
Tuesday 4 September 2012

New Spellbinders Dies Now in stock

Hi Bloggers.

Just a quick post to let you know that I have some of the new Summer Release Spellbinders now in stock in my Amazon Store here.

The Iridescent Sheer Ribbon Pack that I put on eBay has proved popular and I have just one pack left in the current set here.

I have popped some packs of mixed Vintage Ribbon on eBay here - 40 metres for £7.99 plus £2.95 P&P. Here's a pick of the colours -

All for now.



  1. Hi Julia
    what's your shop name so I get the right links when looking

    1. Hi. There's a link to my Amazon shop and my eBay listings in the right-hand sidebar of this blog. Also, whenever an item is in blue on a post then you can click on it and it will take you to the item on either site. Regards, Julia.

  2. my irridescent ribbon arrived yesterday and it really is gorgeous. Thank you for the quick service!!


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