
Friday 28 September 2012

Thinking of you

Hi Bloggers.

You may have noticed that I've popped some new Candy up to be drawn when we reach 500 followers. The Keyboard Icons die set from Spellbinders was on the Pick of the Week Shows that Hels & I did in July. However, this set didn't really get any airtime so I thought I'd share a sample card that I made with it at the time.

This card was based on a project I found on the Spellbinders Ideas Gallery. I stamped the sentiment from the Studio 490 Its More Flower Art Stamp Set using Jet Black Archival. I cut it out using Spellbinders Fancy Framed Tags Two and inked through the die with Black Soot Distress Ink using Cut n Dry Foam.

I then placed my tag where I wanted it on my backing paper (My Mind's Eye : Lost and Found) and spaced out some of the brackets on one side. I removed the tag and ran the paper through the Grand Calibur. I did not emboss it as the embossing would have embossed the die cuts and I wasn't using those. I removed the dies, lined them up on the other side and ran them through the Grand Calibur.

I assembled the card as shown adding some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Black Pearl.

A quick and easy card to do to suit any occasion.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Good morning, Julia,
    This is a lovely classic card and looks beautiful, thanks!

  2. Looking good love the colour theme and design. Looking forward to you achieving 500 followers won't be long I think.


  3. Hi Julia, nice card, didn't get these dies, as I was not sure how useful they would be, but looking at yours, it does get the brain going. Bx

  4. A striking card Julia. Love the black and white theme.

  5. Morning Julia, A lovely, quickie card today, I love the MME backing paper, its gorgeous, I didn't buy these dies because I didn't think I would get much use out of them, I felt they were more suited to scrapbook pages, but after your card today I would love to have them.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  6. Morning Julia, love the card you have made, but these dies didnt sing out to me. xx hazel

  7. Love the background paper, so many likes so little money, ah well just have to add it to my xmas wish list.

  8. Like Hazel said, these dies did nothing for me! Your card is lovely though but Spellbinders have flooded the market with so many dies recently that I want and would use that these are not high on my list if at all but each to their own they would be good for scrapbooking though I would think?

    Happy Crafting Julia
    Heather xx

  9. Good Morning Julia,
    Again a striking background, a simple but elegant card, this is one set of dies I have not bought, it reminds me of a load of moustaches, hee hee.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Michelle (happy2craft)

  10. Morning Julia
    I love this card, so elegant. I didnt buy those dies as I couldnt see any use for them but they look really useful

    Sue xxx

  11. Hi julia the card is lovely and the colours and paper make it look very elegant but I don't think I would buy this set.I do think its more suitable for scrapbooking.I got the stamp sets from your shop yesterday what prompt service!! Unlike c+c where I think only a couple of things have come in under a week!!!! Thanks love lesley xx

  12. Lovely card Julia like everyone else this die set did not inspire me to buy it with so many on the market several sets took priority but maybe we should think again lol

  13. Morning Julia, A great card as everyone is saying you really need
    to see some ideas what you can do with them then they sing to you.
    Nancyd xx

  14. Hi Julia,

    Well, who'd thought to use those dies like this? Not me! Just shows hoe creative you are.


  15. Lovely but think I may only use very occasionally ... love the background paper.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Hello Julia, A stunning and elegant card. As other comments have said did buy these dies, did not see a use for them, how wrong was I!!!!
    Have a great day everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  18. Morning Julia, a lovely card, althou i also think these are not the most versatile spellbinders on the market, i dont even know if they are that useful for mens cards.

  19. Hi Julia,
    I love what you have done with these dies, however, I would not buy them as I don't think I would get much use for them. I would rather spend what money I have on dies that I will use often.
    The background paper is very pretty.
    Have a good day.

  20. like your card -love the background paper .not mad about the set of dies,don't think I would use them.Laura O

  21. Pretty paper on the card, but I can't warm to punctuation as decorative elements. There are many more I would want to spend my money on

  22. Hi Julia this is a very elegant and classy card ,I love the backing paper

  23. Like the idea Julia but not keen on the dies can't think of much that I would use them for so I wont be buying them love Gillian x

  24. Great "all round" caed but dies not on my hit list as too many others I am after!

  25. Hi Julia, love the MME backing paper but must admit these dies do nothing for me either and like others have other dies I wish to purchase first. Hope you have had a good Friday, love Christine H xx


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