
Friday 14 June 2013

You're fantastic!

Hi Bloggers.

Hope you enjoyed the show yesterday and managed to get some goodies. Not really sure why the afternoon shows were cancelled - that's the nature of the beast!

I am a bit tired today but I need to get prepping for my shows on 21st (thankfully, I prepped Sunday's shows before I moved house).

Here's one of the cards that should have been a demo yesterday afternoon -

For the demo, I planned to stamp with Jet Black Archival and emboss with Cosmic Shimmer Tropic Pearl Lustre Embossing Powder. On this sample I have stamped with Jet Black Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder.

For the background, I spritzed some Coconut White Card with Patina Cosmic Shimmer Vintage Mister. I then inked through one of the leaves on the Leafy Mask (coming soon) using Broken China Distress Ink all round the edges of the background piece.

I stamped the fan panel piece from the Creative Expressions Posy Florals 3 Stamp Set 5 times. I coloured in using Cosmic Shimmer Matt Drawing Inks. I used all the colours from the Garden Twist Set and Blue Cotton and Blue Lace from the Soft Velvet Set. I cut them out using scissors and went around the edges with a Black Promarker to hide any white bits. I pierced a hole in each (the stamp shows you where) and secured them together using a brad. I fanned them out and popped some 3D Foam Pads on the back to keep them in place.

I cut the largest of the Spellbinders Fancy Postage Edge dies out of Coconut White Card. At the emboss stage I added the Leafy Mask. I inked through the die with Broken China.

I stamped the sentiment from the same stamp set, cut it out using Spellbinders Labels 25 and inked through the die with Broken China.

I pressed a Fancy Pearl Embellishment into a Perfect Medium Pad, sprinkled with Cosmic Shimmer Lapis Sapphire Lustre Embossing Powder, tapped off the excess and heat set. I tied a bow using Blue Satin Edged Organza and added a couple of White Pearl Decorative Stick Pins.

I assembled the card as shown adding some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Summer Blue around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Good morning Julia,
    I did enjoy your show and hope you get some rest... This card is amazing and cute too. TGIF...

  2. Morning Julia,
    Well that clears up why I had some random show when I got home - getting fed up with C&C totally unacceptable.
    Rant over - back to the fantastic card, loving the stamp I can see a few options there. Good to see misters back I really like this medium.
    Loving the broken china leaves these really pop off the page.
    Good luck with prepping - hopefully when I set record next week you will pop up....
    Amanda x

  3. Hi Julia...I do wish they'd stop messing you about at C&C. I'd got my afternoon viewing all sorted out and then they cancelled it!! Hope you're well. Hugs. xx

  4. Morning Julia, I only managed to catch the last half of your show yesterday then planned my day for watching the 3pm show only to be disappointed! Lovely card again today, lets hope they don't cancel your next show!, love Jean xxx

  5. Hi Julia
    Yes it's not nice messing you about C and C special when your crafters are at work and try to tape you doing your demo and get something totally not what you won't rant over this card looks beautiful same we can not see it made thankyou for ever think you do for us crafters hopefully I will get to see you do a demo next week Tracy w x

  6. Hi Julia, sorry that the later shows were cancelled, loved the morning show. well will just have to delete those recordings. Bx

  7. Good morning Julia I love this card he fan is just brilliant it is all so pretty. Sorry about yesterday I hope you weren't too disappointed. You must get some rest you have been very busy lately what with moving and everything else you do. Love Jackie

  8. Hi Julia, Pleased it wasn't you that was ill or something but cross that C&C canceled the later shows! You must have been frothing. All that prepping and traveling, how annoyed you must have been. Take it easy moving does take it out of you, I know I moved just last year. Anyway today's card is beautiful. Love the background, love the stamps just love it all. Have a fab day. Hugs Debbie R xx

  9. Morning Julia, Your show yesterday was fantastic, it was such a shame about the later show, here's hoping C&C didn't have you hanging about before they cancelled !!
    This card would have been fantastic to watch being demo'd, the colours are beautiful and the fan looks really brilliant.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  10. Hi Julia. Why do C & C treat their guests so badly, very rude! We need a channel that just does demonstrations (how lovely would that be, no wasting time over and over again on pushing items we have already decided on!!!) then afterwards we can get the items online or in shops by ourselves! Hope you get some rest now. Take care.

