
Friday 22 June 2012

Winner of the Demo Card

Hi Bloggers.

I've just drawn the winner of the demo card giveaway in this post. Bit late again, sorry!

The winner is number 17 - Planetsusie

Please email me at with your snail mail address and I'll pop the card in the post to you.

Thanks for all your comments. I really enjoyed reading about your fave card colour combos.

Must dash - have to pack to go to studio.

Please scroll down to the next post to see today's card.



  1. Oh oh oh - it was lovely to see my name on your blog as the winner of the demo card Julia. Thank you so much - I am definitely putting it in my craft room for inspiration!!!

    Am just off to email you - can't wait for your show today!

    Hugs Sue P xxx

    PS Craft is everything on Planetsusie!

  2. Enjoyed your demos on Create and Craft this evening. Must be difficult keeping control of Nigel May.

    Glad to have found your blogspot and will continue to follow your projects.



Only positive comments please!