
Saturday 17 August 2013

Sneaky Peak from tomorrow's shows

Hi Bloggers.

It's that time again when I have to decide which card to share with you from the next shows. Always a difficult decision - as is deciding what demos to do on the shows. There are 2 new collections from Heartfelt Creations and some lovely stamps from Justrite. Today, I think I'll share a sample from the Sunkissed Fleur Collection from Hearfelt Creations. It's not a clever card but I do like how it turned out. There are lots of ideas on how to use this collection on the Hearfelt Creations Blog (you'll need to look at the archive posts as this collection was launched in the US in May I think) including a couple of videos on how to colour them and shape them - well worth a visit. You can see all the products on the shows on the Creative Expressions website here.

Anyway, here's the card -

As I said, not a clever card. I stamped the border from the Sunkissed Fleur Border & Corner Stamp Set on each side of a piece of Coconut White Card using Coffee Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I coloured them in using Distress Markers - I used Mustard Seed, Dried Marigold & Crushed Olive. I stamped the Sunkissed Fleur Stamp using Coffee Archival and again embossed with Clear Powder. I used the Sunkissed Fleur Die to cut all the flowers out at once (I made a template to help line it up). I have found that it cuts better with an extra pice of card as a shim. I selected the appropriate size flowers to match some of the flowers on the border and coloured them in to match. I shaped them, glued them into place with Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue and added some Cream Pearls. I inked around the edges of the background with Scattered Straw Distress Ink using Cut n Dry Foam.

The sentiment is from the Creative Expressions Natures Sentiments Stamp Set. I stamped using Coffee Archival and embossed with clear powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders Marvelous Squares (not on the show) and inked through the die with Scattered Straw Distress Ink. I cut a mat with a larger size of the Marvelous Squares and adin inked through the die with Scattered Straw. I don't seem to have a photo of that bit but you can see it on the main photo.

I tied a bow using White Crochet Ribbon and added a Fancy Pearl Embellishment.

I assembled the card as shown adding some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in White around the edges.

For those of you who like to buy from my Amazon Store (Thank You!), I won't be stocking any of these stamps as it's very hit and miss as to whether I can load these into my store. I can never tell till I try it! It's too risky for me in case I can't - I still have Justrite Christmas Stamps left. See this post if you're interested.

I'll be back tomorrow with a card from the Burst of Splendour collection. Before that, I'll be back later today with the winner of the Spellbinders Dear Old Dad die set. Tracey Singleton - I  haven't heard from you to clain your prize. I will re-draw on Monday if I don't hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia
    Such a lovely card - so cheerful. It would make a great get well card. As always loving the Spellbinders choice.
    Lisa x

  2. morning Julia
    such a different card from you, no pattend background it is so pretty thank you.

  3. Love those border stamps. A very pretty card, looking forward to the shows xx

  4. I think it is a clever card, lovely in its simplicity. I can think of several occasions when a card just like this would be perfect. Thank you! Marion x

  5. Sorry Julia but I think it is a very clever card and I love it. This is stunning. Must take a look at these.
    Looking forward to the shows.

  6. Morning Julia
    You might not think that it is clever but I do, people would think that it had taken hours to achieve. Very effective love these stamps. Will be recording the shows as off to Turkey today.
    Amanda x

  7. Morning Julia, what a stunning card, I love it! Love Jean xxx

  8. Beautiful card Julia ,look forward to your shows

  9. Morning Julia, Wonderful card, loving everything about it. Really looking forward to your shows.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  10. Hi Julia. Beautiful card, so pretty. That stamp is gorgeous. Take care.

  11. Very pretty card, I always enjoy floral stamping and colouring in , it may be simple but it's very satisfying to do and most people enjoy flowers so its a win win situation! And this stamp is gorgeous.