  11. Hi again! So sorry but I was so cross with the way you were treated yesterday that I forgot to say how pretty the card is. I love the fan effect. Take care.

  12. Loved yesterday mornings show, hope they didn't make you hang around all day, Todays card very pretty, loving the embossing powder colours more and more xx

  13. Love today's card, I wondered what had happened to the afternoon shows ,but managed to watch and tape the morning show which was great! I absolutely love this fan stamp and can see lots of uses for it, also could be tempted with the inks .

  14. Pity we didn't get to see this lovely card demoed. Not sure why C&C thought a re-hashed Spellbinders show with a disinterested presenter, was an adequate replacement for one of your shows!

  15. beautiful card love the colours x x hazel

  16. Pretty card, sorry we missed seeing you demo it, that's a shame, but if you were tired, perhaps it was meant to be. You have been on the go a lot recently, what with the move and all.

  17. Morning Julia, love today's card and really enjoyed your show yesterday. I have to agree with the others it's disgusting how C&C just cancel shows when they feel like it. There's no consideration for the Guests or the people who are patiently sat at home waiting. They should spend less time showing some of the other rubbish and concentrate on the quality guests and companies who bring the real deal. Rant over!!! Kind regards Joanne K x

  18. Hi Julia, so sorry your shows were cancelled yesterday. Very disappointed This is a very pretty card, think i might give it a go.

  19. Really gorgeous card Julia, why oh why do create and craft do such things. would much rather have seen you than what they put on in your place. Look forward to your next shows

  20. Good morning Julia,
    I think the fan stamp is so beautiful and pretty, i think this is one to go on my wish list. The beautiful blue of the organza satin edged ribbon is a lovely shade and you have brought the colours of the card together lovely. I thought you had written you had 3 shows yesterday and decided that i was going senile when they didn't happen in the afternoon.
    Anyway although you have prepping to do, try and rest a little from the rigors of the move.
    Love and crafty hugs


  21. Morning Julia,

    Lovely card, that china blue and the bow, gorgeous. So wrong cancelling shows when a lot of prep work has gone on. X

  22. Great card as always Julia, brilliant background!
    Still a bit cross from yesterday, mainly for how frustrating it must have been for you after
    All the time and effort that goes into prepping for each demo!!
    Luckily I had taped the earlier show!
    Looking forward to the next one,
    Sandra xx

  23. Hi Julia. Saw the great show in the morning but so disappointed the other two were cancelled. I left lunch with my friends early just to see the afternoon one. All that prepping you do and all in vain.
    Love this card, the fan is so very pretty.
    Love Val in Spain xxx

  24. I rushed around like a mad thing so that I could watch your afternoon shows Julia and there you were gone!!!!! I feel really cross with C&C sometimes, well quite a bit of the time if truth be told.

    Love todays card.

    xx Sandra

  25. Hi Julia. I agree with everyone here about yesterday's shows, so disappointing for you and us, but at least you show us your lovely cards. SueL

  26. Morning Julia,
    I can only echo what everybody else has said, dreadful treatment of you by C&C, not fair on you or the viewers.
    Very pretty card sorry you were unable to demonstrate it.

  27. nice card love the colours.Laura O

  28. Hi Julia,

    Lovely card, love the fan effect and those cosmic shimmer powders, can't wait for mine to arrive.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  29. Hi Julia, I love the card and colors so pretty, i was very surprised when there was only one show taped i thought my recorder had missed them. Very bad of C&C to do this after all the work that goes into prepping for the Jean Z xx

  30. Hi Julia

    Love today's card. What lovely colours. This is very bad treatment Julia after you spend a lot of time prepping for the shows. Why on earth did they do that. I can assure that most of C & C customers will be very cross about this. Thanks for letting us know at least we won't think our recorders are up the creak. I shall let C & C know how disappointed I am that they cancelled your other shows. This is very bad form to disappoint all their customers.

