
Wednesday 17 October 2012

You go Girl

Hi Bloggers.

Another girly card today - very simple.

For the background, I popped some Coconut White Card with the Creative Expressions Floral Embossing Folder. I ran it through a second time to extend the pattern and then edged it with Mustard Seed Distress Ink.

I stamped the image from the Fashionista : A Day Shopping using Jet Black Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I coloured her in using Cosmic Shimmer Matt Drawing Inks and then cut her out using Spellbinders Floral Ovals. I inked through the die with Mustard Seed Distress Ink using Cut n Dry Foam.

I stamped the sentiment from the same stamp set using Jet Black Archival and embossed with clear powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders Ribbon Banners and inked through the die with Mustard Seed.

I tied a messy bow with 3 lengths of Chalk White American Seam Binding. I spritzed it with water, scrunched it and dried it with my heat tool. I threaded some Baker's Twine through a button and tied a bow. I added it to my ribbon bow.

I assembled the card as shown adding some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in White around the edges.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Hi Julia, like this, never thought of using mustard seed ink like this, gives lot of colour.

    Wilma x

  2. Julia,
    Your sunny colors are fun and start my day with a smile.

  3. Hi Julia, what a lovely card to brighten our wet and rainy Wednesday. Have a good day. love the little clips of you during Sue's shows. Bx

  4. Gorgeous card Julia. Love the colours - very bright and sunny.

  5. Good Morning Julia,
    Yes, this is a lovely bright card, for a very miserable day. I love the floral embossing folder, especially as I make alot of flowers with it now, thanks to your tutorial.
    I wonder if you are doing a sneak peak before Monday!!!!!
    Have a great day today
    Michelle (happy2craft)

  6. Hi Julia.
    Very pretty card. It was good to see your "guest appearances" on Sues shows.

  7. Morning Julia, Beautiful card, love the 'sunshiny' colour, we definitely need some of that today ha ha, the sentiment is one of my favourites, I love it.
    It was lovely seeing you 'cameo' on Sue's shows, you seemed so 'chilled', Julia, it was lovely.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Morning Julia,
    Very pretty girly card just right for a teenager on young adult.
    Have a good day.

  9. Morning Julia lovely card love the floral embossing to the background and that decorative oval xx hazel

  10. Morning Julia

    What a pretty cheerful card, just the thing for this dismal day

    Sue xx

  11. Morning Julia,
    Like the card design. Mustard seed is too much for me though. X

  12. Morning Julia, another lovely summery card - which cheers the day up with all this rain! Emma

  13. Hi Julia ,another fab card ,nice bright card.Laura O

  14. Lovely card! Really pretty! You made me do it last night... I ordered those stamps off your Amazone shop!!! Lol! Claire xxx

  15. Morning Julia, a great card nice bright colours looking forward
    to seeing you next week with a lot more of your inspiration.
    Nancyd xx

  16. Another fabulous card Julia. Love the colours so bright and fresh looking and your design is great. Love Christine H xx

  17. Hello Julia, A lovely card, pretty and bright and great layout. \Loved your cameos on Sue's shows. Can't wait for your shows next week for some more inspiration.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  18. I love the fresh and bright feel to this card - gorgeous! xx

    1. hi julia a lovely simple card and the colours are lovely and bright especially nice on these dreary autumn days!! looking forward to your shows on monday hope you give a sneak peek at what delights you are bringing us!! lol love lesley xx


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