
Sunday 17 June 2012

Demo Card Give Away

Hi Bloggers.

Hope you don't mind but this card has been sat on my desk for a few weeks now and it really needs a home. It's from one of the demos from when I launched the Spellbinders Diamond Deals last month but wasn't given away in a draw.

I did post the original card in this post. The difference with this card is that I used the Spellbinders Classic Scalloped Rectangles Large instead of the Fleur De Lis Rectangles as it had sold out. I also used the correct side of the embossing folder in this one! Full details of the embossing sandwiches used are in the original post.

If you'd like the chance to win this card please become a follower (if you're not already) and leave a comment. This time I'd like you to tell me what your favourite colour scheme is on a card. I'll draw a winner on Thursday evening at 7pm (please remind me if I forget!!).

Talking of followers, we're almost at the 200 mark. Once we reach 200, I'll draw a winner for the Spellbinders dies (see right-hand side bar).

Have a good day.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Well Julia, what can I say, a vibrant card, love the design but not struck on the colour. Great choice of backing paper, being Scottish tartan appeals to me. I prefer more subdued colours but maybe I need to inject a bit more colour in my life. Sue Wilson has me using her neutral card pack but I also bring in pastel colours. I have some flower dies and ink them up with distressed inks which can be as pale or vibrant as you want.


  2. The bright green on this card was a bit of a shockyou so early on a Sunday morning, especially after being on the on the wine last night LOL, but I really like the card and would love to give it a good home.

    Carolyn B

  3. Morning Julia, like Wilma I must admit I do tend to go for more pastel shades but have always loved green especially teal - but is that bordering on blue? Sometimes we need to be more adventurous with our colours and the outcome can amaze us. Love the card and the concept. Have a lovely Sunday, hugs Christine H x

  4. This card really catches attention, so bright and colourful, although I like colours, my favourite combination is black and white, don't think you can go wrong with that, Mary x

  5. Love this card would love to win it! My favourite colours are black with white or cream and with a pastel colour thrown in now and then. I can never get on with teal and avoid it like the plague! Happy Sunday everyone.

  6. Lovely colours Julia, I especially like the tartan backing paper.
    Pink and grey are one of my favourite colour combinations.
    Have a lovely Sunday

    xx Sandra

  7. Morning Julia love the colours on this card. This is a hard decision picking my favourite colour combination. i suppose at present it the electric blue and white. it depends on the season and card really although i also love green and white, white on white and red and white too xx hazel

  8. Hi Julia, this is a really striking card. I guess my favourite colour combo is red, black and white. Then again I also like Blue and Silver, and cream and gold. Bx

  9. Hi Julia i do like this card.
    My colour combo well i love all colours but think it's white with diffirent shades of lilac and when i stamp a sentiment i like to to the deepest shade of lilac. BUT my colour combo does change with the seasons. lol

  10. Lovely card Julia

    I love black with vibrant colours ann white. Love cream and gold and white on white too. Actually I dont think I have a colour that I dont like lol

    That was a hard question

    Sue xxx

  11. Hi Julia
    I love black and white with a touch of red always looks so elegant. Beautiful card.

  12. So love this card! My favourite colour is green and the other cool colours so this is perfect for me. I try to use other colours in my challenges but inevitably go back to greens! Michelle x

  13. Good Morning Julia and all fellow crafters!

    A very difficult question for me as being an artist I love to paint and craft in every colour going, but especially bold bright colours as nature very rarely is in pastels - just look at the flowers in the garden and the colours in the sea - not just blue. I think im usually pulled towards crafting in blues, purples, lilacs however i also craft with alot of red and black and Kraft, at the moment its Kraft with every colour going (not on the same card!!) So im stuck to answer this question, without writing an essay!!
    I do love the choice of colours on this card although im not so sure on the layout, i love the little accents on the the bow, and would be very happy to give him a home!
    Best Wishes

  14. Hi Julia and all, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this card!! I love the vibrant colours as I'm not a "Pastel" person, and I like the way this card is versatile in the layout,any dies would be suitable..:)..I know in cardmaking for others I have to tone down for other peoples taste but for my own I love bold colours. As for a favourite colour, it's very difficult to choose!! My all time fav is green of any shade..because in nature any colour goes with it. (My bedroom is painted a calming green). But I love Brights -Emerald (green) Teal, Purple, Yellow..infact all the colours of the,- sorry,- apart from Green I can't really choose, cos each time I think of one colour, I think..but what about this or that colour? ...Well there you have it!! I like ALL colours that are bright...Enjoy your day..xx

  15. Love the card Julie, the colours are stunning.

    Difficult to give favourite colour combinations but if have to give one I will go with black , white and red

    Tracie xx

  16. Hi Julia Like this card and especially sentiment and the ribbon. My favourite colours are pinks, lilac, creams,bluey greens and sometimes oranges and browns. I suppose I like most colours really. Love vintage and lace
    Carol E

  17. Sorry I haven't been by for a while but am catching up now! This card is great and is so totally different (colourwise) to what I usually do. I was converted to green by Sue W and I love it! It is a really nice design and I love the pins.

    As for your question about colours, I love vintage pinks, browns, creams myself. Then again I also love purples and blues. I suppose it depends on the mood or how I feel when I am trying to be creative LOL!!

    Hugs Sue P xx

    PS I love the card further down in the red white and blue - it is certainly very eyecatching. I shall be having a go at re-creating it!

  18. fab card Julia - really striking colour combo - I love the little corners

  19. Really like this card, I have always thought og tarten as being quite masculin but with the stripped grograin ribbon it looks really feminine. As for favourite colour in cards I love the rich, opulent colours brown/beige/ gold, bluey lilacs or pinks with cream, or black with cream or green, but mainly it will cepend on who I am making the card for.

  20. Not sure this combo is for me -the jury is still out. I love all sorts of colours, but my favourites are the cool spring colours ( blues, pinks, purples and fresh greens). At the moment I am loving neutral cards with a splash of colour. Ju

  21. Hi Julia,Love this card the colours and design and bow are great
    I am not usually a bright colour girl but really like this one.
    I tend to go pink and black or pastel colours.
    Nancyd xx


Only positive comments please!