
Sunday 9 December 2012

Hello My Friend

Hi Bloggers.

Today I'm off the Daisy's Jewels and Crafts in Coventry (details in left hand side bar). I'll be demoing between 1pm and 3pm. If you're in the area, please stop by and say hello.

Today's card is one I've made for the shows tomorrow. It's not really a good representation of what's on the show - bit of a tease really.

For the background,I ran a piece of Coconut White card through the Grand Calibur with the Spellbinders Regal M-Bossabilities Folder. I ran it through a second time to extend the pattern.

I stamped the sentiment from the Creative Expressions Falling Leaves Stamp Set using Perfect Medium and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Silver Shine Metallic Embossing Powder. I cut it out using Labels 24. I made a frame using the 2 Labels 24 dies that were either side of the one used to cut out the sentiment. At the emboss stage I added the Elegance M-Bossabilities Folder. I cut the largest of the Fancy Postage Edge Dies and at the emboss stage added the other side of the Elegance Folder. I cut the largest of the Fancy Ribbon Threader Dies and at the emboss stage added the Elegance Mask from That Special Touch. I threaded some Blue White American Seam Binding through it.

I tied a bow using White Satin Edged Ribbon and added a Fancy Pearl Embellishment.

I made a flower using the Bitty Blossoms die set. I cut some leaves using the same die set and inked through the die with Perfect Medium using Cut n Dry Foam. I removed the card from the die and added some Silver Shine Metallic Embossing Powder and heat set.

I assembled the card as shown adding some Pearl Swirls and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Silver Lustre around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morining Julia
    Love the white card all one colour works for me its stunning thankyou Tracy w xx

  2. Hi Julia, beautiful card, looking forward to tomorrow's shows. Your out and about shows The date as September, you may want to amend it.

    Wilma x x

  3. Hi Julia. White on white - love it. Looking forward to watching you tomorrow.

    Val in Spain xxx

  4. Good Morning Julia,
    A beautiful card, all white is so elegant, love the touch of silver. Hope you have a good day today at the craft fair.
    Take care, Michelle(happy2craft)

  5. Morning Julia,
    Such a pretty elegant card love the silver really stands out.
    Hope you get through good demonstrations tomorrow.
    Have a good day.

  6. Morning Julia,

    Such a beautiful elegant card. X

  7. Morning Julia...Beautiful card today...I also love the silver..the overall effect is stunning...

    Happy crafting
    Chrissie x x x

  8. Good morning Julia
    What a beautiful card what else is there to say absolutely super.Best of luck for tomorrow do hope the let you do some demo's and more importantly let you give some explanations.

  9. Morning Julia, This card is a WOW card, it is absolutely stunning. I love white on white, and that splash of silver, the different die-cuts go perfectly together, I LOVE IT.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  10. Hi Julia
    your card is gorgeous - white on white is so effective. Have a great demo day.

  11. Morning Julia what a pretty card i love the white on white cards that you make i think i will have ago at this card if that is ok by you. Take care Julia.

    Debs Artliff

  12. Morning Julia, Im not keen on all white but i know alot are, but for me i love this as the touch of silver wakes it up and works really well, nice lot of texture. Good luck for your shows tomorrow and enjoy your day out. Emma

  13. Morning Julia

    I love white on white cards and this one is stunning I love the ribbon weaving and I must get those labels 24 lol

    Sue xx

  14. fab card Julia ,really love white cards so elegant .Laura O

  15. Lovely card Julia love the white and white cards and the hint of silver embossing really sets it off. looking forward to tomorrows show xx hazel

  16. Hello Julia, I love the white on white cards, the silver embossing makes it pop. The flower is gorgeous.
    Enjoy your out and about demos. Looking forwar to tomorrows shows.
    Hugs June xxx

  17. Morning Julia,
    Simply love it really like the white on white. Very elegant with a different sentiment could be used for any occasion.
    Enjoy today and have a fab show time tomorrow. Will be recording,
    Amanda x

  18. Hi julia what a lovely card I still haven't tried a white on white card but I think I would have to have a bit of coloured embossing like you have done.looking forward to your shows tomorrow love lesley xx

  19. Hi Julia
    I just love this card , the leaves are striking with the embossing and that little colour on the flower ... Mmmmm.

    Will see you tomorrow

    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  20. I love white on white - this would make a lovely wedding or ist anniversary card too. Looking forward to your shows tomorrow. I will be there ready with my pause button to edit out the "dross". Good luck Julia! X

  21. Hi Julia. Beautiful card, really pretty but them I am a fan of white on white. Hope you had a good demo today and looking forward to watching tomorrow's show - when I can find the time!!

  22. Beautiful card Julia very versatile!


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