
Monday 16 April 2012

Back from Ally Pally

Hi Bloggers,

I got back last night from Ally Pally. I had a great time and met some really lovely crafters.

Here are a few photos of my fellow demonstrators on the Creative Expressions stand.

Here's Hels with her gorgeous Studio 490 creations -

Here's Sam with some of her Steampunk samples and journalling pages -

And finally, here's Leonie getting mucky with eco green paints -

Will be back tomorrow with a card.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Looks like you are all having a ball - e I am envious because I couldn't manage to attend and always love the Ally Pally shows.

  2. Looks like you all had fun wish i could go but its too far for me to travel

  3. It was so lovely to get to see you in person and get to see your beautiful creations up close - there is just so much more to them than 2D photos can show.
    Hope you don't mind, but when a lady asked me how to use masks I sent her in your direction because I knew your work would inspire her.
    Looking forward to seeing more wonderful projects from you in blogland.
    Hugs, Buttons x


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