
Monday 19 August 2013

Hugs & Kisses

Hi Bloggers.

Thanks for all the emails and comments yesterday - much appreciated. I'm so glad you liked the stamps & dies. I was so excited when I found out that I would be bringing them to you. Today I have a demo from yesterday. This card took me forever to make and when I had finished it I didn't like it at all. My son, Nathan, really liked it so I slept on it (not literally!) and liked it much more in the morning. Quite often the case when you've stared at the same card for too long!

Anyway, here it is -

I don't often make easel cards and I did make a bit of a mess with the measurements on the sample but the demo was done properly. I obviously need more practice!

I started by folding a piece of Coconut White Card in half and then I folded one side in half again. I trimmed this to make a 5 3/4" square card. I cut 2 pieces of green Bazzil card to measure the same size. I also cut 2 pieces of Coconut White Card 5 1/2" square.

For the top section, I inked through the Fretwork Mask with Old Paper Distress Ink. I then ran it through the Grand Calibur with the Sea Garden A4 Embossing Folder. I rubbed some Enchanted Gold Gilding Wax all over to highlight the embossed pattern.

I stamped 2 of the doilies from the Justrite Doilies & Lace Clear Stamp Set using Olive Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Golden Fish Lustre Embossing Powder. I cut them both out using Spellbinders Stately Circles and inked through the dies with Old Paper. I added an 8mm Cream Pearl to the centre of the smaller one.

I stamped the Heartfelt Creations Sunkissed Fleur twice using Jet Black Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I cut them out using the Sunkissed Fleur Die. I coloured the petals of 5 flowers with Old Paper Distress Ink using Cut n Dry Foam. I then rubbed some Enchanted Gold Gilding Wax over them. I shaped the petals and stacked them up to make a couple of dimensional flowers. I added a pearl to each.

I stamped some leaves from the Heartfelt Creations Bold Leaf Stamp Set using Old Paper. I cut them out using the Classic Leaf Die Set.

On the other piece of White Card, I stamped the Sunkissed Fleur Background using Olive Archival and embossed with Golden Fish Lustre. I inked around the edges of the piece with Old Paper Distress Ink using Cut n Dry Foam. I stamped the sentiment from the Creative Expressions Natures Sentiments Stamp Set using Jer Black Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders Labels 29 and inked through the die with Old Paper. This was my stopper for the easel so I attached it to the base background with 3d Foam Pads.

I coloured some small flowers in the same way as before and added them either side of the stopper.

Sorry some of the pics are not very good - I will be investing on a new camera soon I think.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia
    Yesterdays show with Nigel was hilarious! Love the stamps and dies - and of course the stately circles. The card itself is a bit busy for me - I like simpler cards.
    Lisa x

  2. Hi Julia
    Like the card it's a bit busy for me too loved the show you did with Nigel thank you for sharing you ideas with us Tracy w x

  3. Hi Julia, loved the shows, the demo of this card was super, I think I agree with Nathan I really like it. Bx

  4. Morning Julia
    wow this card is so different no pearl drop border. It is lovely
    though. thank you for the fab shows yesterday they were so funny.Take care Kitty

  5. Morning Julia, loved this card when you demonstrated it yesterday, loved all the cards you did. I bought the first bundle in the end, will have to get the others at a later stage. Love Jean xxx

  6. Loved yesterdays shows, I do like the card though there is a lot going on. I really like the flowers and the stately circles are always a winner xxx

  7. Lovely card Julia and some great demos I've had these stamps for a couple of weeks now and absolutely love them but its great to see what others do with them
    jacqui x

  8. Morning Julia, I LOVE this card !! The colours are gorgeous, love, love, love, the flower dies and stamps, stunning card.
    Your shows were fantastic, as always, yesterday, and the new dies and stamps are stunning, I loved your demo's.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  9. Good morning Julia I like this card a lot. I too haven't made an easel card for a while since I found my uncle displaying one on it's side so now I mostly make straight forward cards now. I am watching your shows later sounds like I am in for a treat. Have a good day. Jackie

  10. This is a stunner! I love the stamp to complement the dies.

  11. great card today Julia ,have that problem sometimes when people don't know how to display them.Got the embossing folders yesterday after a bit of a wait .Bank man won't be happy as lots of other stuff went in too .Ha ha .Laura O

  12. Great shows yesterday and wonderful card today xx hazel

  13. Hi Julia. This is a lovely ladies card. I watched you demo it with Nigel. Fantastic show as always with you two. Hope you can get some rest today. Take care.

  14. Morning Julia, a truly beautiful card wasn't too keen on this
    embossing folder at first but it's growing on me it is stunning
    on this card and love the flowers. Not watched your shows yet
    really looking forward to them as i knew you and Nigel would
    be great again.
    Nancyd xx

  15. Hello Julia, A beautiful card, love the flowers, watched you demo it with Nigel. Great shows as always.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  16. Good morning Julia,
    I have to say i really like your card for today. I love the flowers that you have raised and made come alive. I love the embossing in the background that you have done. But my favourite has got to be the stunning centrepiece, the doily. Put altogether you have made a beautiful card with stunning detail. I would send this card to my mums' blind friend, not because she is blind and couldn't see it, but because she is blind and you have made it so wonderful for her to see with her fingers. With all your different styles of things going on, she would be able to marvel at it coming alive at her touch.
    Thank you for such a beautiful inspiration today
    Love and crafty hugs

  17. Good morning Julia and everyone.
    Maybe you weren't sure about it as its not your usual style. I love the front of the card but Im not an easel card fan.
    Great shows yesterday. x

  18. Morning Julia,

    Love this card I saw you demo this yesterday.



