
Thursday 11 July 2013

Thank You So Much

Hi Bloggers.

Thank you so much for all your emails, messages and comments here on the blog regarding the Pick of the Day. I'm glad you loved the stamps and products that were on the shows. A day of unpacking today and getting started on my cards for my next shows on July 20th.

The Justrite Christmas Labels 20 Clear Stamp Set contains a Thank You sentiment that is so useful any time of the year. Here's today's card -

For the background, I used a piece of Double Sided Adhesive Sheet which I popped onto some card. I peeled off the backing, lightly dusted the Peacock Feathers Mask with my anti static bag and popped it onto the adhesive. I covered the exposed adhesive with Penny Copper Cosmic Shimmer Polished Silk Glitter, really rubbing it in and clearing it off from the mask. I peeled the mask away from the adhesive and added Golden Sand Cosmic Shimmer Polished Silk Glitter. The more you rub this glitter in the less it will shed.

I stamped the frame from the Justrite Christmas Labels 20 Clear Stamp Set using Coffee Archival. I cut it out using Spellbinders Labels 20 and inked through the die with Vintage Photo Distress Ink. I stamped the sentiment from the same stamp set, again using Coffee Archival. I cut it out using a smaller Spellbinders Labels 20 and inked through the die with Vintage Photo.

I tied a bow using 2 lengths of Champagne Silky Crush Ribbon and added a Brown Dazzler.

I glued a couple of Decorative Corners to 2 of the corners using Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue.

I assembled the card as shown adding some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Dark Bronze around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Good Morning Julia
    thank you for all the hard work you put in
    yesterday the cards are wonderfull and
    professonaly hand made not home made take careKitty

  2. Good morning Julia a beautiful card card today. I want to try the technique with the glitter and the mask. I enjoyed your shows yesterday. I did think three back to back was a bit much. Don' t work too hard today you need a chance to relax. Take care. Jackie

  3. 'morning Julia, loving the shows, it's great to see you going from strength to strength, you seem to be making yourself at home and enjoying yourself. Mabex


  4. Morning Julia,

    Brilliant shows.

    I've been a crafter for many years and yet feel like I'm still learning, thank you.

    Love this card. X

  5. Hi Julia, no thank worked very hard and brought us some great demos, tips and techniques...fabulous! Carole Z X

  6. That's a great card, Julia. I did enjoy what I saw of your show demos, too. keep busy for next time!

  7. Morning Julia, Thank you for the brilliant shows yesterday, you must be shattered.
    I love the warmth of this card, the glitters used are so sumptuous and warm looking, I really love the peacock feathers mask, loving the make-up of the card, and the gorgeous bow.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Morning Julia
    Thanks for the fab shows my sky box is nearly full..
    You must be exhausted I think a rest is first today.
    Love todays card it looks very touchy feely.
    Amanda x

  9. Morning Julia, a stunning card I see your still loving the silk glitters
    the colours are scrumshus, have watched some of your shows from
    yesterday so still have some to look forward to, all your demo's
    were great have a bit of a rest today you deserve it.
    Nancyd xx

  10. Good morning Julia and everyone.
    Lovely card and well done for all the hard work you put in, not only on the shows but also getting all the samples prepared. x

  11. Hello Julia, wow a beautiful card. Thank you for all your inspiration. The demos were fab and the samples. Bx

  12. Hi Julia another lovely card today,I think you can safely say that your shows from yesterday were a great success,it must be very satisfying knowing all your hard work is appreciated so much by us crafters. Hope you have a good rest today before you have to start on your next shows samples!! Love Lesley x

  13. Fabulous shows, Julia, what a range of products. Managed to get one of my favourites but the other had sold out. The demos were amazing - thank you for what must have been very hard preparation! Hugs Annie

  14. Morning Julia, watched some of your shows yesterday. The samples and demos were amazing. Love todays card.

  15. Morning Julia, thoroughly enjoyed your shows yesterday. Great product and demos. It's a shame that we don't get to see more demo's. I appreciate its a shopping channel and they have to push the products but when it's a show like your's and Sue's they should know the customer's will buy the products anyway. We just want to see more of what we can do with them and then we will buy more. Hope you have a good day today. Kind regards Joanne K x

  16. Gorgeous card Julia, adore the colours you have used. Brilliant shows yesterday you must have been shattered by the end. Looking forward to the next set of shows on the 20th and Sues on Sunday

  17. Morning Julia,
    I certainly echo Joanne K's comments about the products selling themselves and that we need more demos. Watched your afternoon shows which where great, you had to work very hard, three shows on the trot seems a bit much.
    Love the beautiful card today very warm colours.
    Have a rest before you start on the next batch of demo cards, you deserve it.

  18. Great shows yesterday, you must be shattered? Thank you for all the inspiration and techniques. Love todays card too and the colours that you have used. Beverley x

  19. Loved your shows Julia - you must be exhausted! Today's card looks very sumptuous and elegant, the colours are beautiful. Pat x

  20. Hi Julia, Another lovely card. Great shows, I agree with other bloggers we need more demos. I hoped to see more done withn the masks. They keep pressing us to buy ,then when it sells out you
    can't demo it!!!! Madness. Anyway i appreciate all your hard work and insperation.

  21. Hi Julia,
    What a wonderful card today, the colours are wonderful too.
    Thanks for all the hard work you put into your shows but as others have said it's a shame you can't have more time to do demos...great shows though.

    Love Sheila xx

  22. hi julia
    stunning cardl ove the background must try this one out

  23. Hi Julia, love the cards you made for the shows and I love labels 20, I must get the stamps to match, plus the masks look very good as you have done them ,I have some but not used yet love Jean Z xxx

  24. I think we should be thanking you Julia for all the time you spent making samples and then the hours in the studio.....and only ten days before you do it again!! This card, like all the others, has so many facets to it and the colours are to me quite elegant. Would also make a great male card without the bow and with a suitable sentiment. Thank you once again, best wishes Jackie

  25. Hi Julia. This is a gorgeous card, love it. Thank you for all of your hard work on the shows. As others have said, we wnat more demos! I wonder how we can persuade C & C and Ideal World to let us see more? Hope you can get some rest today. Take care.

  26. Hi Julia lovely card and I love the sentiment ,I have all your shows recorded as I have visitors and look forward to seeing them tonight.

  27. Hi Julia, beautiful card today, love the colours. Love Jean xxx

  28. Hi Julia,
    I watched most of your shows. They were fab, as are the Stamps. Your card today is fab. Love the colours that you have used. Love Jan xxx

  29. afternoon Julia, the thanks are for you with those great demos. The card today is really eyecatching, I love it.
    20th can't come soon enough and I bet you will be teasing us with some samples,
    hugs for now

  30. Hello Julia, The thanks go to you, the shows were great and your hard work is appreciated, the samples were stunning and the demos brilliant. Today's card is opulent and rich, love the colour and stamps.
    Have a well deserved rest today and enjoy the sun.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  31. The shows that I managed to watch were brilliant. Loved your demos and as for the samples ........well WOW.
    Many thanks Julia.
    Vanessa x

  32. Beautiful card, was travelling today but taped your shows I look forward to watching when I get home.

  33. Hi Julia,
    Now this card is my colours of clothes that i enjoy and i have my friends daughter who i would have to make her a longer line top or maxi dress with the pattern design. The colours all come together just beautifully.
    Take care


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