
Friday 3 August 2012

Tim Holtz Design Ruler

Hi Bloggers.

Something a bit different today. I was asked by blog follower Michelle how I managed to get the piercing to line up with the Tim Holtz Ruler. So, here's a little pictorial tutorial which may help.

Firstly, when I cut my mats I work in increments of 1/4 inch. So here, the blue card is 6 1/4". I want to pierce my white card so I have to allow extra space so have cut it 2 increments larger than the blue card i.e. 6 3/4". I have placed it on a pricking or piercing mat.

I place my Tim Holtz Ruler on top with the first broken line after the numbers lining up with the edge of the white card. At either end there is a hole that it just touching the edge of the card and I place a decorative stick pin in the next hole in.

Hold the ruler firmly and pierce through each hole with a piercing tool (mine is from Pinflair). If the ruler moves, adjust it and continue. When you get to the end, remove the pins, rotate the card, line the ruler up with the edge of the card again, pop the first pin in the last hole on the previous side and another pin at the end of this side and pierce as before.

Continue for all 4 sides and you're done!

Hope this helps those of you who have been struggling with the ruler. It's a great way to edge your cards especially if you haven't time to wait for PVA dots to dry!

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Morning Sue Ive got this ruler and makes it alot easier to pierce aroung the edges. It's one of the best things ive ever bought.

    Debs Artliff

  2. Morning Julia, thanks for giving us an in depth class on piercing I just have to practise more. I sure adds Interest to a card.


  3. Morning Julia,
    Tutorial is really helpful. It is just important to not forget where you are and just do all the pricking in one go.

  4. Hi Julia, thanks for this it will really help, as my really is still in it's packaging, due to a little apprehension. Bx

  5. Oops my ruler is still in it's packaging, not my really :-(

  6. Thanks for this Julia. Really helps to see it in pictures. Hugs, Buttons x

  7. Thanks for that JUlia, i love this technique and have struggled to make it all neat, now i know how and really its simple.
    Amanda x

  8. Morning Julia, Thank you for sharing your expertise with us, I was another 'comment leaver' who had asked how you manage to get your corners to match up. I thought it may be a measuring thing and you have just confirmed that for me, thanks. That is the reason that my corners don't match up, because I usually use an A4 card folded and then eyeball a border for the mats and layers and then I pierce the mat that goes onto the card, before I stick it on, so mine must never have been working out with the increments on Tim's ruler. I will be measuring with my ruler in future, so the holes work out right. Thank you so much Julia, for sharing this information with us all. Lots of love from Patricia xx

  9. Hi Julia,
    This was really useful I too struggled to get my piercing in line know where I have been going wrong now. Thank you.
    Have a good day.

  10. Thanks for the instructions Julia xx hazel

  11. Great tutorial Julia, sometimes its the little things that make a difference.

  12. Meant to say, i use bulldog clips to clip the ruler to the prinking mat, holds it in place nicely.

  13. Hi julia I finally got my tim holtz ruler on tuesday been trying to get it for ages been usimg normal ruler uptil now!! I haven't had a go yet as I've had terrible cold all week hopefully be able to craft again on monday!! Yippee!! Love lesleyxx

  14. Hi Julia, Great tips always wondered how you and Sue always got
    corners perfect mine weren't too bad but now I know.
    Nancyd xx

  15. So pleased you've done this tutorial. Maybe I'll be able to get mine to match up now!

  16. Hi Julia, thanks for the tutorial. I keep meaning to get this Ruler. Your tutorial has given me the incentive to get it..Enjoy your day..:)..xx

  17. Great tutorial Julia, thanks for taking the trouble to show us.

  18. Thank you so much for this tutorial...very helpful and great idea about putting the pin either side of the ruler before you start! Beverley x

  19. Hi Julia, I've had this ruler quite a while now and I love piercing, so I use it all the time! Carole Z X

  20. Hi Julia, you are a star! This tutorial is brilliant and thank you for taking the time to show us this technique. Will keep trying as so far my card still has a mind of it's own and moves even though I think I am holding is down firmly lol! Christine H xx

  21. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this tutorial for us - will have to give it a try! xx

  22. Hi Julia
    Thank you so much I have had this ruler for a while but have never tried it
    I sure will now.
    Take care

    Jane Llewellyn

  23. Hi Julia, many thanks, I can see where I was going wrong now, I was making my layers fit the card rather than working in mesurements, makes sense really.

  24. Thanks for the tip have always strugled with this they never seem to line up but will tske this on board now .Melanie

  25. Thanks Julia for the tip on this technique.

  26. Your a life saver, having just got the tim holtz ruler I was struggling with it - thanks so much for sharing x


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