
Saturday 12 May 2012

Little box to go with yesterday's card and some Candy!

Hi Bloggers,

Today I have a little box to match yesterday's card. We often make cards but forget about how we present a gift. I had some of the plaid paper left over so I thought a matching gift box would be a great way to use it.

I used the Spellbinders Square Bracket Edge Box. I cut the top from the Cat Plaid paper and the bottom from lime green card. I also cut 2 ribbon buckles from the Spellbinders Ribbon Buckles Die Set to co-ordinate with the card from yesterday. All the dies fitted onto my Grand Calibur base plate.

I embossed the base with the Small Polka Dots Mask. Just to confirm - the sandwich you need with your Grand Calibur is base plate, tan mat, die with card in it with the cutting edge going into your tan mat, mask, pink embossing plate. I do it this way so I can see where the pattern of the mask is going to be on my die cut. It doesn't matter if the base plate or the pink plate is on the bottom. You must make sure the cutting edge of the die is away from your mask and going into the tan mat.

I embossed the other die cuts in the usual way with no embossing additions.

Here's all the components ready for assembly -

Assembly is really easy. You can see from the photo where the embossed folding lines are. Just fold and fix with Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue and you're done! Easy Peasy!

Now, before I go - I've noticed that this little blog is approaching 100 followers. So, I thought I'd better mark the occasion with some candy. When we reach 100 followers, I will draw a name at random and the lucky winner will receive a set of Spellbinder Wavy Rectangles.

Good Luck!

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Hi Julia, Great idea never thought of embossing while still on the die will have to give it a try.


  2. Super box Julia, i haven't tried embossing whilst still in the die either...must give it a go! Carole Z X

  3. Small and perfectly formed! Thanks for reviewing the masking technique. It creates such a lovely finish. Hugs, Buttons x

  4. Hi Julia. What a great little box. Love the colour combination. Thanks for your reminders for the "sandwich". I always have to think really hard before doing this to make sure not cutting the mask. Thinks I've got it now... lol. Maureen

  5. Love the box Julia, yet more dies to add to my wish list. Bx

  6. Lovely box, I've never seen those dies before they look great.

    Clare x

  7. the box is lovely these are some dies that are on my wish list, maybe i will pop them on my christmas list lol. loving the dies for the giveaway glad to be in with a chance of winning. xx hazel

  8. Stunning box I have this die but never thought of embosing it ,
    Sadly I lost my brother this week and may not be arround for a while but thanks for the chance of candy I will pop by when I have the chance here is my blog address .Melanie

    1. Melanie, so sorry to hear of your sad loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! Take care! Christine H

    2. Melanie, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time...May Jehovah comfort you in your time of need...xx

    3. Sorry to hear your sad news. Take care. Julia x

  9. Hi Julia,
    Fantastic box, will have to add this die to my wish list. Love the embossing on it.
    Have a great day
    Caz x

  10. Hi Julia, what a good idea, I love this box, looks like another die to add to my ever increasing list. Keeping my fingers crossed for the candy prize (lol)!! Enjoy your day. Christine H xx

  11. Hi Julia, I love this box and the colour combination you have done, and the tutorial..seeing how you make it helps a lot..:) Another die to add to the wish list, which gets longer every would like to be entered for the prize pls..Although I comment on here, I'm not sure if I'm a follower (as not very comp literate) so could anyone on here enlighten me

  12. love the plaid. where do you get your card and paper stock?

    1. The Cat Plaid paper is from Colemans Warehouse in Rusden. The card is some I've had in my stash for some years now! Julia.


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