  31. Hi Julia, love the card and the vibrant colours. Can't understand why C&C cancel for no reason what so ever.

  32. Morning Julia
    What a great show yesterday I don't think C & C realise what they are missing, I do hope they told you early in the day of the changes.
    Many thanks for the tip you gave on your show about rubbing the GC rubber embossing mat with an antistatic bag to stop clinging, I had washed mine and it was driving me mad clinging so much!
    A really beautiful card would have loved to have seen you make this one.
    Have a rest today and re-charge your batteries you have earned one.

  33. Morning Julia, will just say exactly what I thought when I looked at the card which was 'ooh, that's different, really nice' so it definitely gets a thumbs up from me. Vibrant and cheerful.
    Hugs Lynn

  34. Hi Julia

    Haven't posted before but felt I had to on this occasion and express, along with many others the disgust that C&C could cut shows at a drop of a hat without considering the work that goes into preparing for them. Hope you were not too disappointed and you can now take a little rest looking forward to Sunday's shows. Oh! the card as usual is great love the colours etc.etc.

  35. Morning Julia, Saw the recording of your show yesterday, I did wonder where the others were. Very good show as usual.
    The card today is very pretty...
    Have a rest today and recharge your batteries...

    Happy crafting
    Chrissie x x x

  36. Hi Julia, lovely card today, great fan using the flower. Like many others really cross with C&C for cancelling your shows. Then to add insult they put on a spellbinder show with a lack lustre presenter. On a brighter note looking forward to seeing you on the 16th. Lol Lynne M x x x x x

  37. Morning Julia, really having a bad day today wrote a long
    comment earlier on your blog only to have it dissapear on me
    but I said your card was lovely and really dissapointed on
    C&C for cancelling but when I tried to answer again and posted
    I discovered I was on Sues blog again not yours sorry.
    Nancyd xx

  38. Hi Julia did not get to see the first show yerstday recorded the others ,but of course it was not you ,there are a big no of people very dissapointed ,this card is stunning ,love the colours,

  39. Hi Julia, So enjoyed the morning show and saw on your blog you had an extra show at 5 as well as at 3 and thought I must have misread things when you weren't on - now I know why. So disappointing with all the work you put into the show as well as the travelling involved. However, all your followers are grateful for all the things you show us and this card is really pretty. Regards Jackie D

  40. Oh this is just divine, I love it Julia and a great pity we weren't able to see it demode on C&C. Hope another night through the sheets will sort out the tiredness but do take care of yourself.
    Hugs Christine H xx

  41. Hello Julia, I like others was so disappointed when I tuned in and saw no Julia, so rude of C&C after all your hard work prepping and travelling. This card is sooo pretty, the fan posy is gorgeous and your colouring is amazing.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  42. Was also sooooo disappointed the shows were cancelled. Hopefully you'll be reappointed some slots VERY soon. The products look fabulous, very sad not to see you demo them. Today's card is lovely, great colours Hope the unpacking is coming along we'll!
    Hugs Annie

  43. Such a shame your afternoon shows were cancelled - this card is gorgeous! Love the colours xx

  44. Hi Julia
    Love the card...sorry you weren't able to show us what you did...hope there were sincere apologies for your inconvenience!!!
    Woe is me...I'm going to miss the shows on Sunday as I'm at work and unable to record them!
    Hopefully they'll be on repeat! To all the ladies out there...ENJOY!!
    Have a restful evening
    Lara xxx

  45. A stunning card Julia, love the blue.

  46. Hi Julia
    This is such a beautiful card love that back ground and the way you've used the single stamp to make a fan such a great idea and so very pretty. I love the blue of the patina mister and the inks you have used.
    Such a shame you had your shows cancelled when you'd done all the work for them i hope that they will put you in on another day to show your work you've done for those shows.

    Love this beautiful card,
    Best wishes from Katie-Louise


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