
Tuesday 19 March 2013

Best Wishes

Hi Bloggers.

I'm glad you're loving the new Polished Silk Glitters. I wish you could all feel how smooth they are. I will be demonstrating the glitters at Ally Pally next month so if you are going then please come and see me and you can have a feel of it.

This was the first card I demoed on Saturday.

I cut the Spellbinders Die D-Lites Floral Border out of Black Card. After embossing I removed it from the die and dusted with my anti static bag. I popped the die cut back in the die and then inked through the die with Perfect Medium. I removed it again and then dusted with the Mustard Green Mica Powder from the Cosmic Shimmer Golden Winter Mica Spray Set.

For the frame, I popped a piece of Double Sided Adhesive onto some card and used 2 of the 5 x 7 Matting Basics B dies to cut the frame. I removed the backing from the adhesive and rubbed some Brilliant Blue Cosmic Shimmer Polished Silk Glitter into it. I removed the excess and really worked the glitter in. I ran the frame through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Crazy Daisy Embossing Folder. I made the embossing 'pop' by carefully running a Jet Black Archival Ink Pad over the top.

For the background, I used a 5 3/4" square of card with double sided adhesive on it. I dusted the Fretwork Mask lightly with my anti static bag. I popped it onto the double sided adhesive and then added the Sea Green Polished Silk Glitter. I really rubbed it in with my fingers. I made sure all the glitter was removed from my mask and then removed it from the adhesive. I added the Brilliant Blue Glitter and rubbed it into the newly exposed adhesive.

I stamped the sentiment, which comes with the Leafy Swirl Stamp, directly on to the glittered background.

I assembled the card as shown adding some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Black Pearl around the edges.

My shows today are at 8am, 12noon and 5pm. Hope you can join me.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Julia,
    Love them i cannot wait for the postman to deliver them to me. I have emailed in to the progs to tell people to buy as i know how wonderful they feel.
    Enjoyed watching this card being constructed on Saturday. The colours all go so well together.
    Enjoy the shows today
    Amanda x

  2. Good morning Julia,
    We were driving back from Wales yesterday and Imwas watching you on my iPad in the car, so when you told Dawn no one was watching I just wanted to say not so.... Will you have the glitter in your store soon? These cards are fab. Enjoy you shows...

  3. Hi Julia great card love the cosmic simmer

  4. Hi Julia, love this card, and the way you do the background with the masks. The shows are great. Bx

  5. Will be catching up as I have to go out today but will record the shows. The glitters look lovely, so bright.

  6. GM Julia. Alas I have to go back to work today after a long weekend of CandC! I love this card watched you demo it and have ordered the glitters, can't wait to try them. You make it look so easy but we'll see....!! Hope the rest of your POTW shows go well Hugs Annie

  7. Nice card Julia. Looking forward to the shows today.

  8. Morning Julia, I was stunned with this card when you demo'd it on C&C, I am so glad that you have given the tutorial for it, I love it.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  9. Hi Julia. Love this card - it's so blingy.

    Val in Spain xxx

  10. Lovely card love the idea of these new glitters as you can stamp on them xx hazel


  11. Hi Julia,

    Brilliant card.

    Bought some og the silk glitter at Farnborough show. Amazing.

    Look forward to seeing you at Ally Pally. X

  12. Great Shows Julia, I love it when both you and Sue mention each other...shows what friends you are. I particularly like it when you give Martin grief lol or "tell it like it is to anyone really" Ho! Ho! mabex

  13. Morning Julia,
    I was watching your show as I'm sure many others were.
    Loved the card you made with Dean. Not sure about your blog card the colours don't do anything for me.

  14. I was watching you do this demo on create and craft and thought it looked fantastic. I have tried similar technique but with coarser glitters, didn't look as good as yours. Janice x

  15. Good morning Julia
    What an enjoyable show, loved the joint effort, lovely card!
    Love the colours on your blog card, you have provided us with the inspiration to try other colour combos.
    Have a great show at noon (I'll miss it, boo hoo) see you at 5pm (sadly it might turn into the birthday girl's show)

    Lara xx

  16. Morning Julia, a nice card not to keen on colours I'm
    not really a glitter girl I put it on flowers and such
    but not all over loving your shows but as Lara B says
    if it is with the birthday girl you'll have to tell her off.
    Nancyd xx

  17. Hi Julia lovely card today the glitter looks great on this card, I especially like the turquoise one.i will hopefully try these glitters at Ally Pally if I manage to get there!! If not then will get them eventually as they look wonderful.hope to see your shows later love Lesley x

  18. Hi Julia,Just love how you do the backgrounds so clever , not too keen on the colour today but like the layout of the card Love Jean Z xxx

  19. These glitters look amazing Julia, great shows again

    xx Sandra

  20. Great shows again Julia and loved what you did with the glitter, Your card is beautiful and I look forward to seein more of your work. Loving your blog too!

    Love Sheila xx

  21. Love it Julia! Have you got a demo video anywhere on the internet that we can watch you using this glitter? as I missed the show

  22. Hi Julia

    Really enjoyed all the demos and looking forward to trying out this new glitter. I must practise more with masks!!!!!


  23. nice card like the look of these glitters.Laura O

  24. Love the colours, loving the shows

  25. Hi julia, love the card. I've loved all the demo's so far, you'll be ready for a holiday!(LOL) debs :0)

  26. Hi Julia, love this card, can't wait for my dies to come. Must get some of your glitters too.
    Crafty Hugs
    Carol Healy

  27. I was lucky enough to be picked out of the cup and card has just popped through my letter box! It is lovely, I now totally get what you mean about the glitter, the card is super smooth and the surface feels like silk. The colours are beautiful too. Thank you so much. I will treasure it.

  28. Hi Julia. I'm like you, don't normally use glitter but these do look interesting. Unfortunately don't think I can make Ally Pally this year as I have a grandchild due about then, how inconsiderate. May make it if he/she arrives early. SueL

  29. Afternoon Julia

    Just caught your extra show, missed the first 15 mins though. Love the glitter technique you have used on this card. Wont be at Ally Pally as its too far to travel for me although I am in London for the weekend before and the weekend after.. bad planning on my hubbys part lol

  30. Love the zingy colour combo. Will have to get my hands on some of the "super smooth glitter". X

  31. Hi Julia, have been watching all the c&c shows while I've been off work sick. It's very tempting not to buy anything with all these amazing new dies. However I couldn't resist and bought a few anyways lol. Loved all the demos so can't wait to recreate some of ur cards. Job well done!!!

    Tracy from Scotland

  32. Hi Julia this card is really nice and I enjoyed your shows today. Thank you for all the work you put in
    Carol E

  33. Hi Julia

    Love the glitter technique and the colours on this card

    June x


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