
Monday 31 December 2012

Some of my favourite cards from 2012

Hi Bloggers.

As it's New Year's Eve, I thought I'd look back on some of the cards I've posted over the last year and share some of my favourites again. Some of you are new followers so may have missed them when I first posted them. I've picked one from each month - you may want to grab a cuppa. Each card has a link to the original post so you can go and read about how it was made if you like.

Thank you all for your support and kind comments over the last year. Happy New Year to you all!


I love the Vintage Inventor stamp sets designed by Sam Poole. This card is a great Valentines Card for a guy. You can see the details here.


This card was made using the Creative Expressions Beautiful Ladies Stamp Set. You can see the details here.


A card from one of the first Spellbinders Shows I did. Details are here.


I made this card way back in April but it got another airing on the Toolshed Show in November. Details are here.


I loved how this one turned out - lots of different dies on this one but my favourite part is the Grosgrain rose. Details are here.


Yes - we were doing Christmas shows in June! This is one of my favourite Christmas cards that I've made this year. Details are here.


Half way through - hope you're not bored yet! This was a demo from the Pick of the Week that Hels and I did. Details are here.


Another card from the Pick of the Week in July. I've used this layout a few times since - love the yummy Cosmic Shimmer Embossing Powders. Watch out for those on my next shows. Details are here.


I loved working with the Walnut Hollow Metal Sheets and this is one of my favourite cards using them. Details are here.


I just had to choose a card made with the Sole Creations Stamp Set. I have sold more of this stamp set than any other in my Amazon Store. It flew out at Ally Pally and at Kettering. Truly gorgeous images on this set. Details of this card are here.


I struggled a bit picking one out for November as there's quite a few that I really like from this month. This one is from the Toolshed show. Details are here.


Another difficult month to choose from. Details for this card are here.

Hope you've enjoyed my look back at the past year. Here's to 2013!

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. MORINING JULIA Happy New Years Eve thankyou for all the cards you have done in 2012 there been lovely cannot wait to see what you have for us in 2013 all the best tracy w xx

  2. what a stunning look at your cards this year ,Happy new year to you and your family .Melanie

  3. Morning Julia, great opportunity to see some of your lovely cards again looking forward
    To see all your inspiration in 2013. Happy hogmanay to all from Scotland.
    Nancy xx

  4. Good Morning Julia,
    What a lovely showcase of your hard work this past year. The cards you have chosen are lovely, especially the Christmas and the Shoe card, really beautiful.
    I wish you all the best for the New Year and look forward to what 2013 will bring us all.
    Have a lovely day.


  5. Morning Julia,

    Looking back over the past. Cards it is amazing how things have changed. Your style and colours have opened my eyes to using other colours . Thank you.
    Wishing you and yours a Very Happy New Year. X

  6. Happy New Year, Julia. Me thinks blue and red are your favourite colours. Have to admit that the blue ones appeal to me the most. I do try and make my cards to suit the recipient but if I'm stuck I'll reach for the blues.looking forward to more cards, and therefore more goodies in 2013. Ju

  7. Morning Julia, All these cards are adorable, I missed the earlier ones, so this is fabulous for me. I adore the steampunk style. Thank you so much for bringing all these styles to our attention and for giving us so much inspiration. You take us out of our 'comfort zone' and give us the ability to venture into other colourways, and for that I SALUTE YOU.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. I think my fav is June, love the colours

  9. Hi JUlia. I loved seeing your creations through out the year I did miss a few

    Wishing you a Happy New Year and I hope that 2013 is a really good one for you

    Sue xx

  10. Hi Julia, Just getting sorted out after being with the family over Christmas. What a variety there has been during the year and I am glad I found your blog. For me, August leaves and the October shoes are my favourites, Wishing you and your family and all your blog followers a happy and healthy 2013. Regards Jackie D

  11. Morning Julia,
    Well what to choose, I think for me the two that stand out are November and the snow one.
    Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for 2013.
    Have a great New Years Eve.

  12. Happy New Years Eve Julia. Lovely selection for us today. June, July and August are my favourites.

  13. Hello Julia, Thank you for the review, Happy New Year, and here's looking forward to another year filled with inspiration from you, may your ideas abound. Bx

  14. Happy New Year Julia. Thanks for all your inspiration in 2012, I especially love your background ideas and plan to be trying out a few more. Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing you on C&C in 2013 again

  15. Julia,
    These are a beautiful reflection of your talent over the year. I so enjoy checking in each day for ny dazzlement...thank you.

  16. Morning Julia, I agree some of your best cards in this lot, they are all dramatic and stunning. Thank you for all your inspiration this year. I wish you and all your family and happy and healthy new year. Emma

  17. Morning Julia its lovely to recap on 2012. Thanks for the inspiration xx hazel

  18. Hello Julia, Thank you for the recap of 2012, I had missed quite a few, as this is my first year following your creations.
    Love the shoe and snowflake cards. Thank you for your insiration and hard work in 2012 and looking forward to your 20013 creations.
    Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year to you, yiur family and blog followers.
    Hugs June xxx

  19. fab cards Julia,look forward to many more fantastic cards next year.Laura O

  20. It's great to look back at some of your cards Julia, Happy New Year to You and Yours

    xx Sandra

  21. Hi julia thanks for the recap of 2012 you have definitely made some lovely cards and have given me plenty of great ideas especially for boys and men!! Look forward to see what you bring us in 2013.Happy new year to you and your family love lesley xx

  22. Hi julia thanks for the recap of 2012 you have definitely made some lovely cards and have given me plenty of great ideas especially for boys and men!! Look forward to see what you bring us in 2013.Happy new year to you and your family love lesley xx

  23. What a lovely gallery you have chosen to reflect all your work in 2012. Thank you for your wonderful ideas and inspiration. Looking forward to seeing more from you in 2013.
    Wishing you and those dear to you a very Happy and Peaceful New Year.

  24. Such a nice blog post today. Happy New Year to you my lovely xx

  25. Hi Julia.
    A wonderful selection of cards today. You really have done a great job. Happy new yeard to you and your family.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Joan B.

  26. Happy New Year Julia, thank you for the inspiration! Carole Z x

  27. Hi Julia I have followed your blog over the last few months and wish to thank you for all the inspiration, and instructions. I appreciate all your work and wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year
    Caro E


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