
Wednesday 19 September 2012

Happy Christmas

Hi Bloggers.

Back to Christmas as Sue has some shows scheduled today which include the Heirloom Ornament die and the bauble stamp used in this card so I thought it would be appropriate to share it with you.

For the background, I randomly stamped a swirl from the Creative Expressions Beaded Elements Stamp Set using Perfect Medium. I added some Cosmic Shimmer Black Sparkle Embossing Powder and heat set.

I stamped the bauble from the Creative Expressions Christmas Bauble Stamp Set using Jet Black Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I cut it out with scissors leaving a small white border all round the edge. I threaded an Idea-ology Bauble onto some black Baker's Twine from the Primary Set, tied a bow and added it to the top of the bauble.

I cut a black bauble using the Spellbinders 2011 Heirloom Bauble die set. At the emboss stage I added the Couture Creations Hedged Maze Embossing Folder. I wrapped some Baker's Twine around to the back of the card, added my black bauble die cut and then my stamped bauble.

I stamped the sentiment from the Creative Expressions Let it Snow Stamp Set again using Jet Black Archival and embossed with clear powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders Ribbon Banners. I cut another banner out of black card and at the emboss stage I added the Hedged Maze Folder again. I glued it to the back of the stamped banner offsetting it slightly. (sorry photo is blurred!)

I pressed a couple of Creative Expressions Decorative Metal Corners into Perfect Medium, sprinkled with Cosmic Shimmer Silver Shine Metallic Embossing Powder and heat set. Incidentally, if you find this particular corner too big for your project then you can easily trim them down with scissors.

I finished the card off with some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Silver Lustre.

Sue's shows are scheduled for 8am and 11am on Create & Craft and then 3pm on Ideal World. I take over tomorrow with shows at 12noon on Ideal World and 4pm and 7pm on Create & Craft.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Hi Julia, love monochrome cards, black and white with a bit of bling what more do you need well spellbinder dies of course. Love it all, will be glued to TV today watching Sue's demonstrations.


  2. Morning
    Love it Christmas in September. Really into black and white - chic elegant sophisticated. Love the whole look.
    Amanda x

  3. Morning Julia,
    Beautiful card love the mono tones. The stamps are lovely too.
    Have a good day.

  4. Wow Julia, this card is stunning, really looking forward to the shows, fab demo's and tons of inspiration. Bx

  5. OMG Julia!!
    Gorgeous card simply stunning. I love what you did with the background. You are a true inspiration.

  6. Lovely card Julia, love the xmas baubles dies. Will be watching Sue all day as got to wait in for workmen. xx hazel

  7. Morning Julia, I absolutely love this card, black and white can't go wrong. I love the bauble within a bauble, just gorgeous. I need to get the black sparkle embossing powder, stunning. Looking forward to yours and Sue's shows, I've set the recorder and will also be watching. Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Julia,
    This card is amazing, so beautiful Wow

  9. Hi Julia, love the monochrome! Gorgeous card Julia, hope you have super shows tomorrow, will be recording as we will be on our way to London and attending Ally Pally on Saturday, Carole Z X

  10. Morning Julia, Just love this card mono. always works must try the corners
    haven't opened them yet.
    Nancyd xx

  11. Gorgeous card Julia

    I really love that heirloom die, its so versatile

    I love the monochrome colour but think it would work in other colours too

    Sue xxx

  12. Love this one, monochrome always so effective. Loved Sue's show this am can't wait for yours tomorrow! What a treat in this miserable weather! Good luck tomorrow

  13. Morning Julia
    A lovely xmas card, love the sparkly embossing powder. Will enjoy the shows.

  14. Hi julia wow love this card monochrome always looks so stylish and elegant recording sues shows and look forward to watching your shows on thursday too love lesley xx

  15. Gorgeous card Julia, love the black and white

    xx Sandra

  16. Beautiful,a fab card love the black and white colours andthe stamped background,Laura O

  17. WOW, love this card, monochrome is sooo effective, the corners are gorgeous and love the bauble on bauble effect. You are such an inspiration. Thank you. Watching Sue's shows today and will be watching yours tomorrow, enjoy yourself.
    June xxx

  18. just started following you as i am a newly addicted to spellbinders crafter! LOL!
    i was the bloke in brighton that sue mentioned on tv today!!

    this card is just stunning!! I love monochromatic themes and this is so elegant.
    tony x

  19. Hi Julia, fabulous, just fabulous. Love the monochrome and the background is stunning. Hope you've had a good day, love Christine H xx

  20. Hi Julia love this card ,it's stunning x

  21. What a stunning card Julia, I love the monochrome, it's so elegant.
    Carolyn B x

  22. Lovely Julia I so admire how you and Sue manage to get the pva dots so evenly placed on long rows! Is there a technique you use or just good eyes for judging distance?

    Happy Crafting
    Heather xx


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