  19. I love the doily stamp and the card is gorgeous, really enjoyed the show yesterday with Nigel I had a good laugh, keep up the good work love Jean Z xx


  20. Hi Julia,

    Beautiful card. Love your demos. X


  21. Hi Julia

    Gorgeous card really like this one I watched you demo it yesterday what fun you had with Nigel (he is so funny) and Aide (oooh he is a handsome chappie) so nice to see you really laughing and still doing such fabulous demo's Hope you enjoyed your take away.

    Hugs Annx

  22. Good morning Julia, thoroughly enjoyed the shows yesterday and the flower stamp background and the doily stamps were my favourites so as this card encompasses them both it has to be a winner! Best wishes Jackie D

  23. Hi Julia. This is stunning. So disappointed at not seeing the shows yesterday. I fully intended to but something unexpected happened and that was that. Hope they'll be repeated.
    Love Val x

  24. Hi Julia

    Not to sure why you didn't like this card as it's absolutely fabulous. Love the stamps and dies. This must go to the top of my wish list. I haven't watched your shows yet as I've recorded them. looks like I'm in for a extra special treat if this was one of the cards.

  25. Julia this card is fabulous, really pretty. Have not watched the recorded shows yet but hopefully will do today.

    Love all the stamps and dies.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  26. What's not to like...It's absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it with us x

  27. Great card great shows will watch them again today xxx

  28. Your son is right Julia, this card is beautiful. We all have to walk away from things at times to be able to see them better.
    Thanks for yesterdays shows.
    Janice W

  29. Morning Julia,
    A stunning card, I quite like easel cards they make a change. Only watched the tool shed show which was both informative and fun.

  30. Good morning Julia,loved both your shows.. and saw you demo this card . The tool shed with Nigel was hilarious,and what is all this about yourself and Aide lol I hope you enjoyed your date,the demos were fantastic,and you gave us so many tips.The Stamps and Dies are super,and your "coulouring in "took you so long lol "Thank you for all the inspiration,and for all the work you put into your samples,and demos.,

  31. Hi Julia,
    I loved this card when you demoed it's stunning! It looked as if you were enjoying the show as much as I was watching it. You always seem to bring the mischief out in you co-presenters....and Nigel is such a card (pardon the pun!) anyway! Lol! Sadly I missed the 5pm show and have no means of recording it but I am looking forward to the 30th.

    Love Sheila xx

  32. Morning Julia, Lovely card today. Great shows yesterday with fab demo's, inpsiration and great products. Thanks for all your hard work. Kind regards Joanne K x

  33. Hi Julia love this card and I am looking forward to receiving my sun kissed flower bundles, it's also been ages since I done an easel card so I'm sure I would muck something up too!! Lol. I was so pleased that I managed to watch toolshed as nobody wanted to watch the first football match yippee, im so glad cos the show was so funny even my teenage daughter was laughing! You and Nigel are great together. Looking forward to your next shows already love Lesley x

  34. Hi Julia
    Loved this card when you made it on the show. Was too late to get the flowers and dies so bank manager heaved a sigh of relief. I love watching your shows you are a real inspiration to me.
    Crafty hugs
    Jan x

  35. Hi Julia - Great card ... loads going on. I loved your shows yesterday and all your samples and demos, looking forward to my order coming but silly me forgot the embossing powders (they'll be first on the next order!!) Looking forward to your next shows.
    Heather W

  36. Great shows and demos yesterday Julia, loved everyone of them.
    The border masks have been added to my wish list

    xx Sandra

  37. Hi Julia, I love this card and I agree easels can be tricky but once mastered they are easy. Very impressed with yesterday's shows and demo's..Thanks for the tip with colouring with the distress markers.

  38. Lovely card Julia, the embossing powder looks so pretty. Haven t had chance to watch any of the shows yet but looking forward to finding the opportunity. Have no spare time now I'm retired!!

  39. Loved your shows yesterday, great demoes. Couldn't afford the dies/stamps this time, maybe later. Love the card, very pretty!!!

  40. Hi Julia well I love this card and really enjoyed the shows thank you so much for the inspiration xx

  41. Thank you so much for the shows Julia, I really enjoyed every minute of them. Great tip for colouring in flowers with Promarkers - it looked so simple! Great card today, I must admit that I'm a fan of easel cards. Pat x

  42. Just one word for this one... BEAUTIFUL.. fab shows yesterday too, loved them and actually managed to hog the tv and watch them all xx

  43. Fabulous card, Julia, it's gorgeous. Loved your shows, caught the last one just in time before they cut us off Freeview! Thanks for cramming so much into the shows, really enjoyed them. Hugs x

  44. Julia I LOVE this card. It's so elegant and stunning. I love the gold around the edges of the little flowers. I love the doileys. I NEED them. Thank you so much for sharing this x

  45. Julia,
    Tus card is fantastic, this might be one I'd my favorites that you have made, your son is clever... This is amazing.

  46. WOW! This is stunning, love all the lacy, intricate details! x

  47. This card takes my breath away, beautiful <3


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