
Saturday 1 September 2012

Ribbon Wreath

Hi Bloggers.

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and emails yesterday. I really enjoyed both shows - I hope you did too. Welcome to my new followers.

Just to let you know that I am currently out of stock of the stamp sets I used in the shows but I have ordered some more and they should be arriving in my Amazon Store very soon.

Today I thought I'd share the card with the ribbon wreath on it from yesterday's shows so that I can point you to the correct place on the Creative Expressions Website to find Sue's tutorial on how to make it.

For the background, I ran a piece of milk card through the Grand Calibur with the Couture Creations Constellations Embossing Folder. I inked around the edges with Aged Mahogany Distress Ink using Cut n Dry Foam.

I stamped the bauble from the Creative Expressions Christmas Bauble Stamp Set using Vermillion Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I stamped around the edge of it using one of the stamps from the Creative Expressions Beaded Elements Stamp Set using Olive Archival.

I used 3 yards of each of the green ribbons from the Two Tone Ribbon Pack that was on the show and made a wreath. Here's the link to Sue's tutorial on How to Make a Ribbon Wreath. I added a bow made from the red ribbon in the pack. I stuck the wreath to the card using 3D Foam Pads.

I finished the card off with some White 3mm Pearls on the bauble and some White 5mm Pearls on the embossed background. I also edged the card with some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Berry Red.

I hope you have a go at making a wreath. Tomorrow I'll share a card which just has a bit of ribbon weaving on it as a border.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Hi Julia, the wreath looked so impressive when I saw it on your show yesterday and now we have a great "how to do it". Thanks for that. I am on my way to the link for Sue' s tutorial. Really enjoyed your demos yesterday, replaying my recordings to see them in more detail.


  2. Morning Julia,
    Great shows yesterday loved your demos. Going to look at the tutorial for the wreath now.
    Have a good day.

  3. Morning Julia

    I caught one show yesterday and it was great, have recorded them to watch un-interupted later

    Love the stamps they go perfect with this wreath

    Sue xx

  4. Lovely card Julia will be giving this technique a go. Loved your shows yesterday, looking forward to what you are bringing us next xx hazel

  5. Hi Julia, shows were great really enjoyed the demos. Bx

  6. Morning Julia, Congratulations on yesterday's shows, I really enjoyed all the tips you gave us. This card is spectacular and thank you so much for pointing us in the right direction of Sue's tutorial, I will be giving it a go. I have your recorded 4pm show on at the moment because I couldn't see it live, and I must say that I loved your over-top that you wore, it's gorgeous. Have a lovely weekend. Lots of love from Patricia xx

  7. Lovely wreath. Great shows can't wait for you to be on again!

  8. Excellent shows yesterday Julia, love the wreath

    xx Sandra

  9. Morning Julia, loved your demos y/day, i cancelled everything else to watch!! Loved this card and its gorgeous but not really my cup of tea. However i think im going to give it a go as im sure i can find someone who will love the ribbon wreath! Emma

  10. Hi Julia
    haven't seen the shows yet bit recorded them
    I like this card
    Sue H

  11. Hi julia I didn't see your shows yesterday but recorded them to watch probably tomorrow night as its my sons birthday tomorrow and I still have 3 cards to make!! Better get a move on lol love this card and the ribbon wreath. Looks lovely might have to give it a go love lesley xx

  12. Morning Julia, Great card tried this technique at ssec in glasgow
    last year love it in white used it long on a Communion card in May
    it turned out good.
    Nancyd xx

  13. Loved your shows yesterday Julia. I really liked the red one you made, thought it was stunning. Michelle x

  14. Great shows yesterday Julia, so pleased you have pointed us in the right direction for the instructions for the wreath

  15. Beautiful card watched your shows yesterday,well done.Laura O

  16. Hi Julia, great shows yesterday and I love this card! Sue also has a tutorial on her DVD and I had a go with it last Christmas - it took a few attempts, but I got there and ended up making quite a few! Carole Z X

  17. Your shows were brilliant, thank you for all the inspiration and tips. Love this card - it looks so special! xx

  18. Hi Julia, brilliant shows yesterday and can watch them again as I also recorded them. Love this card and must give the wreath a go as it is very eye catching. Love Christine H xx

  19. Hello Julia, This is my first comment on your blog, I watched your 11am show yesterday and really enjoyed your demonstration. The Happy Christmas card is stunning, love everything about it. The stamps and ribbon are must haves. Today's card is striking and I wii be giving it a go.
    June xxx

  20. Hi Julia. What a lovely card. Just love your shows too.

  21. Hi Julia, haven't look at your link for makeing the ribbon wreat but it does look impressive, I hope mine will look so neat and tidy when I try


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