detail on the Tea Clipper stamp (one of Sam's designs). The Persian Sea Aurora Embossing Powder keeps all the detail and looks absolutely stunning (I think) with this stamp. Salty Ocean Distress Ink is a perfect partner for the Persian Sea Aurora Embossing Powder too.

On to the card - for the right-hand side of the background, I misted with Cosmic Shimmer Egyptian Blue Vintage Mister. I dried it with my heat tool (I'm impatient!) and then inked through the Knitted Mask (don't you think it looks a bit like rope or even waves?) with Salty Ocean Distress Ink. I moved the mask down the card to extend the design. I ran a piece of Kraftcore Cardstock through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Heavy Duty Embossing Folder and sanded it to reveal the core.

I stamped the Tea Clipper using Perfect Medium and embossed with Persian Sea Aurora. I cut it out using Spellbinders Card Creator Fancy Postage Edge and inked through the die with Salty Ocean. I threaded some Bakers Twine from the Vintage Set through the holes.

I stamped the sentiment that comes with the Tea Clipper, again using Perfect Medium and embossed with Persian Sea Aurora. I cut it out using another die from the Fancy Postage Edge die set and inked through the die with Salty Ocean.

I assembled the card as shown adding a couple of Idea-ology Mini Gears and a Custom Fastener to the Kraftcore panel and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Cobalt around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. A lovely card, bit its a pity a lot of us missed it, as we are on Freeview. Please ask C&C to put your shows on before 6pm then we could watch. I love your demos especially the backgounds you do.

  2. Wasn't sure about the clipper stamp but this looks great, the embossing certainly brings out the detail xx

  3. Morning Julia
    thank you for the very entertaining show you did with Dean.
    the cards and demos were brilliant as usual take care Kitty

  4. Morning Julia
    What fab shows yesterday. Love the colours in this card very nautical. Brilliant creation.
    Amanda x

  5. Morning Julia, Great show at 6pm, missed the 10am show unfortunately as had a family emergency and hadn't programmed the recorder, grrrrrr,, ha ha. I love this card, saw it on the show, the background embossing is fabulous, I agree that the knitted does look like rope or waves in this compilation. Gorgeous.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  6. Missed your shows ,love this card. Mabex

  7. Lovely card Julia, I have that stamp and it is great for men's cards! Only saw the 10am show with Dean yesterday. Love Jean xxx

  8. love the stamp,a great man card .Laura O

  9. Hi Julia. Lovely card, the clippr ship stamp and sentiment are wonderful. Great show at 10am with Dean but sadly missed the 6pm. Hope you can relax abit today. Take care.

  10. Morning Julia, great card and the colours are
    great also watched both your shows yesterday
    they were very funny especially the one with Dean
    and Dawn is letting you demo. more now instead
    of going off on her own exploits.
    Nancyd xx

  11. Morning Julia,
    Great card, enjoyed your show with Dean you make a great pair together and give us a laugh.
    Why had C&C stopped on Freeview after 6pm can you tell us.

  12. Hi Julia, Love this card we need more for the men. Managed to catch the 6pm on the laptop whilst getting the tea,( Multi tasking)I've emailed C&C about the freeview. Dont suppose it will do any good. Have a good day.

  13. lovely card and stamp xx hazel


  14. Hi Julia,

    Lovely mans card. Thoroughly enjoyed both your shows. X

  15. Hi Julia,Lovely card,I love the way you make your backgrounds.
    All your cards are fab! I also e-mailed C&C about freeview going off early,how dare they deprive us like this!lol. Jackie. x

  16. Hello Julia, The shows were brilliant, you and Dean are so funny together, loved the samples. Did not think I needed the Tea Clipper stamp, how wrong was I, this card is stunning, the embossing does look like rope or waves and the colours are beautiful.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  17. Hi Julia, Only managed to watch part of your 6pm show but your demonstrations are brilliant. Great men card using the tea clipper stamp.

  18. Hi Julia. Loved yesterdays show with Dean. Very funny but so informative. Beautiful card. Love the clipper.
    Love Val x

  19. Had granddaughter for the day yesterday and forgot to set the recorder - so disappointed! Love today's card, the Persian Sea Aurora EP looks a fab colour. Pat x

  20. Hi Julia,
    Great man card....I so enjoyed your show with Dean, you are a right pair of cards when you get together! Lol! Always such fun but still manged to do a demo and explain things.
    Couldn't watch the 6pm show as Freeview has taken them away! Grrrrr!

    Love Sheila xx

  21. Hi Julia. lovely card for men and the colours are great, I watched your shows yesterday and enjoyed them very much love Jean Z xxx

  22. A great man's card Julia, I love this stamp and the beautiful sentiment that goes with it. Unfortunately have over spent this month so these stamps will have to go on my wish list lol!

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  23. hi julia
    great card forthe males

  24. Hi Julia, lovely card and its colours. Fed up cos I put both shows to tape, and neither did on freeview. I did watch the 6pm (thanks to sky Rant over.
    X Ros

  25. Hi Julia this is a great men's card and I have used quite a few times since Sam released it, I have to agree that mask does look like knots or even waves!. Great show with Dean as usual and I also can't believe that Dawn is letting you demo and not talking about herself and ignoring you!!! Lol hope you have a rest now before preparing for next week show. Love Lesley x

  26. Good afternoon Julia,
    I do like today's card with the big clipper. Lovely card thank you.
    I am mad at C&C as well for stopping short on freeview as this is the only way i can see the shows. COme on C&C get your act together.
    love and crafty hugs

  27. Another super card today Julia, enjoyed the show with you and Dean but was at work for the afternoon so missed it unfortunately. hugs

  28. Hi Julia

    Love this card today. Looks like C & C are up to their old tricks again. I set the recorder as usual to record your shows and noticed that C & C are no longer on after 6.00pm. I emailed them last time they mucked you about. But got such an obscure email back and I couldn't even tell you what they were telling me. made no sense at all to m. They will surely lose customers if they keep mucking about like this. I shall also email them to see what is going on.

  29. Hi Julia, absolutely fantastic. love it, and that verse is superb. Bx


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