
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Thinking of You

Hi Bloggers.

Now, I know a lot of you don't like green but I do. In fact, I don't think that there's many colours in crafting that I'm frightened of using. When you make cards for friends and family then you can choose favourite colours but in my job I have to use whatever is new or popped on a show and sometimes that's really good. Using something out of your comfort zone makes you think - you have to use the old grey matter. Sometimes it's a real challenge, believe me and there are many occasions when something doesn't turn out as I would like but that's life. Indeed some cards I put off blogging as I really don't like them but then I run low and have to blog them, you lot go and surprise me my loving them! Works the other way sometimes too.

Anyway, enough waffling. Here's today's green card (and please - no comments about not liking the colour!).

This is a very simple card to make and you can make it in any colour, of course, but the embossing powder I've used looks particularly good on black. This powder, as with many Cosmic Shimmer Powders, looks different if you tilt the card - the shimmer part!

The black background is simply a piece of black card run through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Chiaro Embossing Folder. I ran it through a second time to extend the pattern.

I dusted a piece of black card with an anti-static bag and stamped the large image from the Creative Expressions Artsy Floral Stamp Set using Perfect Medium. If you have trouble stamping large images you can easily stamp this by popping your stamp face up on your craft sheet and take the card to the stamp. Keep a couple of fingers on it all the time and use the other hand to rub the card into the stamp - don't press into the card just rub. It doesn't matter if you catch any ink from the edge of the stamp as in this card I have torn around the edges of the image. I added Cosmic Shimmer Golden Lime Blaze Embossing Powder from the Brights Set and heat set. I tore around the edges. I tore around the edges of a slightly larger piece of white card and inked around the edges with Forest Moss Distress Ink.

I stamped the co-ordinating flower from the Creative Expressions Whimsical Floral Stamp Set onto black card, again using Perfect Medium and embossed with the Golden Lime Blaze Powder. I cut them out and popped them on top of the main image with Foam Pads.

I stamped the sentiment from the Artsy Floral Stamp set using the Perfect Medium and embossed with Golden Lime Blaze. I tore around it and added it to the main image with foam pads. I tied a bow using 3 lengths of Moss Green American Seam Binding. I spritzed it with some water, scrunched it up a bit and dried it with my heat tool. I added a Black Dazzler.

I made a mat out of white card inked with Forest Moss and added some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Black around the edges.

My cough is very much better now - not gone, but much better.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. I for one like the colour and would defo use it, I do a bit of green, it was my mum's fav and so reminds me of her when i ever I use it,

  2. Hi Julia,
    I think this is great, so striking on the black. Love it.

  3. Morning Julia i saw this on c&c and loved it specially the brights green embossing powder. Lovely card xx hazel

  4. Hi julia wow its definitely green!! I really like it,lime green and black is a lovely combo and this card will stand out from the rest!! Glad your cough is better and look forward to seeing you back on our screens love lesley xx

  5. Good morning,I usually just look each day but I was so taken with this card,I had to leave a comment.Its so striking. Will need to try this colour combo immediately if not sooner!

  6. Hi Julia, glad you cough is better. I love green so this card is right up my street. Thanx for sharing . Lol Lynne M x x x

  7. Good morning,I usually just look each day but I was so taken with this card,I had to leave a comment.Its so striking. Will need to try this colour combo immediately if not sooner!

  8. WOW Julia, that's a wonderful card. I for one love the colour. Thanks for the tip of putting the card on top of the stamp and rubbing it. Usually with large stamps I seem to miss a bit in the middle.

    Glad you are feeling better.

    Val in Spain xxx

  9. Morning Julia,
    Nothing wrong with green but we all have our own individual tastes, love your card.

  10. Morning Julia, I had to chuckle at the first part of your post today, you know the saying "you can't please all of the people, all of the time", this is so true, it wouldn't do for us all to be alike.
    I, for one, absolutely LOVE this colour, the embossing powder is fabulous and married up with the black card, it is a marriage made in heaven. I also love this stamp, and when you add the decoupaged flowers on top, it is absolutely gorgeous.
    Loving the torn and distressed mats too.
    Glad your cough is better than it was, I wish I could say that for mine, I've had it for 7 weeks now, am so sick of it ha ha.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx


  11. I love this card. Green against the black is perfect.

    Very striking. X

  12. Gorgeous card and love the colours, green is beautiful don't understand why people don't like it

  13. hi Julia, I thought this was a very interesting card with all the techniques and tips when you demoed it on tv. Regards Jackie D

  14. Morning Julia, I Love the card and the colour. As Patrica H. said you cant please everyone. Pleased you are feeling better.

    Happy crafting
    Chrissie x x x

  15. Morning Julia. Love todays card I dont always like some greens but really
    Like this one just checked last two days blogs and loved them too.
    As I said on Sues blog on my tablet in Tenerife and cant always
    get on not that good yet but getting there. Nancyd xx

  16. Love this card, green is one of my favourite colours.

  17. Hello Julia, Love todays card, the stamps are so detailed and the colours are striking, must get my hands on that embossing powder asap. Thank you for inspiring us with your tips and techniques.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  18. Julia,
    I think this is a very dramatic card, very nice. It is a rich card. I really like it.

  19. Hi Julia, glad your cough is improving.
    I love this shade of green, it's great. Haven't managed to watch the shows yet but soon hopefully.
    Take care x

  20. Afternoon Julia, this is a lovely green and against the black its stunning, I don't have a problem with most colours as nature grows in colour. I agree that when making a card for someone you make it in the colours they like, if you know. I think this is one of the best cards you've made. Love it. Emma

  21. Hi Julia.
    I must admit I never use green. However I must say I love this shade it's so bright and vivid. And very striking against the black. Good job.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Joan B.

  22. Hi Julia
    I am not against green but overall this is a bit on the dark side for my likeing but I do like the layour for this card.

  23. Hi Julia Not sure its a little dark for me but you have done this card good

  24. It's a lovely card Julia, and the colours are great.

  25. Hi Julia what a great card and yes i love the colour green. I have these embossing powders and i use them nearly everyday. This card looks really fresh. Look forward to see what youve got in store for us tomorrow. Xx

    Debs A


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