
Monday 23 July 2012

Learn from Yesterday

Hi Bloggers.

Thank you so much for your support over the weekend on the POTW shows and here on the blog. It's much appreciated. It's good to know that you love the new dies as much as I do. Hels Sheridan takes over today with her first show at 3pm with Dawn. Hels made some of the samples that have been shown and the lovely decorations that were made using the Grand dies that were in the show. For those who asked you can access her blog from my right-hand sidebar. You will also find Sue Wilson's, Christine Emberson's and Sam Poole's blog there.

Here's something a bit different from your Spellbinders Pick of the Week.

I started with a piece of Milk card. I popped the Grid Mask on top at a jaunty angle and ran it through the Grand Calibur. I removed the mask and inked all over with Black Soot Distress Ink using Cut n Dry Foam.

I stamped the sentiment from the Creative Expressions Time Flies Stamp Set using Jet Black Archival and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I cut it out using Spellbinders Labels Twenty-Eight and inked with Black Soot while still in the die.

I cut a mustache out of black card using the Spellbinders Dear Old Dad die set and added it to the top of the sentiment panel. I cut the pocket out of Kraftcore again from the Dear Old Dad Die Set. At the emboss stage I added the Metal Effect Mask. I sanded it to reveal some of the core.

I stamped the pocket watch from the same stamp set onto Grungepaper using Jet Black Archival. I cut it out and tied some black Baker's Twine from the Primary Set around the top.

I assembled the card as shown and added a Key Charm (secured with Cosmic Shimmer Glue) and some dots of Cosmic Shimmer Pearlescent PVA in Black Pearl around the edges.

Hope you like the card. I've really grown to like the Dear Old Dad die set. Here's another simple card made with it -

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. I watched you demo the top card but the bottom looks really good ,where did you get the dad dies from ???.Melanie

    1. The dies are Cuttlebug that I've had for years!

  2. Super card Julia, have really enjoyed your shows over the weekend and looking forward to receiving my Venetian die set! Also looking forward to seeing Hels back on TV today, when I get home from work! Enjoy a rest today after a very hectic time and well done on setting a new fast sales record; between you, Sue and Spellbinders none of the other POTW's stand a chance :) Carole Z X

  3. Great card Julia. I really enjoyed your shows over the weekend.
    Carolyn B

  4. Hi Julia
    You have earnt a good rest after your shows this weekend, this card would have suited my late father, he loved his pocket watch.
    Have a great day and happy crafting.
    Tina x

  5. You did a great job Julia and it will be good to see Hels today also.

  6. Hi Julia, super card, more dies on the wish list, will have to wait a while though. Thanks for all the inspiration on the shows and your blog. Bx

  7. Morning Julia, Hope you are recovering from the hectic schedule that was the POTW, can't wait for all my goodies to arrive so I can start playing with them yippeeee !! This card is absolutely gorgeous Julia, a fantastic 'man card', loving the inked grid mask (I have previously seen this mask and dismissed it, will be putting it on my list in future), looks really good at a jaunty angle. Love the moustache die, the breast pocket and pocket watch. Love everything about this card. Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Lovely cards Julia and loved all your shows seen some great ideas for when my dies arrive. Looking forward to hels demo's today for a different take on the dies xx hazel

  9. Morning Julia,

    Saw this card on the box over the weekend. It's just right for a man's card. I t
    Think the moustache is great and it looks so comic on this card, it made me smile.

    Hope you are having a good rest after your marathon effort over the last few days. You did a sterling job especially with all the sellouts.

    Erica x

  10. Enjoyed all your shows Julia
    Love the stamps

    xx Sandra

  11. Julia what a super card , great stamping , I have that mask must use it more it looks fab Hugs Elaine

  12. Morning Julia
    Thank you for your demo's on C+C, as always a great inspiration.
    I saw you demo the top card but you had to add the wings for the mustache (haven't a clue how to spell that one!!!). Also love the simple DAD card, simple but effective.

  13. Hi Julia, this is a great card!! I enjoyed your shows on CR&CR..:)..This is a great idea for a mens' cards...:)..Enjoy your day..xx

  14. Hi julia I love these cards I wish I had seen these examples before I put my order in I might have added it to my order!! Well done on all your shows and enjot the rest! Love lesley xx

  15. Loved all the demo's from you this weekend. It is a shame the POW sold so quickly as I am sure you had more fantastic advice and demo's to share.

  16. Hi Julia,
    Just found your blog, Great shows over the past few days, your brain must be buzzing. Take a break now and relax.

  17. I loved this card when you demonstrated it on c & c. Loved all the shows, still have one or two to watch. Thank you for all the inspiration you gave us. Love the second card too xx

  18. Hi Julia

    Hope you are having a rest today after your busy weekend if your weather is anything like ours you can sit out in the sunshine, its a gorgeous day

    I have that mask and I havent used it yet so thanks for the inspiration

    Sue xxx

  19. Hi Julia,

    My dies arrived about 45 mins ago !!! They're beautiful..... can't wait to get home and try them out ! Loved the shows across the weekend.. Lynn xx

  20. Hi Julia - congratulations on your marathon TV appearances. Brilliant shows! I adore this card, so useful for male relatives. Unfortunately I bought my dies right at the beginning and didn't think I would use these - well....... now I've seen your demo I am thinking again. You must have a really brilliant imagination, you have made an absolute corker of a card. I also like the second one which is very simple, yet colourful - says it all really.

    My dies arrived about an hour ago so I am just going to have a little play! Bang goes the rest of the afternoon then!

    Hugs Sue P xx

    Ps You certainly deserve a rest now.

  21. Hi Julia, A great card all your shows were great inspiration
    still have a couple to watch yet, so looking forward to them I have recorded all Hels show too so I need a night alone to enjoy.
    Nancyd xx

  22. Got back from hols yesterday = missed out on potw - my bank balance may be relieved! Love the sentiment on this card snd enjoying catching up on all the blogs I missed! Sorry to have missed your shows!

  23. Hi Julia, enjoyed catching up with your shows I recorded last night. You sure have worked your little socks off this weekend. Love this card.


  24. Hi Julia just loved your shows also love this card as its always hard to make mens cards so thanks so much xx

  25. Love it, good to see a male card as not so easy to come up with fresh ideas x

  26. Enjoyed all the shows Julia and demo's The dies were great and really would like quite a few. Like the male card and it is something a bit different
    Carol E


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