
Monday 25 March 2013

Blog Candy Winner

Hi Bloggers.

I've been so busy over the last week that I neglected to post some new candy for when we reach 800 followers and we passed that today!

So, I've posted up some new candy for when we reach 900 followers and I have drawn a winner for some candy right now as we have passed the 800 mark.

The winner is ...........CRAFTY JEN who wins a pot of Cosmic Shimmer Golden Green Sparkle Embossing Powder and a pot of Cosmic Shimmer Iced Crystal Glitter Jewels.

Please email me at with your address and I'll pop them in the post to you.

All for now.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Crafty Jen and enjoy your lovely prize and many thanks Julia for having given us the chance of winning a prize.

    Love Sheila xx


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