  12. Morning Julia. Gorgeous card, love the colours, the stamps, dies, everything! Looking forward to your shows!
    Have a great weekend
    Hugs Annie


  13. Hi Julia,

    Lovely card. Love this set of stamps. X

  14. A brilliant card Julia, will look forward to Sundays shows

    xx Sandra

  15. Good morning Julia this card is gorgeous just so cheerful and pretty. I'm looking forward to your shows tomorrow. Have a good day. Jackie

  16. Good morning Julia,
    Well i like today's card because it it multi faceted in its context. I love the coloured stamp detail as i am and always have been a secret colouring in book person. I'm glad that stamps have come out with scenes that you can make up and add to as it fills that void let by the old fashioned book.
    But today's card is lovely in its layout and colours and most others in our wee blog thinks so too. Wonder who else is a secret colouring in booker?
    Beautiful. Have a great day tomorrow,
    Love and crafty hugs

  17. Morning Julia,
    Love your card, the flowers are so pretty and I love the layout. Just great.

  18. Hi Julia,
    Such a gorgeous card, it may not be clever to you but I think it's clever. The colours are so pretty and would cheer anyone up. Looking forward to your show tomorrow.

    Love Sheila xx

  19. Hi Julia

    Love the flower on this one.

  20. Hi Julia, I think this card is superb, beautiful colouring and layout, looked at buying the distress marker set, but nearly fainted when I saw the price of the whole set. Guess it will have to be a couple at a time purchase. Bx

  21. It might not be 'clever', but it's really pretty Julia. Looking forward to the shows, I hope you get a presenter who shuts up and lets you demo!

  22. Gorgeous card Julia. Looking forward to tomorrows shows. Kind regards Joanne K x

  23. Yes it's simple Julia - simply gorgeous! I love the design and it could be easily adapted for any occasion. Pat x

  24. Hi Julia. It might not be "clever" to you but it is to me and it's beautiful. Lovely stamp and great colouring.
    love Val x

  25. This is just the sort of card that I like. The colours are lovely and the dies and stamps so pretty. Thanks for sharing x

  26. Hello Julia, This card may not be clever to you but it is to me, absolutely gorgeous. Love the flowers, the dies and stamps are so pretty. Will be watching tomorrow, can't wait.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  27. Hi Julia, I think the card is very beautiful so pretty love it Jean Z xx

  28. Hi Julia and everyone.
    I fell in love with this set after seeing it on one of the HCDT blogs earlier in the year.
    Will be interested to see what deal C&C come up with but looking forward to seeing your other samples if this beauty is anything to go by.x

  29. Wow Julia,

    This is such a beautiful card, I love the dies and stamps, unfortunately I have over spent this month so won't be able to purchase any but the will definitely be on my want list lol!

    Thank you for letting us know about things regarding your store.

    looking forward to your shows.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  30. Hi Julia, I love this card and the fact that you say its not a clever card, make means I would love to try it.
    X Ros

  31. Hi Julia, a very pretty card and really nice colours
    and very clever and simple love it.
    Nancyd xx

  32. Hi Julia stunning card,love the flowers,looking forward to the show tomorrow,safe journey and lots of good luck with your show.

  33. Hi Julia, I love all your work and have just recently brought some crafting goods off amazon. I only just twigged that I was buying the goods from yourself.I try and watch all your shows you are a lovely lady and a true inspiration.

  34. Stunning card Julia love it all the flowers are gorgeous xx hazel

  35. Hi Julia this is a lovely card and I, like Norah love colouring in ever since I was a little girl. I was hoping these stamps and dies would be on as I've been trying to get them since I first seen them on the heartfelt creation blog,which by the way is amazing and has hundreds of samples to give you inspiration. I'm hoping they repeat your shows tomorrow as the football season has started and Chelsea are playing at that time,I live right next to Stamford bridge so 2 of my kids support them!! You probably think I'm mad but I love liverpool fc more than crafting!! Lol hope to see as many samples on here as poss please love Lesley xx

  36. Hi Julia, a lovely card. Really like the flowers.

  37. Such a lovely card Julie .xxxx

  38. Really lovely card Julia crisp and simple it may be to you but very much my type of card. Best wishes for tomorrow as well, Jackie D

  39. such a stunning card its a beauty.


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